I got a question or two Vol. What do you call us Christians that...

Just wanted to chime in on this right here:
NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian

Alright, let me begin by asking a question first. If you're going to abide by the rules of something, it would make sense to go by that specific rulebook, right? Like, if you're going to play soccer, you should go by the rulebook written for soccer, right? Playing soccer by the rules written for ping-pong doesn't make sense, right?


Alright, moving on.

The rulebook for Christianity is... the Bible, right?


Now... saying 'Believe everything the Bible says or you're not a Christian' sounds like a rule to me. Sooo... where in the rulebook of Christianity (the Bible) does it say that?
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

don't know if it's been said but you're an Agnostic buddy (welcome to another small society...all we ask is truth and knowledge
), just stop being scared to stop calling yourself a Christian nobody's going to punish you for that
well besides being flamed or praised by NT

   And God. (I do believe that, bro).

You're still agnostic fam.

Agnostic theism (also called "spiritual agnosticism")the view of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence.
Enh, guess there's something else I want to chime in on.

Muslims definitely believe Jesus Christ was a prophet, a holy figure. They just don't believe He was the Son of God. They show great reverence towards Jesus, like saying 'peace be upon him' after saying His name, the same way they do with their prophet Mohammed.

And stop the pyramid quoting, please.

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian.

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian.


Most, I would say close to a 100 percent of Christians are far from being "Christ-like". Does this mean real Christians virtually don't exist? 
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

answer to OP: "non-denominational christian"

each denomination has their own thoughts/beliefs that stem from the good book. i tend to disagree with a lot of those, so i dont fall in line with any of them. that doesnt mean i dont have faith. i have faith, blind as it may be... i have faith.

i read the bible when i was younger, went to bible study... all that. it helped me to realize that i didnt agree with a lot of the baptist (mom) views. went to church a lot when i was little too... helped me realize i didnt agree with a lot of the catholic (dad) views. but thats just me.

to me, your faith should be centered around YOUR singular relationship with god... whom ever or whatever that god may be.

NT religion posts are a key example of why i tread my own path and keep my faith to myself. dudes saying "you're either in or you're out" is just ignorant. who are we to criticize ANYONE's faith or beliefs? cats with their "youre not Christian enough" opinions are the main reason i dont find myself in the pews as much nowadays. and seriously... if you really feel that way, then you should re-read your book.

in my eyes, there is only one opinion that matters... and i have faith, that God holds me in high regard. i could give a %@!% what you simps or any random stranger think about my faith (or lack thereof)... because when its all said and done, you're just as in the dark as i am... i just admit it.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian.

Most, I would say close to a 100 percent of Christians are far from being "Christ-like". Does this mean real Christians virtually don't exist? 
 pretty much 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

don't know if it's been said but you're an Agnostic buddy (welcome to another small society...all we ask is truth and knowledge
), just stop being scared to stop calling yourself a Christian nobody's going to punish you for that
well besides being flamed or praised by NT

   And God. (I do believe that, bro).

You're still agnostic fam.

Agnostic theism (also called "spiritual agnosticism")the view of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence.
Do not confuse Agnostic with Atheist please
you believe in the idea of God kid but not the idea that's been given to you by religious institutions
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

answer to OP: "non-denominational christian"

each denomination has their own thoughts/beliefs that stem from the good book. i tend to disagree with a lot of those, so i dont fall in line with any of them. that doesnt mean i dont have faith. i have faith, blind as it may be... i have faith.

i read the bible when i was younger, went to bible study... all that. it helped me to realize that i didnt agree with a lot of the baptist (mom) views. went to church a lot when i was little too... helped me realize i didnt agree with a lot of the catholic (dad) views. but thats just me.

to me, your faith should be centered around YOUR singular relationship with god... whom ever or whatever that god may be.

NT religion posts are a key example of why i tread my own path and keep my faith to myself. dudes saying "you're either in or you're out" is just ignorant. who are we to criticize ANYONE's faith or beliefs? cats with their "youre not Christian enough" opinions are the main reason i dont find myself in the pews as much nowadays. and seriously... if you really feel that way, then you should re-read your book.

in my eyes, there is only one opinion that matters... and i have faith, that God holds me in high regard. i could give a %@!% what you simps or any random stranger think about my faith (or lack thereof)... because when its all said and done, you're just as in the dark as i am... i just admit it.

So you made up you're own religion that is kind of like Christianity? 
 thats a great idea lets all do that!
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian.

Most, I would say close to a 100 percent of Christians are far from being "Christ-like". Does this mean real Christians virtually don't exist? 

Nope. It means perfection doesn't exist. Nothing more. Christ's ways are a combination of his thought process and his "genetics".

A + B = C

Where A = outlook and perception; B = divine origin, and C = The status of Christ

Being a Christian has more to do with having Christ's intellect, insight, open mindedness, and compassion than having his squeaky clean record.  Man doesn't have the same semi-flawless makeup so our equation is A + D = E. D =earthy origin and E = The status of Christ-like. D=/=B so C will never equal E. So that clearly isn't the point of it all IMO

Being a Christian is about getting your E as close to his C as possible, even though they will never equate... IMO
Do not confuse Agnostic with Atheist please
you believe in the idea of God kid but not the idea that's been given to you by religious institutions
If there's a difference between Agnostic and Christian, then I'm Christian. Period. I define me and my connection to God, not the people around me who may feel we're one and the same. I identify more with "standardized Christianity" and agree more with it than I disagree. I just don't believe EVERY THING. I'd say if anything, I believe 60 percent of the bible as I've read it. The 40 % I don't belive are all cosmetic-- names, dates, dialouge, etc. The 60% I DO believe is all ideal -- honor thy parents, there's only one God, There's a good and a bad ending to this movie we're cast in, etc.. I AM a Christian. I DO believe in the things he practiced and preached. I'm just not big on RELIGION, ya feel me?
So you made up you're own religion that is kind of like Christianity? thats a great idea lets all do that!

no. i dont even know how that conclusion was drawn from what i said. im christian... i just derive my own conclusions and belief from the bible. i'm not Baptist. i'm not Catholic. i'm not Presbyterian.

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

So you made up you're own religion that is kind of like Christianity? thats a great idea lets all do that!

no. i dont even know how that conclusion was drawn from what i said. im christian... i just derive my own conclusions and belief from the bible. i'm not Baptist. i'm not Catholic. i'm not Presbyterian.


so you go off of what you think the bible is saying?
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian.

Most, I would say close to a 100 percent of Christians are far from being "Christ-like". Does this mean real Christians virtually don't exist? 

Nope. It means perfection doesn't exist. Nothing more. Christ's ways are a combination of his thought process and his "genetics".

A + B = C

Where A = outlook and perception; B = divine origin, and C = The status of Christ

Being a Christian has more to do with having Christ's intellect, insight, open mindedness, and compassion than having his squeaky clean record.  Man doesn't have the same semi-flawless makeup so our equation is A + D = E. D =earthy origin and E = The status of Christ-like. D=/=B so C will never equal E. So that clearly isn't the point of it all IMO

Being a Christian is about getting your E as close to his C as possible, even though they will never equate... IMO
Do not confuse Agnostic with Atheist please
you believe in the idea of God kid but not the idea that's been given to you by religious institutions
If there's a difference between Agnostic and Christian, then I'm Christian. Period. I define me and my connection to God, not the people around me who may feel we're one and the same. I identify more with "standardized Christianity" and agree more with it than I disagree. I just don't believe EVERY THING. I'd say if anything, I believe 60 percent of the bible as I've read it. The 40 % I don't belive are all cosmetic-- names, dates, dialouge, etc. The 60% I DO believe is all ideal -- honor thy parents, there's only one God, There's a good and a bad ending to this movie we're cast in, etc.. I AM a Christian. I DO believe in the things he practiced and preached. I'm just not big on RELIGION, ya feel me?

All I got from reading this is at the end of the day people have their own interpretations about what it means to be in a certain religion? There is no true definition of what it means to be Christian. Even Christians themselves can't come to a consensus as to what it entails and how best to practice Christianity. Call yourself whatever you want, at the end of the day it really doesn't matter.

Be a good person, live your life as "moral" and "righteous" as possible and hope for the best. That's my philosophy.
So you made up you're own religion that is kind of like Christianity? thats a great idea lets all do that!
I'm sorry but I just have to say this....that little bit of innocent sarcasm you just threw in right there really shows you how ignorant you are to the secrets of life/the universe/and the religions that are used to help the mentally weak understand what we may never.

of course it's not socially healthy for EVERYONE to have their own idea of religion/God however if you really believe that creating your own way of living life positively to help cope with the harshness of life and reality is pointless than I just don't know what to say to you bro.

The whole point of religion is to help an individual find inner peace in this world of chaos, if creating your own views of how you think everything was created or occurred helps one with this, than so be it and more power to them. I am one of these people who has my own ideas of what I think is really out there either in physical/non-physical form and this is the first time I've actually felt the need to defend this idea.

Broaden your horizons my man I'm not saying think outside of the box cuz if we all did we'd just end up in another box. But the possibilities and explanations are nearly infinite
Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

^ don't een trip... apparently I'm what he calls a Muslim

You're not a Muslim you're what i call a mama's boy
I don't honestly give a +#%% what you call me. You're the foolish one, not me. I'm honest about my ignorance and confusion. You're blinded by yours.
I'm sorry but I just have to say this....that little bit of innocent sarcasm you just threw in right there really shows you how ignorant you are to the secrets of life/the universe/and the religions that are used to help the mentally weak understand what we may never.

of course it's not socially healthy for EVERYONE to have their own idea of religion/God however if you really believe that creating your own way of living life positively to help cope with the harshness of life and reality is pointless than I just don't know what to say to you bro.

The whole point of religion is to help an individual find inner peace in this world of chaos, if creating your own views of how you think everything was created or occurred helps one with this, than so be it and more power to them. I am one of these people who has my own ideas of what I think is really out there either in physical/non-physical form and this is the first time I've actually felt the need to defend this idea.

Broaden your horizons my man I'm not saying think outside of the box cuz if we all did we'd just end up in another box. But the possibilities and explanations are nearly infinite

The irony lies in the FACT that this is exactly where ALL religions PROBABLY came from. Because I have faith, I'll take my chances on the %0.000000000000000000000000012 chance that Christianity is the end all be all way to go about this life thing. But at least I'm real about it. If the world ends the way it says in the bible,  and I get front row seats to the rapture and go to heaven as its described in the bible --I'ma be real pissed I never played the lotto.
Why is it so hard to understand that someone might have a different way of connecting with God than whats suggested by the Bible? Connecting with God is a completely personal thing, religion should be seen as more of a guideline rather than a strict set of rules .

And do you even know how many times the Bible has been changed to control groups of people? Obviously theres alot of truth and lessons to be learned in the book. but following the bible blindly and literally is stupid as hell, especially when it has been altered and used for manipulation over the years. I went to a private catholic school and even they agreed with this...
ALL christians believe jesus was the son of god. baptists, methodist, evangelical, pentecostal, catholic, etc all interpret the bible differently. i'm currently in the process of entering seminary school, so i'll have a better understanding of it.

me, i dont belong to any. i have a relationship
 It's God's job to judge, the Holy Spirit's job to convict, and my job to love.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Why is it so hard to understand that someone might have a different way of connecting with God than whats suggested by the Bible? Connecting with God is a completely personal thing, religion should be seen as more of a guideline rather than a strict set of rules .

And do you even know how many times the Bible has been changed to control groups of people? Obviously theres alot of truth and lessons to be learned in the book. but following the bible blindly and literally is stupid as hell, especially when it has been altered and used for manipulation over the years. I went to a private catholic school and even they agreed with this...
and this.
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