Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Tampa Electric just posted there are people pretending to be TECO inspection workers and robbing people at gunpoint once they're inside your home.
Tampa Electric just posted there are people pretending to be TECO inspection workers and robbing people at gunpoint once they're inside your home.

This is a hurricane urban legend.

Same with:
  • Power will be shut off before the storm.
  • Bridges will be closed before the storm.
  • You can't drink water if the power is out.
  • All those posts showing Irma being the same size as Texas and potentially becoming a "Category 6."
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Why are these weather people risking their safety to shoot on location? Doesn't make sense. They stay in the wind and rain waiting for more stuff to happen while telling citizens they shouldn't be outside and to stay indoors.
Why are these weather people risking their safety to shoot on location? Doesn't make sense. They stay in the wind and rain waiting for more stuff to happen while telling citizens they shouldn't be outside and to stay indoors.

Hope everyone is safe. I know a lot of people are without power right now but definitely glad the damage has minimal so far. Now for the storm surge threat.
We good, blessed. Now I can't leave until 6pm, hopefully everything alright when I go back home.
My mom lives in Sarasota (just south of tampa) she said no power there since 10pm last night but she is safe thankfully. Hope all the florida NTers and families are safe. Its a relief just knowing my mom is physically safe.
So I lucked out and we still got power. I believe the connection to FPL in my neighborhood is underground so that may be why.
Morning view of Bayshore in Tampa. Water is back and no flooding. Would have put money on that road being underwater this morning. Praise God!
Hope all you FL peeps fair well. It's just now really rolling through here. My cable is out but we still have power, though grids in Savannah are going down. Some gusty wind and off and on down pours but we good
In all honesty this ended up being the best case scenario for FL and this hurricane. Glad to see not many lives were lost and not much destruction.
So it sounds like things didn't get as bad as thought in FL? Thank goodness the forecasters were wrong. Goes to show you just how unpredictable weather really is.
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