Hypo: $1 Million cash or have Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos be your mentor

$1 Million cash or have Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos, Oprah be your mentor

  • $1 million cash

    Votes: 45 78.9%
  • Mentorship

    Votes: 12 21.1%

  • Total voters
Feb 8, 2009

My hypothetical is a variation on something I saw on the Coli and twitter. The original was $50k or dinner with Jigga (and this is assuming he'd be dropping knowledge and not just eating a meal at the same table as you).

My hypothetical: $1 million cash untaxed or Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Oprah or whichever titan of industry/commerce is your personal mentor.

Your mentor will:
1. be available to answer any questions
2. networks on your behalf
3. offer advice and guidance, tell you how they got to that point, how to conduct yourself, etc.

Your mentor will not:
1. directly give you a job
2. directly giving you any money
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Mentorship, all day everyday. This is just like the saying of "teach a man to fish..."
Mentor, easy.

Shaking the right hands will far outweigh that milli just in potential resources and knowledge gained.
i'd take the cash. ain't no damn mentor in the world that can motivate me to do actual work that's worth a million. my wife, on the other hand, she's intelligent, motivated, and a hard worker. she'd do amazing with the right mentor.
Cash. Your mentors got to where they are because they took the risk and invested in themselves. Do the same.

Also, making mistakes is fundamental to growth, so I'm not interested in perfection.

A lot can go wrong with just having $1 million thrown into your lap...

Not saying that $1 mil isn't an amazing sum of money but I'll take that Jeff Bezos mentorship any day of the week.
Cash tax free. Easy. If the mentor cannot directly give me a job, then what's the point? I can read a book by those guys if I wanted their advice.

I'm torn myself but if I'm playing devil's advocate, having one of the wealthiest/most influential people in the world on speed-dial could change your life. You should shake hands with the biggest movers and shakers, be in meetings with industry leaders. If you do have a great idea, you'd immediately have the best contacts to make it better, get financial backing, etc.

Look at the beginnings of Facebok, part of its success was their smarts but another part of it was them going to Harvard and having high level contacts. You'd have those contacts but on a much larger scale.
Cash im just gonna waste my time with the mentorship. We funa hit the block and get it poppin
jeff bezos the richest man in the world

you dont get there without a certain amount of greed

so why would he give any advice thats not going to benefit himself in some way?

like hes not going to mentor his competition is he?
I think for the dreamers or creative types of the world, the mentorship is the way to go. For more practical of people, the money is the way to go. I'm probably never gonna have a million dollar, Shark Tank-type idea that I need help molding.

I know exactly what I'd do with $1 million cash though, I'd be a real estate tycoon within a decade; the only thing keeping me out of that game now is liquid capital.
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