How would you change the Gun Laws?

Would you allow the Public Guns

  • Yes The Public Gets Guns

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but only certain individuals in the public gets guns (state who these people are)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only Current Government Workers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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reloading= making your own ammo. it's really easy to do.

i don't think changing laws will do anything. if you want something bad enough you can get it. the only thing i can see working is making everywhere like the airport. we all know that would suck though.

guns aren't going anywhere, too many of them out there. same with ammo. dudes are sitting on thousands and thousands of rounds just for this reason.
The other thing I'm having trouble with after hearing and reading interviews in the last while is the thought that responsible gun owners keep their guns in a safe, trigger locked, unloaded and the ammo somewhere else secure.

For a hunting weapon that makes sense to me but if it is for defence (I've never got how shooting someone is defence anyway - surely that's offence?) I don't get how that works. If someone decides to rob you they're not going to wait 5 minutes for you to get your gun out and loaded.

Not much of a protection. More just an excuse IMO. That, or the whole thing about everything being locked away isn't true.
reloading= making your own ammo. it's really easy to do.


ive heard this claim before about people making their own ammo but we live in the real world, better yet we live in America and people are ******g LAZY.

is ammo easy to make?


but so is jailbreaking an iphone
modding an xbox
giving your car a tuneup
minor house plumbing
hanging a flat screen tv

but how many lazy americans dont know and refuse to teach themselves how to do these things?

as many DIY youtube videos out there, how many people dont even attempt to search Google, or watch a DIY video?

they'd rather pay someone else to do it.

how many times even on NT have people made a thread on NT asking a question Google or Youtube could have easily answered for them in a fraction of the time it took for them to make thread a await replies?

these people?

these people.

these are the people you think are just gonna crack open a diy ammo kit and get to work huh?


yeah. it may be hard to regulate, but you have to start somewhere.

to further expand on the Gun Range idea. the Gun Ranges can be like those high end cigar shops, where you pay them to store your cigars and you stop by to enjoy them when you want.

the Gun Range could store your 1,000's of rounds for you
The other thing I'm having trouble with after hearing and reading interviews in the last while is the thought that responsible gun owners keep their guns in a safe, trigger locked, unloaded and the ammo somewhere else secure.
For a hunting weapon that makes sense to me but if it is for defence (I've never got how shooting someone is defence anyway - surely that's offence?) I don't get how that works. If someone decides to rob you they're not going to wait 5 minutes for you to get your gun out and loaded.
Not much of a protection. More just an excuse IMO. That, or the whole thing about everything being locked away isn't true.

It's all a damn EXCUSE.

Trust that a large majority of pro-gunners don't own guns for the sake of protection.
Trust that a large majority of pro-gunners don't own guns for the sake of protection.

of course not. you know that, i know that, THEY KNOW THAT.

thats what makes a limit on ammo per owner/household so sweet because it cuts them off at the knees.

a limit on ammo allows us to use their own words against them. its the biggest leg they have to stand on.....home protection.

home protection you say?



10 rounds.

now protect your home.

get caught with anything more? hefty fines and confiscation of ALL of your arms 10 rounds and all.
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ive heard this claim before about people making their own ammo but we live in the real world, better yet we live in America and people are ******g LAZY.

is ammo easy to make?


but so is jailbreaking an iphone
modding an xbox
giving your car a tuneup
minor house plumbing
hanging a flat screen tv

but how many lazy americans dont know and refuse to teach themselves how to do these things?

as many DIY youtube videos out there, how many people dont even attempt to search Google, or watch a DIY video?

they'd rather pay someone else to do it.

how many times even on NT have people made a thread on NT asking a question Google or Youtube could have easily answered for them in a fraction of the time it took for them to make thread a await replies?

these people?

these people.

these are the people you think are just gonna crack open a diy ammo kit and get to work huh?


yeah. it may be hard to regulate, but you have to start somewhere.

to further expand on the Gun Range idea. the Gun Ranges can be like those high end cigar shops, where you pay them to store your cigars and you stop by to enjoy them when you want.

the Gun Range could store your 1,000's of rounds for you

Who says I shoot my guns at a gun range?
So if I live middle of nowhere Texas I'd have to drive countless hours to a gun range in order to shoot?

give and take.

with my plan you get to KEEP the guns, you have to give something up.

dont like the distance?

start one yourself.
help fund one in your area.

think outside the box.
I think everyone should have a gun license when you hit 18. It would promote gun knowledge and safely as lower fears of guns. It will also allow for those who have violent history and mental issues to be kept from guns.

Imagine in the corner of your license it said gun certified with q letter such as class d for pistols.

Gun license require licenses so that would stop people like Adam larenzo from getting practice.
give and take.

with my plan you get to KEEP the guns, you have to give something up.

dont like the distance?

start one yourself.
help fund one in your area.

think outside the box.

You have no idea how hard it is to start a gun range do you?
You have no idea how hard it is to start a gun range do you?

20 kids were just MURDERED, i couldnt care less how hard it is.

either make it happen or sit there and take it.

innocent peoples lives>>>>>>>>>>how far YOU have to travel to enjoy a lethal toy

cry me a ******g river

what i propose is a hell of alot easier to swallow compared to what Joe Biden has in store. you can bet on that.

Joe Biden just may take your assault weapons AND your ammo.

and you complaining about distance to travel to enjoy a lethal toy or how hard it is to start a local gun range.
I wouldn't change any gun laws, just put in new laws involving social media and how much coverage they put out on a particular case. It is the media that inspires copycats to actually commit more of these horrific massacres. The more and more coverage there is, the more the killer gets attention and fame that they never got.They sacrifice their lives to make a name for themselves, whether it is for the good or bad. To me, gun laws won't do anything. 
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I think everyone should have a gun license when you hit 18. It would promote gun knowledge and safely as lower fears of guns. It will also allow for those who have violent history and mental issues to be kept from guns.
Imagine in the corner of your license it said gun certified with q letter such as class d for pistols.
Gun license require licenses so that would stop people like Adam larenzo from getting practice.

Man shut up with this none sense....

Fear of guns you said?...they *****in kill fam, what is there not to be fearful of?
Gun knowledge you say?...cops have plenty of knowledge on their weapon, we've all seen the mistakes they make under stress.

Please use your head.
Man shut up with this none sense....
Fear of guns you said?...they *****in kill fam, what is there not to be fearful of?
Gun knowledge you say?...cops have plenty of knowledge on their weapon, we've all seen the mistakes they make under stress.
Please use your head.

Guns are nothing more than an object. Any object can be used for good or evil, it all depends on what the end user wishes to use it.

You are so mistaken on that last point to the point it's stupid. A shooter who goes to the range once a month every month gets more trigger time than a lot of cops. There are plenty of cops who only carry a gun because they have to and the only time they do shoot is to qualify.
Man shut up with this none sense....
Fear of guns you said?...they *****in kill fam, what is there not to be fearful of?
Gun knowledge you say?...cops have plenty of knowledge on their weapon, we've all seen the mistakes they make under stress.
Please use your head.

Yea if you know how it works it leads to less stress being around it. I've been around people who have frights of a gun just being in a room. The knowledge would have it so there is less misinformation and more understanding of guns.

I'm not saying every citizen should be armed but by making it mandatory we can quell gun fears and point out everyone from a stamp of their ID card who should be NO WHERE NEAR A GUN.
Q. How many NRA members does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. More guns.
A. More guns.

i LOVE their answer.

...its like Romney and the Republican party this last term. they're too stubborn and out of touch to be able to comprehend that their beliefs and stance on the issue is out of date.
Good analogy. Like the Republicans they need progressive leadership to make changes - tough to see that happening though as they have to pander to the current masses to be elected.

It was sad reading what someone posted about their leader in the 20s and how reasonable he seemed to be. Now we have 'cold, dead hands' etc. and that's it.

Got members here supporting their arch enemy Ronnie Dutch Reagan and not even realizing it. Stop and frisk prevents violence too. We support that now too?

Gun control is race control, fascists.
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