HP Touchpad for $99/$149

GOT ME AN HP TOUCH BOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mentioned a few hundred pages back that a friend of mine from work bought one on a whim and doesnt really care for it.

Today i offered to give her what she paid for it, and she agreed. My wallet was stolen so i couldnt give her the money right away but im going to pick it up tonight for $107.48!!!!!!!!!!!

waiting on that android forreal.....................

Any cool apps to get until android is done?
Still haven't got mine from hp smb 
I have a failed OnSale order and may be able to help someone get one. I'm looking at you Cold City. PM me asap ...
Mom told me that my HP TouchPad arrived from HP SMB today
..she thought it was a freakin battery tho

My girl is gettin that one though..i haven't used mine in the past week..i've been meanin to put music on the damn thing too..
Originally Posted by dmxgod

Mom told me that my HP TouchPad arrived from [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HP SMB[/color] today ..she thought it was a freakin battery tho

My girl is gettin that one though..i haven't used mine in the past week..i've been meanin to put music on the damn thing too..

just know that I wish nothing but the absolute worst upon your soul
i hope that the most wicked things happen to you and you alone
i pray that when you die you feel a pain like no other man has felt before.
got my order from SMB today . I'm glad i was able to buy from best buy so i didn't have to wait a month. It will most likely go to my mom
got mines from qvc last week. i feel like i over paid since i havent opened the touchstone but the cover is nice
I ordered through OnSale again around 7PM PST. Hopefully I get it this time around and ONSale doesn't cancel it. They also only held $1 on my account instead of the full price which is great. On top of that i selected overnight shipping
got mine last night for $110...............I cant see how people will use this on a daily basis without eventually loading android on it though, the apps suck (as expected).

no widgets?
used the link provided on the last page and everything seemed to check out.  Haven't gotten actual shipping confirmation yet, but my guess is if everything is good to go, it should happen within a week or so.  Good looks on that link NT, and seems as if another family member will be getting a touchpad for b-day/xmas.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

got mine last night for $110...............I cant see how people will use this on a daily basis without eventually loading android on it though, the apps suck (as expected).

no widgets?
Web browsing, email, pics....for 110, that alone is worth it IMO.  I have all the android crap for my Motorola Photon and I don't use 95 % of it.  If you have younger kids who aren't "in awe" of all things apple or android, and are looking for a simple web browser and tool to keep peeps occupied and engaged for a few minutes here and there, this is perfect.  Also great when you don't wanna bust out your laptop to search for something, check a score, whatever it may be, and your phone doesn't have a huge #$% display.

Everyone keeps wanting to rag on these touchpads, but for 100-175 bucks, I think they are aboslutely, positively worth it.  NOT FOR EVERYONE, but if you have the need for something functional yet inexpensive, I don't know how this would do you wrong.
Finally got the link from on sale to work for me...I still haven't unboxed the tp that I got from hp...if this onsale order come through I will be using both for video chatting with my fam when I travel. Looks like on sale tried to do it right this time around, we shall see!
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