How would you feel if someone proposed at your wedding?

What if you're the groom and the chick getting proposed to is your side piece?
That aint stopping her from being my sidepiece.

That's the problem. The couple getting married didn't spend all that money so you can be like oh this is my event too and we'll celebrate our thing.

This right here.

At my wedding reception one my oldest friends randomly announced that him and his girlfriend had gotten married weeks before and hadn't told anyone. Me, my family, friends and everyone at the reception were super happy and made the reception even better

But real **** I woke the a day or two later feeling lightweight kinda 0]


I know what they were thinking. "Let's do it at the courthouse for free and then when Law and his girl get married we just announce it and make their wedding party ours too!" :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: CHEAP!

That hustle is strong.
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Man, this is a non-issue.

Keep the champagne flowing.

It's a party.

It's all love.
Let me ask you this... thoughts on doing it at an international destination wedding a couple days before or after the wedding day? 

Wouldn't do it myself; not nearly as bad. 
They're your friends though. Why can't you just be happy for them?

we are but hey not tell me if you plan on doing it?

If someone came to me before hand and said hey man I wanna do this most of us here would be down for that.
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