Howard University is a %%*#*#* joke. vol. I'm transferring

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Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

to say there is no need for HBCUs is ridiculous...they are a school like any other...the key word is HISTORICALLY...anyone can go...if HBCUs were to shut down where would all those students go?
They'd magically come up with the potentially up to 10's of 1000's of dollar more to go somewhere classy like Arizona State.
Hey, %#$# you buddy!

Homogenous schools FTL.

(But seriously, ASU >>> Howard. I bet you a vast majority of people at Howard would prefer to go to ASU. There's no way to calculate this, butwho's gonna pick D.C. over Tempe?
I go HU now, after reading your OG post I was like let dude live, HU isn't for everybody. but now im starting to notice you are just nit picking andpicking out every negative aspect...

my only questions are what is your major? and where do you want to transfer to next?
Originally Posted by I R Andre

I really don't know what the +@+# I was thinking coming to a HBCU with all the options I had for colleges. If you're thinking of coming to Howard or any HBCU in general and you're smart just don't do it to yourself. They're gonna throw money at you and make you think its some great school and you're going to be amongst scholars and continuing some bull *#@% legacy they think exists in their mind when in reality its just an average school where every one just happens to be black and moderately intelligent(and thats being generous).It's nothing like you think it will be or how they describe it. I knew something was seriously wrong with this school when i transferred and they lost my transcript causing me to be 2 1/2 weeks behind in all my classes.

Everything about this school screams sub-par to the $!#%%% dorms to professors that regularly don't show up for class yet expect you to be responsible for material they didn't teach. The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular. on top of all the problems in this school they are increasing the tuition too!

I could go on and on but I won't fact is HBCU's are pointless in this day and age it defeats the purpose of college. You go to school to meet all different kinds of people- its a very monotonous atmosphere. If you're a smart black person I suggest you don't waste your time and your money like I did. I'm getting these A's and getting TFO. Chicks are bad tho

and before any one asks yes I am mad, by the time I leave ill have wasted 8 months of my life and thousands of dollars. Don't do it to yourselves my smart black ppl. Not worth the headache.

cliff notes:
-Howard sucks.


DUH...but youre not supposed to tell. shame on you for letting the cat out the bag. Howard is what you make of it. Go in do you and doors will swing open foryou. But if you're sub par...and you know you're at a sub par will only take the L cuz Howard is never going to change.

I wouldn't trade my experience at Howard for the world.

co sign to homie up there that said the neighborhood is nice now compared to earlier years, i remember in the 90s if you wasnt from around there, your gettinrobbed/shot at/stabbed, bammas use to steal cars at stop lights that had VA/MD tags

and LDP (LeDroit Park) use to be a ZOO.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by I R Andre

The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular.
This neighborhood is leaps and bounds compared to what it used to be.
@ you being gassed cuz the neighborhood upgrade from $$++to crap. Dream big!

Cleary you're just Charmin soft.
I'm not but thats besides the point $%@#!# shouldn't have to be tookie williams to go to class. Why is that most of the people defendingHoward sound really stupid in their rebuttals.

This will be my last post in here tho, debate is going around in circles and I'm transferring anyway so enjoy your "bison experience"
Originally Posted by DaKing301

theres no need for HBC or any colleges lacking diversity.....this is 2009.....mix it up

anyone can go to an HBCU...if "other" people choose not to of course it will continue to stay majority black...doens't mean it should beclosed...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DaKing301

theres no need for HBC or any colleges lacking diversity.....this is 2009.....mix it up

anyone can go to an HBCU...if "other" people choose not to of course it will continue to stay majority black...doens't mean it should be closed...
Smartest thing I've read in this entire post... people tend to forget that ANYBODY can attend an HBCU... they just choose not to...

Now, I've been to both a PWI (East Carolina University) and an HBCU (Shaw University) and it's VASTLY different... Shaw (and from what other peopletell me of other HBCUs) always seems to have problems in the administration (most notably in the finances department)... there never seems to be muchrenovation going on and the educational atmosphere is very much high school... people talking on their cell phones in the middle of lectures, professorsconstantly cancelling class and whatnot... it was just a bad experience... not to mention, I didn't receive any funds until November for the fall semesterand was barely scratching by up until that point... now at ECU, I left back in 06 and I've recently returned and SO much has changed... so manyrenovations... it's how college is SUPPOSED to be in my opinion... I lived right down the street from Shaw for 20 years before going and never once sawanything new until they put up a new science building... there are no problems with administration (minus a few ******ed people), classes are done properly andwe're considered a party school so I KNOW at other PWIs, it's probably a better experience when it comes to academics...

That being said, to remove HBCUs would be ridiculous... 1) there's enough of our culture and history that's been torn down and ignored as it is... torid our country of HBCUs would be the last thing we need as a culture... 2) if the administration problems and education curriculums could be fixed, HBCUswould be ideal for me... they have the social part down (which believe it or not, is essential in college) but they still are lacking in the other major areasthat complete the college experience... 3) they are WAAAAAAAAAY overpriced and that's just ridiculous... I paid $18,000 to go to Shaw and I think I paymaybe $12K to go to ECU... all because Shaw has a private school tag and they're an HBCU

But like others have said, college is what you make it... so if you don't like it, by all means, transfer... if you're not going to transfer, then youshould probably just remain quiet...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DaKing301

theres no need for HBC or any colleges lacking diversity.....this is 2009.....mix it up

anyone can go to an HBCU...if "other" people choose not to of course it will continue to stay majority black...doens't mean it should be closed...

And by the time you are ready to are going to be anxious to get out of there regardless of if it's a PWI or HBCU.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by I R Andre

The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular.
This neighborhood is leaps and bounds compared to what it used to be.
@ you being gassed cuz the neighborhood upgrade from $$++ to crap. Dream big!

Cleary you're just Charmin soft.
I'm not but thats besides the point $%@#!# shouldn't have to be tookie williams to go to class. Why is that most of the people defending Howard sound really stupid in their rebuttals.

This will be my last post in here tho, debate is going around in circles and I'm transferring anyway so enjoy your "bison experience"

Good riddance Tampax.
Some of y'all who haven't been to Howard and are defending it and calling the OP stuck-up or whatever need to get a grip. Howard was once a very greatschool, noted for its activism and rich cultural experience. It truly was a place someone could have pride in saying they went to. Now, that's really notas much the case. The school isn't *terrible*, but it needs some major upgrades. Lol, maybe not all HBCU's are like this, but HU damn sure is. Thesepost always go South very fast for no good reason...
This is exactly why Im not going to an HBCU. Hardly anybody in the corporate world knows what they are. Paying thousands of dollars, to completely ruin mychances at a decent job never really appealed to me.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

This is exactly why Im not going to an HBCU. Hardly anybody in the corporate world knows what they are. Paying thousands of dollars, to completely ruin my chances at a decent job never really appealed to me.
I find it hard to imagine how you could be any more wrong. Some of the top firms/corporations do hiring at HBCU's because its basically afeeding ground for "diversity quota's"....but that's a whole other discussion
Jasmine Joof said she has been sick with congestion, coughing and headaches for several weeks after discovering the mold growing in her Howard University dorm caused an allergic reaction.

The sophomore said she reported the mold issue to a residential adviser in September, but it was never addressed. So in October, she along with other students facing similar living conditions in their dorms decided they would sleep in tents and air mattresses at the university's Blackburn Center to protest and demand that officials address their concerns. Some have also complained about flooding, roach and mice infestation and non-working Wifi in their dorms at the historically Black university in Washington, DC.
antidope antidope
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