HTC HERO First Look... I Smell iPhone Killer!!!!

t-mobile customer service is hot garbage.

and the curve at the bottom of that phone ruins it in my opinion.
Originally Posted by eteam o2

up for pre-order on amazon uk...

i want
i wish i could
Originally Posted by punisha15

Dunks206 wrote:


XCellzisCrack wrote:

Dunks206 wrote:

I Ready To Die I wrote:

As far as making a "better" phone than the iphone, on paper and even when using it, thats very possible.
But the iphone hype and market is too large to kill or even give it competition off a single phone.

I agree...
but my phone > iPhone. Nokia N97 FTW!


how is it????

I love it! I am glad I sold my iPhone for it... Video calls (camera in front and back), 5mp camera, HD quality video camera, mms, ovi store for apps (still new so as of now, app store > ovi store), 3.5g > 3g, and many more things.
Don't forget the screen lag when changing the orientation from portrait to landscape or the placement of the space key and the d-pad.

No lag whatsoever. And about the D-pad and the space bar, I got used to it within minutes of having using the phone. You get used to it fast.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Whats with the HTC and WM hate?
I haven't had any problems with my Tilt and I know people who have the TP and no problems either. HTC always delivers.
But it is true that if you don't flash the ROM, you wont be able to use the phones true potential.
I plan on getting the TP2 and if I dont have to sell my Tilt or trade it in, I plan to put a Android OS on it.
For the people that have an android phone, how is the market place?
But it is true what dude says about Apple selling based on perception. Many Apple users become ignorant towards other products.
Basically if they can't figure out how to use it then it's garbage.

I had zero problems with my Tilt (cept I lost it
) so I'm still trying to figure out why so many are having problems with other HTC phones.

Planning on getting an HTC Firestone or TP2 in the future to replace my long lost Tilt.
Haha nicely put. But that sucks that you lost your Tilt. The Firestone is coming to the states, if so what carriers?
gotta realize that Apple and its iProducts are more than just a brand , its a CULTURE

even if this phone is better in every way it wont matter , it will never 'kill' the iPod
With the palm pre you can't even change the ringtone come on now . With the htc joints , you gotta flash and hack it get it to work, them features shouldcome standard . With the iPhone straight out the box you really got nothing to worry about. Millions of apps, great reliability track record, great interfacethrough itunes/store, basically plug and play, plus the design is great. I don't foresee a iphone killer coming this year
jailbroken iphone > any phone on the market

dudes need to stop tryna find an iphone killer, and just get the damn iphone
Originally Posted by Im Not You

How many iPhone killers have we had in the past 2 years? How many of them have actually "killed" the iPhone?

Word. All FAILED.

The screen is smaller on the HTC, auto-fail. NEXT.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Im Not You

How many iPhone killers have we had in the past 2 years? How many of them have actually "killed" the iPhone?

Word. All FAILED.

The screen is smaller on the HTC, auto-fail. NEXT.
out of all the things you could have went with you pick the screen size

this phone has everythingthe iphone has and looking like a lil more
thats a pretty dope phone...eventhough im not a fan of phones with only touchscreen keyboards
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