hyperize decades pack (foams/am95/am90/am1)

Aug 25, 2008

new hyperize decades pack no date yet.
ill cop the foam pair for ball thats about it
still not completely sold on the hyperize...

just the destros for me right now...
watch people get sucked in because of some lame tie in to some classics.

anyone who buys these just so they can say they have the 'foam' or 'max 90' hyperize is getting bamboozled.
AM95 colorway is fun, but seems like a silly idea for a pack. AM90 colorway looks the same as the one they were supposed to use as Destro G.I.Joe pack...
the foams look the best, but thats not saying much. it looks like something memphis would wear. Maybe i will like the way the look if we had better pics.
Why are they called "decades" when most of the sneakers they are modeled after were released in the 90's?
^LOL..... after trying them on.... i lost alot of love for them. Maybe the foam cw may make me overlook how they feel.
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

watch people get sucked in because of some lame tie in to some classics.

anyone who buys these just so they can say they have the 'foam' or 'max 90' hyperize is getting bamboozled.
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