I Am 23 And Never Been Drunk Or High Am I Missing Out?


i would say try it, but dont get stuck on it...

its like going to your favorite store... your not gonna go everyday, but maybe once a week, or a 2-3 times a month to see what the latest bizzness is

I enjoy drinking on weekends and maybe a beer or 2 on weekdays with dinner or something.

I miss getting
been a year and a few days....
I'm 18 and never been high. I've been drunk twice but the most recent was almost a year ago.

I don't see the enjoyment from it so I don't plan on every drinking again. Nor do I ever plan on being high.
Getting drunk/high is what will make you miss out on getting drunk/high because you probably won't remember it, anyway.
Getting drunk or getting high is not even a big deal as long as you handle it responsibly.

I would say you are definitely missing out. Some of the funniest, craziest stories for me personally as well as others happen under the influence.

My man Common said it best "When the drunk nights get remembered more than sober ones...."
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Yes, because when you turn 45 and take your first hit you will feel neglected of your youth and try to make up for lost time. Not good when you have people depending on you. Get it out of your system.


It depends on your personality. Whatever you do, don't become one of those "high on life
" people feel they are better than some and bash someone because theychoose smoke or drink.

dont knock it until you try it.
as someone who smokes/smoked copious amounts of bud and does like to get wasted here and there, I will say you aren't. As long as you have ways to unwindand find yourself being fulfilled by life, then you're straight. if anything, you're just saving your body quite a bit of physical and mental damage.
No, you are saving money. I haven't smoked in bout 6 months and I saved so much money.
Now I would rather have more money than be high, have no plan on smoking again any time soon.
I was is in a similar situation, I hadn't been drunk or high until I was 22. I was an athlete in high school and admired pro athletes, so I practiced thewhole, "your body is your temple" mantra. But, all my friends took part in drinking at least and I had too, but I always hated the taste of alcoholso I never drank enough to get drunk.

Until, one faithful night, me and a bunch of my friends played a game of Kings(card game where u basically drink with every card drawn, fun times). On thisnight I told myself, "I'm gonna man up and drink with these boys". We played the game with beer and the kings cup was a glass of E&J. Now,the winner of the game is actually the loser. The person who draws the most Kings out of the deck wins, but has to down the entire Kings Cup.

I won 3 of 4 times...2 of the 3 I downed two cups of E&J, the third time was a beer. Needless to say I was ****ed up! My man said between cards pulled Iwould be layin on the bed spittin random Jay-Z versus and everytime it was my turn to draw a card I would raise up from the bed like the undertaker
. Itwas one of the funnest times I ever had, so yeah, you're missin out.
nah not really live above the influence homie lol. now if it was vag you never had then id say your missing out
bottom line is that everyone has 1 life to live and they choose how to live it. i personally love getting drunk with my friends. if youdon't, then it's ok. but you shouldn't need to ask a message board if you are missing out by not drinking/smoking....f being healthy....there aremillions of ways to die and many "healthy" people go these routes. you never know when your time is coming so do what you want.
Yea homie you def missing out. Some of the best times have been while under the influence.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'm 20 and in the same boat as you based on the way my peers act I'd say no were not missing out
One of the main reason I stay away
I think everybody should @ lease try weed. Like I have said a million times on here...Weed > Alcohol... I only drink because I can't smoke weed.
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