I Am 23 And Never Been Drunk Or High Am I Missing Out?

generally speaking, drinking alcohol socially is dependent on moderation. Although i think if you have a select amount of friends that you really trust, thenget smashed one time just for the experience. Im not saying try anything hardcore, but i think drinking alcohol is probably one of lowest things on the totempole to be worried about. as long as you're responsible. Anyway whatevers your steez do you fam.

i do think your missing out, being the only sober guy amongst drunks FTL
Im telling you Im doing 10 times better mentally without weed than I was with weed. I drink on occasion to sleep maybe a couple glasses of red wine.

Life is not ment for you to be perfect but if you do that %*@% on a regular basis it will cause problems. America is losing its minds? America likes to escapeits problems rather than confronting them. Its the nature of the beast.

It depends on what you do while buzzed. You drive, argue, fight. Those are negative things.

It aint too much positive you can do buzzed except maybe have an enlightened conversation with family.

Smoking weed is different, for everybody. But if you like the feeling it gives you ingest it in a different way.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Honestly at that age I would avoid it at all costs because once you finally do you're three times as more likely to be attending AA meetings. Personally I stick to the 007 drunk were and make sure I'm always able to talk to anyone. Always take note of my current state before I pick up another drink. and


Say what Now?

Have you?
FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Damn, you sound really uptight. I don't blame anybody ,but myself for my failures. Whether it's alcohol or drugs, you live and you learn. I enjoy alcohol and weed occasionally. If it's an IN thing for you, then you are not drinking and smoking right. I enjoy having a nice cold beer( perhaps 5 or 6) that compliments my steak by myself. Or smoke, and listen to music or eat my steak. You can feel every atom in that steak when you're high. Can you do that high off of life?

I can do anything you can do with drugs and alcohol besides hallucinate.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

So we drinking cause its the in thing.....
Everybody else is drinking so in order to be social I must indulge in alcoholism and inhale chemicals.
If we can just turn this logic into drinking 8 glasses of water a day and gettting 7+ hours of sleep we
will be alright.
Its Biological Warfare out here I swear.
Indians lost their land to jug. We losing our minds.
Maybe thats it.... the youth of America is just to hammered, stoned, and sleep deprived to do anything worth something.
I have yet to meet a person who drinks just because they like the way it taste or smoke because they like how it smells
You're looking an affect that damages your body each time.
From of the looks of it some people in here drink or smoke just to fit in a certain class.
Its almost like how back in the western days when cigarettes determined the classiness or wealthiness of a person.
Little did they know they were smoking their way to a early grave.

Yep this is the life.....

"Awww man I had a wild night last night....but I can't remember it..."

What kind of @%#^ is that?
But with that said do you...
Im just the type of person who gets a high off life.
anyways... i smoked before and i drank before but i never did it to an excess...
Idk if ur missing or not im younger that you though...
that is very hard to believe. if true, it is commendable and if u made it this long, no ur not missing anything.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by THE FAME
Damn, you sound really uptight. I don't blame anybody ,but myself for my failures. Whether it's alcohol or drugs, you live and you learn. I enjoy alcohol and weed occasionally. If it's an IN thing for you, then you are not drinking and smoking right. I enjoy having a nice cold beer( perhaps 5 or 6) that compliments my steak by myself. Or smoke, and listen to music or eat my steak. You can feel every atom in that steak when you're high. Can you do that high off of life?

I can do anything you can do with drugs and alcohol besides hallucinate.

Yeah you do sound uptight, relax bro.
as long as you're enjoying whatever it is that you do to have fun, then you aren't missing anything.
Originally Posted by steveakabeazy13

same boat 22 never been drunk or high never saw what was so great about it...

That's cause you never tried it.
Which is totally respectable.
Drinking... i could go without. It's dope tho, just on occasion
Smoking, I can't even say anything i love weed *shrugs*
You're taking life a bit too seriously.
It's life. It's unpredictable. There are no guarantees. Enjoy it once in a while (or in moderation) in as manyways as you can.
I say at least try smoking or drinking once. But if you feel you're not missing anything then cool. That's you're opinion and there's nothingwrong with that.

Me personally, I like weed
, but I don't drink that much...
i smoke soo much now.. def not a good look. Gettin drunk is worst in my opinion. Your missin out on nothing. Live life the way you have been. Nothin specialabout being a bum.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i smoke soo much now.. def not a good look. Gettin drunk is worst in my opinion. Your missin out on nothing. Live life the way you have been. Nothin special about being a bum.
There's a middle ground. It's not either being totally abstinent or being an alcoholic/ stoner.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i smoke soo much now.. def not a good look. Gettin drunk is worst in my opinion. Your missin out on nothing. Live life the way you have been. Nothin special about being a bum.
There's a middle ground. It's not either being totally abstinent or being an alcoholic/ stoner.

True but The negatives outweigh the positives. why not avoid it altogether.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i smoke soo much now.. def not a good look. Gettin drunk is worst in my opinion. Your missin out on nothing. Live life the way you have been. Nothin special about being a bum.
There's a middle ground. It's not either being totally abstinent or being an alcoholic/ stoner.

True but The negatives outweigh the positives. why not avoid it altogether.

There are no negatives to moderate use of drugs. So long as they do not inhibit other aspects of your life.
Humanity has used various drugs for ages. One thing I would say though is too definitely stay away from synthetic (man made) drugs.

Some people have addictive personalities so it's probably better to stay way altogether. However, for those that can exert self control and have disciplinethe occasional indulgence is beneficial to the overall life experience.
Alcohol is COMPLETELY pointless. You've missed nothing.

Getting high however is one of the best feelings I've ever had, so much that I refuse to use get high again because I know I won't stop.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

I was is in a similar situation, I hadn't been drunk or high until I was 22. I was an athlete in high school and admired pro athletes, so I practiced the whole, "your body is your temple" mantra. But, all my friends took part in drinking at least and I had too, but I always hated the taste of alcohol so I never drank enough to get drunk.

Until, one faithful night, me and a bunch of my friends played a game of Kings(card game where u basically drink with every card drawn, fun times). On this night I told myself, "I'm gonna man up and drink with these boys". We played the game with beer and the kings cup was a glass of E&J. Now, the winner of the game is actually the loser. The person who draws the most Kings out of the deck wins, but has to down the entire Kings Cup.

I won 3 of 4 times...2 of the 3 I downed two cups of E&J, the third time was a beer. Needless to say I was ****ed up! My man said between cards pulled I would be layin on the bed spittin random Jay-Z versus and everytime it was my turn to draw a card I would raise up from the bed like the undertaker
. It was one of the funnest times I ever had, so yeah, you're missin out.

It's stories like this that convince me that you just gotta live life a little. I ain't saying go overboard and smoke and drink 7 days a week, but itis a
fun experience being around friends and everybody's all messed up. Some of my greatest memories of college so far have involved mind altering substances.

Just don't overdo it.
Originally Posted by AG 47

It's stories like this that convince me that you just gotta live life a little. I ain't saying go overboard and smoke and drink 7 days a week, but it is a
fun experience being around friends and everybody's all messed up. Some of my greatest memories of college so far have involved mind altering substances.

Just don't overdo it.

This is exactly it. The drugs themselves are just a means to an end.
Of course I had fun/ good times with friends when were not drunk/high. We had fun going out to eat, playing Halo/resistance/ Winning Eleven for hours, or justchillin, etc. but when you're high/drunk it's a diff kind of fun.
Both are needed.

3 years later we still talk about the good drunk/high times.
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