HP Touchpad for $99/$149

Alright, just got word from my buddy trying to snag one too and he said 32GB is gone...
Originally Posted by dtb00201

SMH, too late again. Plus I have to be to work at 10 and Best Buy opens at 11. FML
I'm doing a store pick-up today for mine. I'm not sure how Best Buy works, but do they hold some stock specifically for in-store customers or do they just use all their inventory when one orders online? If it's the latter, I don't think any will be available for those heading to stores without an online order since when I chose mine, only 2 stores had "availability"...
Did BestBuy lower the price yesterday in store?

Or are they doing it today along with the online sale?

Might need to get my hustle on.......... LA heads say wut up
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Did BestBuy lower the price yesterday in store?

Or are they doing it today along with the online sale?

Might need to get my hustle on.......... LA heads say wut up
I think Best Buy officially announced the lowering of prices 9PM Eastern so many of you guys on the West had 3-hrs of ripping it up...
@ people really paying $300+ for a 16GB model on eBay
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by DC ShoeDon

Apple won.

iPad 2 64g FTW

Very insightful

You deal with viruses. I'll deal with what my pockets can afford. No cheap price is going to get me jumping for joy. Besides, if it doesn't integrate with iTunes on Mac OS, do not want nor need. No man feelings necessary.
- Knee-jerk reaction, scooped one
'bout an hour ago on BestBuy.com

- Still not sure what I will do with it (didn't need / want a tablet at all), but feels-good-man
status to scoop on the low-low

- It's listed in this week's BB circular for $449.99 16GB and $549.99 32GB.  Couldn't pass up that price slash
People are getting cancelled on Hp? It still says processing for me and the money in my bank account was taken out and that's pending, too. Hopefully that is a good sign.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

People are getting cancelled on Hp? It still says processing for me and the money in my bank account was taken out and that's pending, too. Hopefully that is a good sign.

Theres still a chance you could get canceled even after they charge your card.
Im sure the hp site will have more in stock this coming week after all the unopened warehouse returns for various retailers. Not to mention in about a couple weeks when the people who bought them as an impulse buy want to get rid of it
Out of my three local Best Buy's......only one unit was to be had, and i didnt get it. I woke my %%* up early again and struck out while some bastards are buying multiples simply to resell......++%# yall.
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