I Am 23 And Never Been Drunk Or High Am I Missing Out?

Mar 7, 2007
People are shocked whenever they find that out about me
Pretty much in the same boat as you. I'm 23, turning 24 next month...never smoked anything. Stopped drinking since New Year's Eve of '07, and evenprior to that I was a social drinker and never got drunk. It's a lifestyle I chose and I'm pretty proud of it.
naa, you're not missing out. 23 years old?! might as well save it for when you retire.
I smoked everyday for a year. Certain people have different effects from marijuana, but if I could go back, I would've never picked it up. Although itdidn't ruin my life or give me more problems, it sure didn't help me fix my current ones. It's a silent killer.

I think you could be missing out on the alcohol though. I wouldn't say you're missing out on getting drunk, but drinking, getting a buzz, with yourhomies and doing it responsibly is definitely a good time.
You're livin' healthy fam, can't go wrong with that.....but if you were askin' me, I'd be the bad influence and say you're missin'out. But keep livin' and don't care about what anybody thinks.
liquor had caused me many moments of embarassment smh
i cant say it hasnt also played a part in some of the best nights of my life so idk.....
{Chris Rock} They still make you? {Chris Rock}

Kudos to you sir. Keep doing you, seems as though you haven't succumbed to the pit falls of peer pressure and that is very impressive.
Are you still gettin girls......if the answer is yes.....continue on......if the answer is no.....u have a lot of catching up to do
Originally Posted by KicksOnDeck11

Are you still gettin girls......if the answer is yes.....continue on......if the answer is no.....u have a lot of catching up to do
If you're just getting blown and wasted JUST to get girls...you're probably the biggest simp out there.
Of course you're missing out on something but if you aren't eager to find out what that something is then don't even fret
Kudos to you for being sober. BUT, you're definitely missing out. Just practice moderation fam. I like to watch football while i catch a buzz, listen tomusic when i smoke. It just makes things a little better, imo. I get my %!!$ done, and when the weeks over i like to get loose. You only live once ..
i havent been drunk and i would say my life isnt missing anything.
you can definitely have friends, girls and a good time without being intoxicated.
your life is what you make it.
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