I have been called into the judge mathis show (UPDATE: Episode will air on syndication in Mid-April)

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

As a TV Judge Show Veteran (Judge Judy for me) myself hopefully I can give you some tips.

1. If the case makes it to air, they will edit the footage in a manner to make you look stupid as hell regardless of how insightful and logically you may act. They gonna try to make you look dumb regardless of what you do so might as well go for it.

2. The case is virtually pre-decided since the "Judge's" decision does not have to be based on any sort of legal precedent or law. Basically judge makes his own rules and his own judgement based on his ideals/beliefs/opinions since he is an arbitrator not an actual presiding judge in any court of law.

3. YOU gonna get paid to show up. For Judge Judy I got $500 to show up and tape my case. If you LOSE, the show will pay the settlement for you. Therefore win or lose, you really have nothing to lose from a cash standpoint. One thing to be wary of. If you dress like a fool they may tell you to go home and not even put you on set to tape. Wear a NT shirt at your own risk. You risk the $500 (or however much they pay) show fee if you cant even make it to set. Once the camera is rollin though, let loose, but be sure to keep it cool til they got you in front of the camera and they are filming.

4. Another reason you want to dress fly is cause of the green room. You might get lucky. When me and my boy were chillin in the green room they had us in there with some of the other plaintiffs from other cases they were going to film that day. The plaintiffs for the case they filmed right before mine were some 21 yr old college girls from Austin, TX who were out in CA for the first time ever (for the filming). One chick was whatevers but her friend/witness was bad and eager to make friends.

Good luck.


I found it on youtube awhile back and posted the link in the MMA Thread in S&T. I get clowned about it all the time from my friends, family, people Ihardly know, etc... etc... Hey, as long as I can bring the "lulz" even at my expense I guess. Let me see if I can find it.


found it. Sorry I don't know how to embed. I am the foolish looking defendant here. I guess its time to get my flamesuit on. Enjoy.
Never heard the term ducktales used in real life. Would be funny to hear it in a courtroom.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I found it on youtube awhile back and posted the link in the MMA Thread in S&T. I get clowned about it all the time from my friends, family, people I hardly know, etc... etc... Hey, as long as I can bring the "lulz" even at my expense I guess. Let me see if I can find it.


found it. Sorry I don't know how to embed. I am the foolish looking defendant here. I guess its time to get my flamesuit on. Enjoy.

That dude was soft.
suing for a tap on the leg?
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I found it on youtube awhile back and posted the link in the MMA Thread in S&T. I get clowned about it all the time from my friends, family, people I hardly know, etc... etc... Hey, as long as I can bring the "lulz" even at my expense I guess. Let me see if I can find it.


found it. Sorry I don't know how to embed. I am the foolish looking defendant here. I guess its time to get my flamesuit on. Enjoy.

That dude was soft.
suing for a tap on the leg?

And it begins...

First off - Sorry to threadjack OP

Second - I meant to say that I was the plaintiff, NOT the defendant. I AM that soft dude that sued for a tap on the leg.

For what its worth, most of the story is made up. Me and my boy are still cool, in fact he is the bestman at my wedding next month. I just didnt want dude topay for my hospital bills, and I didnt want to pay for them either which is why we concocted this story to get on JJ.

So the real story in a nutshell:
Got stupid drunk. Left the event and was walking back to the car. In my inebriated state I asked a friend if he thought I could RNC (rear naked choke) my boyand put him to sleep right there on the street. My friend goaded me to attempt it. Like an idiot I listened. Started to choke my friend til he started togurgle and I jumped off and like an idiot, I immediately turned to start a conversation with another friend (I have a very short attention span when drunk). Next thing I know I got clubbed with a vicious kneestrike right into my thigh which buckled my leg. The rest is history.

As for being soft, what can I say. It hurt like a mothereffer. It didnt help that I have a long history of drug use and therefore have a high tolerance forthem when I went to the ER. Doctor hooked my IV up with some morphine and it didnt even take the edge off. Dude wouldnt give me more either. FTL. Within 10days of the injury, the entire backside of my left leg from the bottom of my butt all the way to my ankle was a deep purple/blue/black from all the dead bloodthat was slowly working its way down. Eventually it pooled in my foot and I had a Longfellow Deeds-esque swollen black foot for another week or so after that(had trouble even getting my shoes on). Unfortunately they couldnt drain all that blood cause they my blood count was too low and the pressure build up fromall the pooling blood was too much and I would lose too much blood. The reality of it is, they COULD have drained it and hooked me up with a couple bags ofplasma but they probably didnt want to waste the plasma on a drunken ****** like me. Serves me right. All in all, it was probably atleast 3 months before Icould bend my leg at my knee more than 90 degrees. 9+ months before I got full range of motion back in that leg. Lesson learned.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by Rjjr711


It took awhile, hence why the long delay in posts but I just had the taping and I think I went overboard, basically it started off good but then I felt the judge starting to side with him as he provided "so called paperwork" with his BS claims and the judge was getting on me for not bringing evidence to refute him so I basically said F it and went off the deep end, there was a whole lot of commotion, things i can remember i did off top of my head was repeatedly saying "this is ducktales your honor" and even sang the "woohoo hoo" after saying the ducktales part (its from the ducktales theme). I also looked at friend and repeatedly said "NT Knows"and I remember saying "look on page 3 of general forum mr mathis" and I said "hat" alot when the case was going my way at the beginning of the proceedings. There was a whole bunch of other stuff I got off my chest which ill menion if i remember it, I just got back home so its a little hazy because so many things were happening in the courtroom at once. Basically the end of it was when I took a shot at the baliff guy who is always with judge mathis on tv, i asked him "why you on judge mathis's d i k all the time no @%#+" and I was thrown out of the courtroom on the grounds of being incoherent to the judge after he repeatedly asked what I was talking about.

I doubt the episode will air on tv but if it does it would have to be edited quite heavily but whatever i didnt pay a cent for the judge's ruling so I am cool with it. A whole bunch of other stuff happened including altercation with the so called "courtroom audience" during the case but I am too tired to get into that right now.

Sorry to gravedig, but this thread made my day
I found out the episode will air in Mid-April for all those who asked. I dont know how much it will be edited
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