How was your summer?

Worked everyday in the week...had weekends off which as cool. Smashed a couple of new chicks and then cut ties with them. Didn't take a vacation which sucked. Got back on the green for a minute, and now I'm about to stop burning again. Summer wasn't as good as last summer overall...
My summer has been pretty basic. The highlight was the family vacation in Maine but nobody really had fun.

All I've been doing is working and working.

A girl I liked a lot lost contact with me and I've been reeling about it ever since.I thought she was the one for me because I was finally ready for a relationship but life goes on. 

School is starting soon so I hope to find one there.
Went to Canada for a weekend, then went to Germany for 2 weeks. Went to downtown Frankfurt to skateboard, and copped a pair of globe superfly's while I was there. If anyone gets the chance to go to germany, GO. I've been there 7 times, amazing every time. Starting Highschool in the fall. Looking forward to being a freshman.
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

other than cali big blur, but my favorite season has always been autumn-fall ...late august to halloween

bruh this autumn-fall  nice cool weather the leaves then the females looking for their winter hookup plus the fall-winter gear is always on point 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

still no license, no car.
no job

16y/o no license but have a car

It was alright, was expecting more but my grade sucks for partying and s%%$ like that.
My summer was bittersweet I moved from MD to TX after living in MD for the last 16 years of my life(im only 19 btw) so i had to leave behind all my best friends, but the thing about it was it was my choice to move because there was nothing left for me in MD besides them and I needed a new chapter in my life. So i spent a month of summer in MD before moving which was chill just chilled with friends, took a road trip, smoked too much, and just took everything in. Came to texas and started meeting new people and I am gonna have a great school year at UT this year i know it. I went back to visit MD these past 2 weeks and it was SO SICK. I still had my house there cause it hasnt sold yet and it was completely empty cause I came by myself. So that was the trap house, we smoked in that !*%, i had dope party there which i always wanted to do, and i got to chill with my boys again. Overall i got a good amount of bodies this summer too so that was straight but i know this aint the best summer i have in store for me
never had a better summer, had to slow down this month cause it was to intense.. going to montreal labor day wkd, cant wait   
Had ONE sucessful time out to the club...worked two jobs

Thought there was no such thing as over training but I definitely did that this summer...knees are finito
Worst summer of ALL TIME. Did not do a single memorable thing, only worked and saved money so I can move out my fams house
A roller coaster...

Back/Forth with the lady...
New jobs were jobs were taken away
Lots of VA beach
Gearing up for a move here if one of these remaining jobs I interviewed with do not grant me a positive background check
pretty dope summer i guess

1. All expense trip to NY for my job
2. Went on a weekend trip to the mts with my boo (simp life)

3. Earned about 8 stacks workin at my internship

4. Blazed some #@# that literally put me to sleep within an hr

5. Leave for Spain to study abroad in a couple weeks.....
Doesn't even feel like summer yo I turn 18 next month and thats when school starts

Got no buns this summer, meh not the first time... And continued working at the worst place eva.

Can't wait to turn 18, get my license, get a new job, and start over again meeting new people.

Feel like I have been working non stop for a year and when I get days off I can't get the feeling of being refreshed back, its been like this for a damn year i-sh blows.
my summer was goin well until about 7 or 8 weeks ago

summer started moved off campus with to stay with my homie, was gonna stay there til i graduated in DEC i needed a place to stay so i could work and go to summer school
and he needed help with bills so it was a win win. everything is goin as planned for about a month then....

-car broke down have to miss work, finally get in contact with someone to come get me and bring me home....... power goes out at the crib FML

-everything is goin well been there about a month he decides hes movin back to houston and i cant handle the bill by myself so i scrambling callin back home to my parents tryna find a solution

-i go to class break my %%+$** leg playin ultimate frisbee, im thinkin its cool cast it up it'll be fine

-go to a bone specialist find out i need surgery torn ligaments also smfh

everything happened the week just before july 4th so my whole summer was #%%

i did go to miami for a week right after the semester ended though that was
Wasted a whole summer pretty much...
Don't care though, it was relaxing none the less.

Leave to South Padre Island on Friday.

Highlight of the Summer! 
- headed into the summer fresh off graduating college
- still working my internship til' i find another job
- kicked it with some old friends
- drunk plenty of alcohol
- went to cedar point theme park and kalahari water park
- probably in some of the best shape of my life
- alot of boxing and basketball
- going to chicago tomorrow to go see my gf
- reached or on my way to reaching all of my short-term goals
- about to study for the GMAT

 all in all, pretty damn good
probably the worst summer of my life, thanks for asking.

let's see: staph infection, strep throat, tree fell on my house, and today i came home to a house that had been burglarized. all in about 1.5 months.

maybe i'll get into a car accident tomorrow.
I haven't had a good summer since 07/08.. my HS days.. this summer started off well.. I went to the Bay area back in June, that was awesome.. but I broke up with my girl after that.. havent done anything, but work full time and smoke a lot of trees.. haven't gotten buns at all..... looking forward to the fall.
Definitely one of the better summers of my life..
- had the chance to become A LOT more active (gym, basketball, cycling)
- gained a ton of my self-confidence back
- kept it somewhat productive by taking summer school
- made the most of my days ( going out/catching up with the homies, trying new things, adventures)
- had a much more positive outlook on life, in general

Life has been great since the start of this summer !
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