I am a heroin addict. Ask me anything.

How old are you? Do you think that weed was a gateway in your case?

I'm 25. Weed is not a gateway drug. TONS AND TONS of people smoke weed and do nothing else. It depends on the person. I did other stuff before I smoked weed.

Hope you beat this bro.

Good luck fam.

Are you happy the way you live your life?

Would you say you are content the way you live it?

What is it that you do for you to be able to afford that type of lifestyle?(if this question is too specific just say if it is a office job a blue collar job or just unemployed but got some side hustles u do.)

 Thanks for your kind words. I am not happy, but I never was. Even before the dope. I'm just kinda living one day at a time. I work a 9-5 in an office and hustle as well. It is really exhausting mentally and physically.

No, you obviously don't feel me, because you're STILL justifying the use of drugs in this very response! Stop continuing to justify the use of ANY drugs.

I don't get this. He's a junkie and went way overboard but it doesn't mean ANY and ALL drugs are bad. Sure, no drug use would prevent this heroin foolishness but you could use that argument about A LOT of things.

Look, I have a problem finding out that somebody who knew they were addicted to a drug was encouraging and condoning the use of drugs to people on NT, many of whom are kids. So I don't care what drug he was referring to, somebody is his shoes should in NO way be encouraging ANYBODY to do ANY drugs PERIOD.
Get this **** straight, mother ******. I don't encourage **** . I am the one in EVERY THREAD telling people how to be SAFE while using MDMA. I give REAL INFORMATION, and not FDA scare tactic type stuff. I do this because I am more informed about a lot of drugs than almost anyone on this board. What I say is that going to a rave while rolling is definitely more enjoyable to me than sober. And I do that WHEN I AM ASKED, I don't just go "TAKE ECSTASY DO IT DO IT." 

Telling people who are inquiring about music festivals on NT that it's pointless to without being on some sort of substance, isn't encouraging them to take drugs? Yeah ok. Look, you wouldn't be in the position you are in today if you had stayed sober, so why don't you, while on NT, do the OPPOSITE of what you've done in life, and discourage people from doing any drugs so they don't risk one day becoming addicted to something like you.
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I never known a person to use boy, I always associated it with older people. Those pills ain't no joke

What state do you live in op?

What's your race?
Have you shot up in any other body parts besides the arms?

Do you get sores from shooting up?

All my heroin knowledge comes from the wire
The main part is the crook of the arm (like you see on TV), but also forearms and hands. Sometimes feet, but it hurts like hell. I change up my injection sites so I don't blow out my veins. That keeps my tracks to a minimum. I have some, but they aren't really that noticeable.

You only really get sores from missing shots (injecting somewhere that is not a vein). It's called an abscess, and they can get really nasty. A lot of times you have to go to the hospital to get them drained. I'm really careful, so I have avoided abscesses so far.


why did you relapse on day 91?

Because I got my 90 day chip the day before and I went out to celebrate because I thought I was over it. I was not.

Telling people who are inquiring about music festivals on NT that it's pointless to without being on some sort of substance, isn't encouraging them to take drugs? Yeah ok. Look, you wouldn't be in the position you are in today if you had stayed sober, so why don't you, while on NT, do the OPPOSITE of what you've done in life, and discourage people from doing any drugs so they don't risk one day becoming addicted to something like you.

Jesus Chrsit, I never said it was pointless. I said I don't like doing it because I'd much rather roll at a rave. I also said that I enjoyh regular electronic shows sober, but the rave atmosphere is much better on MDMA. I am also talking about MDMA, a drug that is shown to be non-addictive. You said that you drink at raves, so get the **** out of here with that BS. This isn't even what this thread is about, please stay on topic.
You ever been close to od'ing or any close calls??

How do you feel when you havent shot up in a bit??

Your first time, did you shoot up bc you wanted to or did your peers pressured you???

Ohhh, calm down, keep it civil, dont get banned.
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First and foremost you need to love yourself.

Do you even wanna quit? You say you do, but you associate to much pleasure with it.
You will only ever stop when it gets so bad that you associate it with more negative then positive.
At that point in your life it's gonna be hard. It's a test. You have failed it many times. You must push
through it and keep going, don'y stop, you are so close. Do it before it is too late. Things are going
to get worse. You will persevere and become over it. Regain control. The feeling is great, but just
remember you can always get there by remembering how it felt. The warmth, the love. The oneness.

Last question is when? when is it your time? will it ever come.

You should look into past life regression.
Telling people who are inquiring about music festivals on NT that it's pointless to without being on some sort of substance, isn't encouraging them to take drugs? Yeah ok. Look, you wouldn't be in the position you are in today if you had stayed sober, so why don't you, while on NT, do the OPPOSITE of what you've done in life, and discourage people from doing any drugs so they don't risk one day becoming addicted to something like you.

Why don't you fallback. Dude isn't saying anything about that in this thread and yet you keep busting in here like a cop. Just cause he might have "priors" to you doesn't mean you need to chastise him when he tries to make an informational thread about addiction.
i have a lot of friends, who aren't addicted to drugs, strictly pop mollies for the times we go to clubs in vegas for a more enjoyable experience. this only happens like 2-3 times a year.

it really isn't that uncommon for people to pop and not be addicted to anything *shrug*.

as for my question:

Do you think that weed was a gateway in your case?
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i have a lot of friends, who aren't addicted to drugs, strictly pop mollies for the times we go to clubs in vegas for a more enjoyable experience. this only happens like 2-3 times a year. it really isn't that uncommon.

My roommates and a good few of my friends do the same thing...
OK I'll say it then. I don't use heroin but I do MDMA and encourage it's use at festivals. Get off his sack.

encourage it for what?

you're a clown. I'm glad I tried it but I did for all the wrong reasons.

I loved the music and everyone kept saying you feel the music and hear it better. absolute ********.

rolling is cool but I don't get why anyone promotes any drug use that can be potentially fatal.

yes mdma included when you got jackasses popping multiple pills at once. or taking **** that they don't even know what it is
This thread is gonna get locked up and its ashame too :smh: . Why would someone promote drug use? What would he benefit from this? I swear, if you're not contributing or asking a a genuine question then ****, you don't have to be here. No one is going to start doing heroin just because someone on NT does it...
i thought i was the only one thinking that since im high :lol:

No kidding. I :smh: for the amount of money I spend on weed, and OP spends 500-1000 on H... I can't imagine. I tell myself I can quit at any time, but I've been buying my "last bag" for weeks now :smh:.

Anyway, nothing to ask you, best of luck with your addiction and hope you can become clean.
OK I'll say it then. I don't use heroin but I do MDMA and encourage it's use at festivals. Get off his sack.

encourage it for what?

you're a clown. I'm glad I tried it but I did for all the wrong reasons.

I loved the music and everyone kept saying you feel the music and hear it better. absolute ********.

rolling is cool but I don't get why anyone promotes any drug use that can be potentially fatal.

yes mdma included when you got jackasses popping multiple pills at once. or taking **** that they don't even know what it is

Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?

Thanks for doin this thread, OP. it is an eye opener.

Do you ever feel bad while being under the influence?

Aren't you scared of what they put in it that it might be laced with something?
For people saying you can't enjoy a show/festival sober, of all the shows I've gone to, I have been under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, and twice MDMA. I have been 100% sober for two of the biggest show's i've seen.

I know I have the mentality I have to be at least buzzed at a show, but honestly think I enjoy the sober shows the most.
OK I'll say it then. I don't use heroin but I do MDMA and encourage it's use at festivals. Get off his sack.

encourage it for what?

you're a clown. I'm glad I tried it but I did for all the wrong reasons.

I loved the music and everyone kept saying you feel the music and hear it better. absolute ********.

rolling is cool but I don't get why anyone promotes any drug use that can be potentially fatal.

yes mdma included when you got jackasses popping multiple pills at once. or taking **** that they don't even know what it is

Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?


there's a difference between "potentially fatal" and "known to be lethal" though.

why are you so mad
last i checked alcohol is potentially fatal. Hell driving a car is potentially fatal. Aint nobody at my throat for doing those
Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY THREAD. You are a troll. This is the last time I will respond to you, but MDMA is NOT lethal. FAKE MDMA is lethal. Alcohol is much more lethal, and you drink. If you test your pills and rave responsibly, MDMA is very safe. Period. You are misinformed (which again, is why I make threads like this).

Thanks for doin this thread, OP. it is an eye opener.

Do you ever feel bad while being under the influence?

Aren't you scared of what they put in it that it might be laced with something?

You're welcome. That's why I made this thread.

I ALWAYS feel bad when I'm high. I know it's wrong and I know that I'm disappointing a lot of people that love me by using.

I'm not that scared of it being laced because there's no reason for my dealer to do that. You don't make money from killing your customers.

as for my question:
Do you think that weed was a gateway in your case?

No, I don't believe so. A series of unfortunate events lead to my addiction.
may be a silly question but i was watching an episode of vice the other day and they followed heroin addicts that particpated in an ibogaine treatment to help kick the habit, you ever heard of or thought about doing that?
Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?


THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY THREAD. You are a troll. This is the last time I will respond to you, but MDMA is NOT lethal. FAKE MDMA is lethal. Alcohol is much more lethal, and you drink. If you test your pills and rave responsibly, MDMA is very safe. Period. You are misinformed (which again, is why I make threads like this).

MDMA, crystal or powder, can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.
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