HP Touchpad for $99/$149

so for those that didn't get one...where do we go from here?

will retail stores be getting more? any websites reloading for another fire sale? what should we be waiting for..
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by chickhien

^Alchemist. do you work at Best Buy?

I have a question about procedure at Best Buy. If any of my fellow NTer's can chime in, your help is appreciated. So I go online and to my surprise, one Best Buy near me says "in store pickup only" while all of the other 8 BB are unavailable. The store is 30 mins away from me so I said "forget it." Two hours later the same "in store pickup" status. So I sped over there, dude was like "Sorry sir, we sold out this morning." And get this, he was super nice. Like, UNUSUALLY nice, I'm in a good mood nice. The other BB I went to yesterday and today were all annoyed or flustered. So I decided to go to the music section and look up touchpads on the cpu kiosk.

"7 available IN THIS STORE" for 16 gb
"10+ availabe IN THIS STORE" for 32gb

So I go to the front and talk to someone who seems to be a manager. I asked her how quick does their inventory update? And she responds "Are you looking for touchpads? We sold out this morning." Like this issh was a script. So I was like "Well how quick does your system update? I went to the kiosk, and says you have over 17 available." And she was like "Oh, our system sometimes updates at night. I'm sorry about that." So I walked out like a sucker. Drove home and told my bro to check online again for me. Still available. Now that I'm home, 30 minutes later, it's all been updated to "UNAVAILABLE" at that store. So I'm thinking I screwed up by letting them know.

1) Is it possible for a manager to wipe out a stores inventory on the computer? I feel like the whole store was in on it.

If you go to this link and type in your zip, it'll tell you which BB near you has them in store.
16 gb


Yes, yes i do but i do plan leaving Best Buy within next month.
I'm helping you guys out as much as i can.

To your situation they have been truly sold out, or it could have been reserved touchpads that people oder online or place an order through the phone. It does take time for the system to update but only like 1-2 hrs, but not over night (thats a lie).
If you want to still copp let me know your location(zip code) and i can tell which best buy stores will get an abundant amount of them. Only you and Local NYC NT'ers I'm helping. Everyone else good luck
Help me out! I can be in NYC in 45 minutesssssss.
Of course. That wasnt my point. Why alienate a potential and or current customer over a minor "annoyance". Will someone else buy it. Most definitely. Will you ever get their biz again? Who knows. My point is, like anything else, even if you dont have it, dont act like a d bag and chances are the customer probably returns again and buys something. Act all put off and surly, pretty surefire way to make the customer think twice about giving your store more business. Pretty basic stuff. If you're an employee of a store like BB., be glad you have stuff peeps actually want and run with it!
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by Bryscooplaygrifhold

Number one rule of customer service is that the customer is always right- meaning- please him or her to the best of your ability, and even if you are annoyed- try and conceal/cover it up.


C'mon bro. If you don't buy it, someone else will. 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm not even going to attempt to get one from Best Buy. Between other people constantly trying to get one and the lying from the employees.. It's most likely not worth the hassle.

This, anyone have the link to check the hp smb status?
I believe HP removed all the other order status pages they have and only have this one. Should work for all HP sites, works for my smb order.

I got mine at Officedepot.com morning of 08/20 then bestbuy.com morning of 08/21...but

I was so heated when i went to super walmart 10miles away from me at 3AM last Saturday. I called to check if they got stock and i ask if they can price match it with the price at walmart.com $99, lady on the phone said "yes". so i drove 10 miles just to be there 1st.. they got 3 16gb and 4 32gb when i got there. the associate immediately call her supervisor or whatever CSS means to check the price matching. the supervisor said she cant.. but she was so surprised when she saw the $99 price tag online. i even heard that shes going to get some for herself while talking to the other lady. i was trying to order it through my phone and "pick up in store" but i cant get through. i even talk to the assistant store manager he said that they are different from walmart.com so they cant lower their price. went home with nothing that day... /RANT

I Cant wait for tomorrow..
Don't worry, Katie. I'll give you all the ones I get, plus I'll throw in some extra cash.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by Zyzz

best buy is garbage. employees buying them all up
i dont have a huge problem with employees buying them first (gotta have some perks as an employee) but to let them sit in the back with post-it notes of names on them while leaving the inventory system unadjusted is whack. and lying to everybody to their face. concord mills, nc best buy. any nter's work there?
no, its employees taking them all for themselves. ive read the stories already with these touchpads, i dont see a problem buying 1 or 2 but when you hear of employees buying an entire box full of them then thats disgusting

 straight dirt

 @ the rewards points 
So a girl I thought I can count on who works for BB told me her store isnt getting anymore... Which is crap, now im stuck in NYC with all the beast and cant get my hands on one

Alc, help out your android fam
Went to BB and Im sure dude lied to me

already have one in the mail so I didnt spazzzz

but If you dudes are still on the hunt..... Try asking a manager or customer service at BB cause dudes are acting shady here and there
Originally Posted by 650



#swag, get ya grind on shawty

Originally Posted by NRitsuh

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm not even going to attempt to get one from Best Buy. Between other people constantly trying to get one and the lying from the employees.. It's most likely not worth the hassle.

This, anyone have the link to check the hp smb status?
I believe HP removed all the other order status pages they have and only have this one. Should work for all HP sites, works for my smb order.

good looks
friend of mine brought it to work today........said she went to get a phone and saw people running for this, so she started running too........she didnt know what they were running for till she got to the checkout line and they showed her the touchpad
  She said she thought it was some kind of surprise black friday sale so she just ran with everybody else

its nice, but i cant imagine the problems upcoming.
Originally Posted by chickhien

hope yall were in the saturday batch.

BrynaAtHP Bryna Corcoran

Update from SMB: If U ordered b4 2pm ET on Sat. U were in the 1st batch orders. Well done you were ahead of the curve. #justthemessenger
yet those of us that ordered on friday are left in limbo
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