I have a question for the men

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Hell Yeah, I'm going to all up in there with my digi cam in hand


Ill be in there....no camera like some said though....dont want my kid having to see that more than need be lol
when my daughter was born, i did NOT look, i stood with my back towards my wife as i held her hand tightly. i'm not gonna be terrified for life
i will b right there....but probably above the cover....i hope i dont pass out....lol
of course i gotta be there! thats suppose to be considered one of the best days for you and your significant other.
man, i don't even want to be in the delivery room
sometimes i wish the stork really did deliver babies
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

imma be in the room, but y'all DO know the chicks poop on themselves, right?
false... not all of them do...
i hear it's quite typical.....

i hear it happens a majority of the time....

maybe you'll be the in the lucky minority...

but it's more than likely that poop will be involved...


Its actually not that common…my mother was an RN labor anddelivery (Mt Siani Hospital, NYC) she was on that unit for 16 years or so…anyways, she would tell me everything, and only one in every few would have thatproblem, it was more common for it not to happen.

What they try to do when you begin to go into labor isrestrict you from eating, and keeping the woman on liquids only to prevent that from happening. Also another tip forladies….practice your kegal exercises…you will have better control of your muscles down there which helps those accidents from happening.
As much as it is a beautiful experience, it is a scarring image that would probably haunt my mind.

In regards to this situation, I care about the end result, not the process, so to speak.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

imma be in the room, but y'all DO know the chicks poop on themselves, right?
false... not all of them do...
i hear it's quite typical.....

i hear it happens a majority of the time....

maybe you'll be the in the lucky minority...

but it's more than likely that poop will be involved...

I DID NOT know that............. WOW.... oh well, shortythinks it's cool to leave the door open anyway. No biggie I guess.. but being extra comfy with your mate's"routines" FTW or FTL?
I'll be up around her head shoulders area....Im not goin anywhere below the waist....thats how we got into that situation in the 1st place
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

, imagine trying to push a 9 pound baby out while, at the same time, holding in a deuce...


SO glad i was born with meat between my legs....

edit: still, one in every few is a high enough occurrence that many people in this post will see poop come out with their child...and i will still have anxiety about it....


Ewwwww…..LOL…I do have to admit, when you ready to pop,it's a pressure on something down there that I can see women "feeling" like they need to go, but you really don't, its just thebaby.

My son 4lbs FTW thank god!....no poop, no stitches/tearing,2 pushes he was out!
I saw a birth video in 7th grade health class.

I found it rather disturbing.
Its something you never forget, I was in the delivery room for all 3 of my girls. When the head and nothing else is poking out its like
. I told myself after the first one I would never watch it again but I did it 2 more times anyway.
Man they got birth videos on youtube...%%$+ threw me off when I came across it. Women on there be straight butt naked and everything.
Being that I'm the one that would be having the I don't know if it would freak dude out or not. Its would be his choice of course.
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

, imagine trying to push a 9 pound baby out while, at the same time, holding in a deuce...


SO glad i was born with meat between my legs....

edit: still, one in every few is a high enough occurrence that many people in this post will see poop come out with their child...and i will still have anxiety about it....


Ewwwww…..LOL…I do have to admit, when you ready to pop, it's a pressure on something down there that I can see women "feeling" like they need to go, but you really don't, its just the baby.

My son 4lbs FTW thank god!....no poop, no stitches/tearing, 2 pushes he was out!
Damn 4 pounds?
Oh I was there. Crazy...No camera though, we wanted that private. But I was fine from water break...all to crowning.

Then because we had twin girls, we went straight to the operating room just in case. When the first daughter came out, I nearly fainted. minutes later when thesecond girl came out, the doc. had me sit in the corner of the room as she said my face was turning pale. my face and lips were numb. LOL. But after the wholeordeal. It was a very magical moment hearing their cry. The cutting of the cord. I cried on my way up to the NICU escorting them up there. My wife fakes likeshe is weak, but after that....There is no way I am ever questioning her strength.
Yup been there twice, with my daughter they used suction and forceps to assist, with my son the doc was out of the room flirtin with nurses and his head wasjust chillin out for a few mins sayin hello....It's not all that bad to watch, some hospitals will offer mom a mirror to watch some stuff...
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Yea I'm going to be there... Wouldn't miss it for the world
Seymore CUPCAKE coming to a womb near you

, it's poop and pee bro....not that serious...lol

now if she has a bout of explosive diarrhea...yeah, close the door babe....

so...ftw? Cause I feel weird about it...
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