I Just got robbed

Originally Posted by dopestop

I know his name, where go goes to school, and his grade, I don't feel like filing a police report but getting back at him, but if I go to that school that's putting myself in legal trouble..
LOL @ some dudes in here glorifying their "affiliations" and talking tough like they're untouchable or something. All I really see are unevolvedmomma's boys trying too hard at appearing hard just because they happen to be from a part of town where criminals run rampant. Like that's something tobe proud of? Like being from the hood is your badge of honor?

That doesn't make you any harder than the next man. In fact, that makes you unfortunate - unfortunate to be stuck in that crime-ridden mess of aneighborhood you're probably living in, unfortunate to be possessing an left back mentality where respect is born out of fear rather than merit,unfortunate that you equate being "real" with being brash and unwise.

OP - nothing you can do about the situation unless you want it to come back to you in a worse way. File a report if you want, but I doubt police will do muchabout it anyway. Scumbags are everywhere so just be mindful of your surroundings and live your life is all I can say.
I can't quote since I'm on my iPod but Im not gonna entertain the stuff that y'all saying.. I
not gonna waste my time going back and forth with a bunch of people on a message board when they are no where near where I live.. Y'all talk all that overNT but in person yall wouldn't say nothing.. So Im not going to entertain it..

Bifflawson - nah I'm not from the plains, I'm from the south bx.. Where u from uptown bro?
anybody can get got at the right time...i could care less who the hell you affiliated with.....
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

HARMCITY45 wrote:
He soowhoopin' when it's safe and convenient

this bull happen all the time out here in the burbs bruh. People stay doin it in supermarkets and #@@%
Im just gonna laugh the day I see em getstomped out
@ this thread

OP, I don't think there is anything you can do in this situation because he will retaliate if you do something.
You can pick two days out the week and find every one of them alone and kick their *$# into a coma. Like knock on they doors and when they open up floor emwith a Louieville. That's how they'd do it in the movies.
Originally Posted by maxb7ty

NT %%%+%# stay the victims of licks

Its huntin season. OP chose the right course of action. This is such an insignificant thing in the grand scheme of things and possibly getting beating todeath/shot over an ipod is not worth it. Learn from this and move on.


You should of hit em with the 360 tho

OP: you should have put on the Usain Bolt's as soon as you seen them orming to surround you. (and tried to pick up ya iPod in the process.)

File a police report may help the situation but word is going to get around your city when one of them is locked up and now you cannot go to any parties or anyevents in your city because people now know you and want to get revenge for their homie doing time...

its a lose-lose situation.
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