hyperize decades pack (foams/am95/am90/am1)

I'd rather keep my work to myself than have someone steal it and claim credit as their own. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery but whensomeone is making a profit off of my work to hell with that saying.
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

i love how people "love" the foam cw just bc they are named after foams and then trash the others...sounds like hype to me

its not cause theyre "named" after the foams...they actually look a lil foam-like.

my favorite aspect is the tongue badging. I think thats awesome...especially the foam and am90 version.
out of all of them, I'd only pay for the am90 version which is funny cause I HATE am90's
oh yeah...as for them robbin BP like that....I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was coincedince, but after looking at this, how canI? I feel bad for BP and can only imagine how it feels to see this. its like a slap in the face cause the idea is obviously good enough to roll with, so whynot give dude a shot? Like even if they didnt actually hire him, the very least they could do was bring him in, and give him some kind of interview/ consultantgig/ probationary run.....somethin. Just let my dude in the building and see what he could do.
Its the catch 22 of all catch 22's...if he doesnt post, people dont see what he's capable of, but if he does post, they can take what they want and notpay or compensate him. Im sayin, theres gotta be at least 1 stand up person in power to at least send him a pack of these or somethin lol
I mean I know these are based on old Nike cw's/patterns, whatever, and the idea of combining current shoes with past styling isnt new. And if they'djust done ONE pair like a foam cw or the am95 cw, it prolly coulda slid by cause those cw's are known to be effective popular sellers, but for them to dothe PACK after BP did a PACK....c'mon B...youre not even tryin to hide it now. And it makes me think, a billion dollar corporation is that thirsty thatthey cant put my dude on the payroll? Like...its not a fluke. the man pumps out hot concepts CONSISTANTLY.

end rant.
sorry bout that
I know with music, you can sue if you had something already done and then a more famous person comes through as tries to steal / use it. They say havesomething date/time stamped showing that you actually had it before them. They were saying if you can't afford a patent, then just mailing it to yourself,never open it and have the date stamp on it would hold up in court. With all that....

Could BP debate that he created the design first, and show proof that he had the color schemes and ideas long before Nike did? Would the post with the date /time be enough for him? Would showing your PCs files with the date modified and created work as well?

Sorry for going on about it, but I'm in the IT field and Intellectual Property is a big issue in my field. We may can't prove we did it first, but wecan prove we thought of the concept first and had it unjustly taken.
Ouch...found this on a couple of sites..

In Australia the sneakers are a Footlocker exclusive releasing on Thursday the 6th of August at 6 pm. The kicks are limited with only 24 pairs of each sneaker available for all of Australia.

No word on a release in other regions, however we will keep you posted.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

They need to slow down a little. It's a dope shoe, but they're whoring it out too soon.
name me one recent nike release that has had just 2 or 3 core colorways that created some aura or staying power with the model. It just doesnthappen. Jordans whole line had 1-2 maybe 3 core colorways per model. Common day, Nike is whoring it out to a whole new level.
wow. just saw page 2... I knew it was too good to be true. Those just ring of classic nike. I knew they had to have stole the ideas from someone else.. greybased shoes on two of them with subtle BRIGHT color accents. Nike is not known for that.. dead give away on BPs work lol
This is loads of bull. Nike/Jordan have people on payroll that put out basura but steal an actual idea from someone that is talented and not compensat oracknowledge the person.
I understand its their shoe and all butthat should just show you how loyal this guy is throughout the years and not a stuck up designer that didnt know what the basketball/lifestyle department wastill he got hired and is pumping out garbage. I guess since this isnt I$$ and method man didnt go the steve route.

Hopefully someone will pick you up and put your designs to good use.
no disrespect, and i know this is gonna rub people the wrong way, but i dont give a %+%%. why do countries get shoes exclusive to their shores when basketballstarted in the US. im sorry but seriously, i dont care if they global release *@+@, but let the US get it, basketball started here...... why would nike giveshoes only to AUS? or CHINA? or this or that...... im not sayin they SHOULDNT get them, im sayin give your number one customer base a chance, and NO notstandin in line for 5 days or payin some ******ed kid that doesnt have a job OVERVALUE just because he could camp counts.
Originally Posted by air max 87

no disrespect, and i know this is gonna rub people the wrong way, but i dont give a %+%%. why do countries get shoes exclusive to their shores when basketball started in the US. im sorry but seriously, i dont care if they global release *@+@, but let the US get it, basketball started here...... why would nike give shoes only to AUS? or CHINA? or this or that...... im not sayin they SHOULDNT get them, im sayin give your number one customer base a chance, and NO not standin in line for 5 days or payin some ******ed kid that doesnt have a job OVERVALUE just because he could camp counts.

basketball started in Canada
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by air max 87

no disrespect, and i know this is gonna rub people the wrong way, but i dont give a %+%%. why do countries get shoes exclusive to their shores when basketball started in the US. im sorry but seriously, i dont care if they global release *@+@, but let the US get it, basketball started here...... why would nike give shoes only to AUS? or CHINA? or this or that...... im not sayin they SHOULDNT get them, im sayin give your number one customer base a chance, and NO not standin in line for 5 days or payin some ******ed kid that doesnt have a job OVERVALUE just because he could camp counts.

basketball started in Canada

i was pretty sure
im like either baseball or basketball startedhere..... ahh *@%@ it
either way you get my point
Basketball was invented by a Canadian (James Naismith) in Springfield, Mass.
I have officially grown out of getting hyped over stuff like this...

The foamposite hyperize is the only one that makes sense to me because it matches a lot of peoples team colors. But the rest... you're better off puttingthat money towards buying an actual pair of safari's, 90's or 95's these (I personally think the other 3 hyperizes look horrible).
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