Apr 7, 2008
Ok, so I'm going to try to write this down really fast so I dont forget so excuse any mistakes!

I was just watching this documentary on water (I'll post the link) and it discussed some really interesting stuff. It discusses that water is actually shaped by our minds and it actually holds information. When he freezes it, it holds information of what the water was last affected by. Now check this out...

I was watching a documentary on the crystal skulls, and I saw a segment about how crystals can store information. And those crystal skulls can store information since they're crystal. So there could be a TON of valuable information stored on those skulls by who knows what years and years ago. Keep reading...

Now if we can figure out the patterns and methods the water uses to freeze, we can apply that same technology to crystal formation, right??? What if crystals read and feel the information from the entire ENVIORMENT around it and store it slowly over time through its formation??? We could possibly read our entire earth's�history through crystal. What if they figure out a way to make the readings VISUAL?

This could be an amazing discovery.

I infused the text with�links so that you can click them and actually see what I'm referencing. I'm not %++!%#$@*$%$.

I'm a little lost. I understand what you're saying about how water and crystals can store information.
But what exactly are you suggesting to do, and what type of information is stored?

I'll be back in the morning.
Think about this. Our braings are a LARGE majority water.

Is that where our memories are stored? Think about this now...
This #*+! cray... Never even thought about this before.. Absolutely dope. Here's some food for thought.. Humans ARE composed of around 70% water.

Anyways, this is a really intriguing theory... And I'm only halfway through the video. I need to light up and watch the rest 
yea u can "charge" water with crystals too, which increases the healing properties of the water. Even prayer e.g. holy water 

It is also believe that water can be negatively charged as well, for example, if you leave a cup of water in a room where people are arguing, bad vibes in general, that water can actually be harmful. Theres a lot of stuff we don't know much about ....

crystals though....well we can store a bunch of info on flash drives, dna, nanotech....who knows maybe.
 you might be on to something

Sike! good to bed my dude you ain't figure nothing out. 
I'm going to try the water restructuring thing that's at the end of the video, and I'll let you guys know how I feel. This is about to be epic.
The Dogon tribe in Africa explain amphibious beings from the Sirius star system came and communicated with them and gave them the knowledge they have on the star Sirius. I believe hints like that have been given to humanity for us to piece together and figure the real reasons out, and this could possibly be it. That water is mad powerful.

They have had extensive knowledge on the star Sirius for hundreds of years. Stuff our recent technology is just finding out. How did they get this information? They have passed down stories about amphibious beings from the sky coming and giving them knowledge.

Think I'm lying? Peep this video...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

The Dogon tribe in Africa explain amphibious beings from the Sirius star system came and communicated with them and gave them the knowledge they have on the star Sirius. I believe hints like that have been given to humanity for us to piece together and figure the real reasons out, and this could possibly be it. That water is mad powerful.

They have had extensive knowledge on the star Sirius for hundreds of years. Stuff our recent technology is just finding out. How did they get this information? They have passed down stories about amphibious beings from the sky coming and giving them knowledge.

Think I'm lying? Peep this video...
nice. there's definitely something to this, whether you want to believe it or not.�
I want to believe.
supa vegetto wrote:
ATLien Seeko wrote:
The Dogon tribe in Africa explain amphibious beings from the Sirius star system came and communicated with them and gave them the knowledge they have on the star Sirius. I believe hints like that have been given to humanity for us to piece together and figure the real reasons out, and this could possibly be it. That water is mad powerful.

They have had extensive knowledge on the star Sirius for hundreds of years. Stuff our recent technology is just finding out. How did they get this information? They have passed down stories about amphibious beings from the sky coming and giving them knowledge.

Think I'm lying? Peep this video...

nice. there's definitely something to do this, whether you want to believe it or not.�
I want to believe.

Son, real talk.. My dad used to teach me stuff like this. That's why I appreciated my dad so much bro. I still feel like he teaches me even though he's gone. Respect to my father. I never call him "dead" because I feel like he's still alive. He's just "gone" from this realm. So I wont say R.I.P. because he's not resting... My dad is still alive.
Our results highlight the efficiency of energy redistribution within the hydrogen-bonded network, and that liquid water essentially loses the memory of persistent correlations in its structure within 50 fs.

A femtosecond is the SI unit of time equal to 10[sup]-15[/sup] of a second.
  • 200 fs – the swiftest chemical reactions, such as the reaction of pigments in an eye to light
  • For context, a femtosecond is to a second what a second is to about 31.7 million years.

so water has a memory of 1/5 the time it takes my eye pigments to react to the light on my computer screen.

one hell of a memory huh

So the Egyptians were born from the Dogon's? Because you know how people say the Egyptians just formed in African out of nowhere? Like, there was no "evolutionary" growth in civilization in Africa to the civilization they possessed. There was a instant jump. Maybe that's why? Because they instantly learned all this new tech from the Nommos?(the people from Sirius)? hmmmm...

"Nommo" is a DOPE name for a son.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

supa vegetto wrote:
ATLien Seeko wrote:
The Dogon tribe in Africa explain amphibious beings from the Sirius star system came and communicated with them and gave them the knowledge they have on the star Sirius. I believe hints like that have been given to humanity for us to piece together and figure the real reasons out, and this could possibly be it. That water is mad powerful.

They have had extensive knowledge on the star Sirius for hundreds of years. Stuff our recent technology is just finding out. How did they get this information? They have passed down stories about amphibious beings from the sky coming and giving them knowledge.

Think I'm lying? Peep this video...
nice. there's definitely something to do this, whether you want to believe it or not.�
I want to believe.

Son, real talk.. My dad used to teach me stuff like this. That's why I appreciated my dad so much bro. I still feel like he teaches me even though he's gone. Respect to my father. I never call him "dead" because I feel like he's still alive. He's just "gone" from this realm. So I wont say R.I.P. because he's not resting... My dad is still alive.
Your dad was ahead of his time. Nothing but respect. 
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