I Am 23 And Never Been Drunk Or High Am I Missing Out?

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

doctor told me i gotta stop smoking that dro

Any reason why?
Marijuana is not very harmful to the body, and the negative effects on the lungs are exaggerated.

I just purchased a vaporizer and I have to say its changed the way I smoke the pots. Far cleaner and more of a "high"
then that stoned lethargy that accompanies mad bong tokes.

Personally, OP, alcohol will lead to a removal of some social awkwardness when at a social gathering and can turn a lame night with
the family for thanksgiving dinner into a giddy little time. People relax.
The shame of it all is that Alcohol is far worse for you especially when abused, as well as it impairs you more (subjective i know), yet alcohol is
accepted in society. Think about it.
Father: "hey lets give little squirt a beer, sure hes 15, thats ok im his dad, im watching, hardy har har"
but if a joint was replacing the beer, all hell would break lose. Marijuana is illegal but is far less of a threat.

Thats another discussion tho.

I personally think you will miss out on some key insights if you abstain from marijuana. Marijuana when used correctly can help you dwell on
a problem and creativly solve it, i really truly believe it alters your mind for the better in certain instances, but makes it harder to process NEWinformation so obviously its not best used when learning.

Its just worth giving pot a try because it is not technically addicting, at least physically, but CAN kick start some habitual tendencies. Its a fun time withfriends, laugh a bit, giggle, zone out, but done abuse. Everything in life can hurt you.
Kids all over america abuse cheeseburgers,
everything in moderation
and for benefit.

I dont know, just some ramblings, good luck what ever path way you choose op
Dro kills brain cells if you smoke it alot. But like dude above said, if you smoke it moderately, I think you should be good.
i feel like your missing out, just cause i feel like you should try something atleast once. nothin too major either, but weed aint that bad of a drug if yu doit once in a while. and getting drunk sucks. you forget everything and your friends make fun of you the next day. but hey you might get some play if you drunkif you play your cards right.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Dro kills brain cells if you smoke it alot.
son, thats like a myth we were made to believe when we were 10

Ive seen people give it up when they have some sort of advanced lung problem
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Dro kills brain cells if you smoke it alot. But like dude above said, if you smoke it moderately, I think you should be good.
How would smoking MJ A LOT kill brain cells and only smoking occasionally be good?

I am with smoking MJ just to let you know
I would say that if you were on your death bed and would regret not doing it, then you should probably do it.
Otherwise, live by your rules
Bud would kill brain cells more if you do it a lot just like anything else you're exposed to a lot. More tv= more dead brain cells, more caffeine= moreheart attacks, more alcohol=more dependency
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Nope, because when you turn 30 you're gonna be happy you never did.
i dont agree with this. Even though the majority will, in fact, regret drinking when we're older, doesnt mean that we shouldnt do it. Im sure many of us regret wasting money of video games or pokemon cards, whatever you liked as a kid. At the time it seemed the best thing ever, but now that we grew older it seemed like a waste of time and money. I think most things end up like this (cars, some relationships etc) but you only live once. Personally, I would like to have experiences and memories to look back on, because thats all that life is.

Even though i drink, have never smoked before.
Regret: to feel sorrow or remorse for

If you will feel sorrow or remorse for drinking later in life and know that now, why would you do it? Again I go back to the fire illustration. Would you stick your hand in fire knowing you will regret it later? Oh but by some of the logic I read here, "I shouldn't knock it unless I try it" or "You only live once" it would insinuate that I should just do it even though I might regret it later.

I have already talked about how flawed the "don't knock it unless you try it" thing is.

What about "You only live once"
Yeah you only live once so why not do things that will have you not live as long, that might cause complications for you when you get older?
So you mean since I only get once life I should go out and try everything I can so i can say I experienced everything? Hold on I'll be right back I got to stab myself in the heart to see how it feels. I only live once...

Let me go get wasted and high so i can experience life the way a young person should. I better do it now because there is no time like now to burn myself. Afterall I might not be alive in 7 days to know what it feels like to chop my legs off.

Again these are my views and take them for what they are, cautious, I don't know what living is all about, I am not really happy because I don't get blown on occasion, I can't experience joy unless I come home from a binger and throw up all over the place every once and again. I am just fine not taking part in said activities. Like I said before do what you will just take into account the LOGIC behind peoples answers.
so you don't drink soda, eat fastfood, eat junk food, or drink tap water?
OP this is exactly what I am talking about. Does this sound "logical" to you? This guy is trying to equate getting drunk and high with eating fastfood, drinking soda, and drinking tap water.

Think on that for a moment.

Sputnik - you might consider a critical thinking class or two.
Did anyone else not seewhat he wrote?

Your saying he compared fast food, soda to health problems of drinking and smoking and think hes spreading blasphemy.

While you are comparing life threatening injuries to drinking and smoking...i think you are the one that is missing the point.

I mean, eventually drinking and smoking will make your body develop diseases, but you dont think all the Sugar Cane Syrup and processed foods aren'teither?
Everything is good in moderation, i drink, but i never smoked Dro. Its not going to magically make you have Liver Damage and Lung Cancer, but it"can" lead to it.
Really my point to OP is this:

Don't buy into the hype when it comes to mind alltering psychoactives and herbs and alcohol whatever

come to your own conclusions, do your own research and then if you decide to try it atleast your fully informed

Society and media paint a picture of ALL pychoactive drugs being harmful when really, used in the right context,

can induce amazing outlooks and changes in overall perception for the greater good!

check out EROWID.COM and read up on some
trip reports, go there unbiased, and learn.
I was sober as a bird until 18. But ive been sober from pot for about 4-5 months. i havent drank in a month.
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