Howard University is a %%*#*#* joke. vol. I'm transferring

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exactly why I didn't go to an HBCU. My pops wanted me to go to one back in the day but my uncle said one of the smartest things which was why would yousend me to a school that dosen't truly reflect the real world demographics. America is not all black, so you have to learn to work with different races
Ima be on campus from 11 to 5 tomorrow.
Let me know if something is going to pop off
^ not everyone grew up around all black people so they may want a chance to be somewhere where the majority of people are like them...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Was going to Morehouse on a full scholarship...

they flaked.

Was going to Howard on a scholarship...

they ignored.

Was going to PVamu on scholarship...

my family stone faced me.

Was going to UT-Austin on scholarship... felt like an athlete because they sent recruiters to my school every week to see if I was going...

I waited..

Decided Texas A&M was my best decision...

they gave me a lot of money--handled everything well.

Now, I look back, A&M was the best decision of my life. A&M has given me an experience like no other--sometimes overwhelming, but non the less an experience I will cherish. I have become assimilated into the society and it feels like I'm not even in college--it feels like I'm on another world where good grades is the only way you will survive.

Will I have had this experience at a HBCU, probably not. Not everyday you can claim you must work harder than the rest to be recognized as I am the only minority in a lot of my classes.

my views--everything! definitely better than these half-experiences at Gtech where I visited. Wasn't worth it.

No offense, but it sounds like they weren't planning to give you a scholarship if each of those schools flaked, unless I am missing something. If they really wanted you as an athlete, they wouldn't ignore you or flake, so all that is really on you and how well you played your sport.

As far feeling as if grades are everything, public school wise in Texas, nothing will compare to UT.

could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?

I made a thread about this one time, I was basically called a closet racist for even asking this. The only responses I had dealt with the origins of HBCU's. I found it ironic that I got a lot of "i wanted diversity" responses.

Well, you did go to UT so your point is void.

And I'm not an athlete--sorry. Just got a scholarship due to academics. Morehouse was playing a game with me. Wanted me to commit in June and then theywould relay my scholarship money. A&M hit me up in February and so did UT with the money.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

^ not everyone grew up around all black people so they may want a chance to be somewhere where the majority of people are like them...
yea that is a pretty good reason
it could be worst. my girl goes to CAU and they just fired a bunch of professors mid semester. now my girl don't know if she's gonna graduate because aclass she needed is canceled until they can find somebody to teach it.
OP is wyling big time. If you think just Howard University has a bad administration then you are delusional. I'm a Howard alumni and yes the administrationdoes certainly suck if you are a transfer student, but you have to be on top of things as much as possible. It sounds like you are pointing out every bad thingabout the school just because you mad. Yes it's smack dab in the hood of DC but trust me it's not in the worst part of DC at all. And people can getrobbed at ANY SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY. That ain't nothing specific to HBCU's, quit playing yourself man.

And like someone said above not everyone grows up around black people so why can't they have the option to go to an HBCU? So what yall think race issuesare non existent today and all HBCU's should be closed? SMH at this nonsense, you acting like they discriminating or something. Not every one has the moneyor SAT scores to go to a big time University, Obama may say that he wants to make sure everyone has access to a college education but let's be clear THERARE STILL ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE MET.

Howard University is a great school and I would recommend it to anyone who's not just looking at all the glitz and glamour of a newly renovated campus or atop ranked division 1 football team. I suggest Howard to anyone who wants a great college atmosphere (Homecoming), opportunities to network with countlesssuccessful alumni, and the opportunity to meet or see prominent figures in society today. While I was there from 03-07, Barack Obama, Oprah, Bill Gates,President Bush, John Kerry, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, Jay-Z, Michael Wilbon and countless others made appearances at my school for various events.
I really wish you wouldn't of said you're an alumni because I've seen you post straight up ignorant comments. Now I'm ashamed. I'm notdelusional tho, dozens of people transfer students and just regular incoming freshman have told me that the administration sucks. You're the one living inwonderland. And what kinda moron picks a school based on how poppin the homecoming is? It's not a great college atmosphere its a monotonous one. I couldcare less about celebrities, celebrities aren't gonna help me get a job when I graduate. Stop lying to the people. N you're like "the glitz andglam of this and that" but when in reality this school has millions of dollars and the nicest thing on the entire campus is the ilab- thats the computerroom for those that dont go here. They have no glitz and glamour-period.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

I really wish you wouldn't of said you're an alumni because I've seen you post straight up ignorant comments. Now I'm ashamed. I'm not delusional tho, dozens of people transfer students and just regular incoming freshman have told me that the administration sucks. You're the one living in wonderland. And what kinda moron picks a school based on how poppin the homecoming is? It's not a great college atmosphere its a monotonous one. I could care less about celebrities, celebrities aren't gonna help me get a job when I graduate. Stop lying to the people. N you're like "the glitz and glam of this and that" but when in reality this school has millions of dollars and the nicest thing on the entire campus is the ilab- thats the computer room for those that dont go here. They have no glitz and glamour-period.
Who said you should pick a school for the homecoming alone? I used that as an example of how the atmosphere is around the school duringhomecoming. You just nitpicking at anyone who has a different opinion than you. Just because you are currently in a bad situation at Howard doesn't meananyone else that went there is in the same boat. And how am I lying to the people? When did I say Howard was glamorous? By glitz and glam I was describingcharacteristics of a large nationally popular University like Ohio State or something. And you're talking about my ignorant comments???
, but you calling people N**** and what not? I didn't know the comment policewere out trolling the Niketalk forums to see if our college alumni are speaking appropriately. Clearly they missed your last few posts on here. Get outta herewith that holier than thou BS man.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

LOL. If you think Howard is bad don't come to Prairie View. !##! is horrendous around here. I'm leaving this coming fall. I don't even know how this place still has accreditation.
it is

I go up there all the time to parties and homecoming since I love on 1960 in Htown
..but I've heard horror stories of financial aid office crap

Shoutouts to my boy Darrel R.
Didn't know we had Panthers on NT.

I'm not one though.

Shout out to NGenius, Paper Boy Ent.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by I R Andre

I really don't know what the +@+# I was thinking coming to a HBCU with all the options I had for colleges. If you're thinking of coming to Howard or any HBCU in general and you're smart just don't do it to yourself. They're gonna throw money at you and make you think its some great school and you're going to be amongst scholars and continuing some bull *#@% legacy they think exists in their mind when in reality its just an average school where every one just happens to be black and moderately intelligent(and thats being generous).It's nothing like you think it will be or how they describe it. I knew something was seriously wrong with this school when i transferred and they lost my transcript causing me to be 2 1/2 weeks behind in all my classes.

Everything about this school screams sub-par to the $!#%%% dorms to professors that regularly don't show up for class yet expect you to be responsible for material they didn't teach. The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular. on top of all the problems in this school they are increasing the tuition too!

I could go on and on but I won't fact is HBCU's are pointless in this day and age it defeats the purpose of college. You go to school to meet all different kinds of people- its a very monotonous atmosphere. If you're a smart black person I suggest you don't waste your time and your money like I did. I'm getting these A's and getting TFO. Chicks are bad tho

and before any one asks yes I am mad, by the time I leave ill have wasted 8 months of my life and thousands of dollars. Don't do it to yourselves my smart black ppl. Not worth the headache.

cliff notes:
-Howard sucks.


what you complaining for bo.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

that's the reason i never even applied to any HBCUs... i didn't see the point in this day and age... yeah, the chicks are bad, whatever, but at the same's a tiny school, full of black people who know everyone else.... i'm sooooo good on that set up LOL and LOL@them losing your transcripts shoulda came to The Ohio State University, bro!
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Ohio State lost my transcripts[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]it's all good though, they didn't let me know until the 2nd quarter[/color]
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

LOL. If you think Howard is bad don't come to Prairie View. !##! is horrendous around here. I'm leaving this coming fall. I don't even know how this place still has accreditation.
it is

I go up there all the time to parties and homecoming since I love on 1960 in Htown
..but I've heard horror stories of financial aid office crap

Shoutouts to my boy Darrel R.
Didn't know we had Panthers on NT.

I'm not one though.

Shout out to NGenius, Paper Boy Ent.

The only thing I like about this place is Homecoming and the Kappa parties. Toga V is gonna be

But i don't even wanna get into financial aid. Stealing refunds and what not
I would NEVER go to a HBCU .

Same reason why I didn't go to a Chicago Public School .
Why is everyone giving the OP crap and calling him a brat? seriously? I guess its not okay to care about your education. smh
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Why is everyone giving the OP crap and calling him a brat? seriously? I guess its not okay to care about your education. smh
i know right? please... howard is a garbage school. high school atmosphere. no diversity. poor academics. grandma was a dean there, i know a thingor two about howard... anyone who says otherwise is either delusional or a homer
Its the lesser of two evils...

some of my friends attended U of MD and it was the same there, horrible dorms, classes with 500 students, people getting robbed left and right not to mentionthe workload was 10x harder for no apparent reason. My friends also experienced another challenge that you might not face at an HBCU, RACISM, the students,even the professors should it being that U of MD is a white institution.

I went to 2 HBCUs although the experience wasnt that great, I didnt face racism, the professors made the work load challenging, but not harder. Howard is agood school, but you are paying for the name, it is no different than going to Miami, Boston College, Hampton, Morehouse, Ohio State, or UCLA. Majority ofuniversities in the US are either located in the hood, or the boondocks. They all have problems with them just roll with the punches and do your research forgraduate school
Originally Posted by I R Andre

The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular.

N's don't get robbed on the yard on the regular. You're lying.

This neighborhood is leaps and bounds compared to what it used to be.

Cleary you're just Charmin soft.
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