I have a question for the men

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I just got out of a class that went into graphic detail about the birthing process. I want to faint lol

When you do become fathers, do you want to be in the labor room when it happens?

Those who are, were you in the room when it happened?

If I could have a baby in a corner with nobody around, I sure would
Yea I wanna be in there watching it get bigger

...the head as the baby comes out that is
i dont mind being there...but at the head of the bed, not the foot. don't wanna get goop and junk on my kicks
I'll be there if she wants me there.

If not, I'm drinkin' celebratory whiskey in the waiting room.

That being said, I plan on adopting an asian kid and naming him Desmond.
i watched and i was scared for my life man...but baby mama wouldnt have me not watchin...brah, she woulda whooped my !%@
it wasnt as bad as i thought tho...
when i saw my daughter come out and she was healthy, best day of my life
I was in there both times. I looked down the first time, but not the second. Not gonna lie it's pretty gross. I did cut both cords though.
i wanna be there, but prolly turn my head when the box is being opened wider then ill ever get it to do.
Hell nah I don't wanna be in there. But i'm already foreseein' a problem so i'll probably in there like a prisoner on some forced to witnesstype
My wife ONLY wanted me and the nurses with her during labor. She told her mom that beforehand and her mom got a little ticked, but when it came time for labor,it was just me and the 2 nurses.

I let the nurses guide our son out, and I stayed up at my wife's head, holding her hand and what not.

And the entire process of pregnancy, labor, and post-pregnancy is something that every responsible mother deserves unending credit for. Yes, I throw thequalifier 'responsible' in there because there are some mothers who don't handle the responsibility of having a child responsibly.
Not me

too much going on..............

I might be right outside, but maybe if Im in love then I nothing will matter
Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

I haven't really decided yet. im scared i might pass out from seeing my shorty's vajajay get stretched out.

That was the only bad part for me. That's why I said I looked down the first time, but not the second. It looks sick when the head is coming out.

And like Ska said, I could not go through what the women do. They deserve all the credit. It's crazy!!
Yeah, I wanna be there. Afterwards, I would like to get daps from everyone. That is if I don't faint.
Probably the best front row seats I'll ever have in my life.

I'm definitely not passing it up. Gotta kickstart the bonding process with my kid early.
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