I Just got robbed

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

and what are 'hood people'?
You know, hood people. The ones who are ignorant, aren't civil, commit/glorify crime, etc.

Come on, you're from the Bronx, you should know how those hooligans are.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

I can't quote since I'm on my iPod but Im not gonna entertain the stuff that y'all saying.. I
not gonna waste my time going back and forth with a bunch of people on a message board when they are no where near where I live.. Y'all talk all that over NT but in person yall wouldn't say nothing.. So Im not going to entertain it..

Bifflawson - nah I'm not from the plains, I'm from the south bx.. Where u from uptown bro?
son im bugging I didnt realize it was you
WRECKHOUSE, USAyou already know, not until I saw your sig
I'm just going to take the L and keep moving.
Here is how it all started, my cousin was asking around for 35 cents for me since I didn't have 1's, he asked this guy "hey my man you got 35cents" the guy (black) said, hey %%% you just called me a ***** for? my cousin said oh naww, I said my man, the other guy said, naww you said my mulato,then thats when I got up cuz I knew something was about to go down and I had to step up, I went next to my cousin who never got in a fight before, hey manchill out... I knew something was going to happen, so dude got close to me and he tried to get my ipod but i held it so thats when he knocked my ipod to thefloor, immediatley I tought oh this guy wants to fight so I shove the guy, and thats when 5 other people came and said whats good cuz, why you wanna hurt mybrother, and the guy picks up the ipod touch and tries to leave, at that time dude had it on his hand already and had 4 people in front of me and a couple morewatching the surroundings...
Originally Posted by dopestop

my cousin was asking around for 35 cents for me since I didn't have 1's, he asked this guy "hey my man you got 35 cents" the guy (black) said, hey %%% you just called me a ***** for? my cousin said oh naww, I said my man, the other guy said, naww you said my mulato
Originally Posted by dopestop

I'm just going to take the L and keep moving.
Here is how it all started, my cousin was asking around for 35 cents for me since I didn't have 1's, he asked this guy "hey my man you got 35 cents" the guy (black) said, hey %%% you just called me a ***** for? my cousin said oh naww, I said my man, the other guy said, naww you said my mulato, then thats when I got up cuz I knew something was about to go down and I had to step up, I went next to my cousin who never got in a fight before, hey man chill out... I knew something was going to happen, so dude got close to me and he tried to get my ipod but i held it so thats when he knocked my ipod to the floor, immediatley I tought oh this guy wants to fight so I shove the guy, and thats when 5 other people came and said whats good cuz, why you wanna hurt my brother, and the guy picks up the ipod touch and tries to leave, at that time dude had it on his hand already and had 4 people in front of me and a couple more watching the surroundings...
Ok... now i'm confused. Why didn't you mention your cousin earlier? I thought the whole time that you was by yourself. Eventhough 2can't take on 6 but is your cousin frail or something. And was all of those dudes in highschool?
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by dopestop

I'm just going to take the L and keep moving.
Here is how it all started, my cousin was asking around for 35 cents for me since I didn't have 1's, he asked this guy "hey my man you got 35 cents" the guy (black) said, hey %%% you just called me a ***** for? my cousin said oh naww, I said my man, the other guy said, naww you said my mulato, then thats when I got up cuz I knew something was about to go down and I had to step up, I went next to my cousin who never got in a fight before, hey man chill out... I knew something was going to happen, so dude got close to me and he tried to get my ipod but i held it so thats when he knocked my ipod to the floor, immediatley I tought oh this guy wants to fight so I shove the guy, and thats when 5 other people came and said whats good cuz, why you wanna hurt my brother, and the guy picks up the ipod touch and tries to leave, at that time dude had it on his hand already and had 4 people in front of me and a couple more watching the surroundings...
Ok... now i'm confused. Why didn't you mention your cousin earlier? I thought the whole time that you was by yourself. Eventhough 2 can't take on 6 but is your cousin frail or something. And was all of those dudes in highschool?
Dude has never fought, he would of had my back, but I was not trying to my little cousin jumped... and yeah they were, they were all around half afoot to a foot taller...except for one who tempted me...

iLLoQuent aka DSK wrote:

Originally Posted by dopestop

my cousin was asking around for 35 cents for me since I didn't have 1's, he asked this guy "hey my man you got 35 cents" the guy (black) said, hey %%% you just called me a ***** for? my cousin said oh naww, I said my man, the other guy said, naww you said my mulato

its better explained like this
cousin: Hey my man you got 35 cents?
him: you just called me a n***a
cousin: what? I said my man
him: naw you said my mulato
cousin: naww I just said you got 35 cents.
I say around late jan or feb get a friend to sucker punch him and when he's about to do something have another friend come out of nowhere and sucker punchhim again..then one robs him.

The key is don't get him back right away because he will know it's you. Wait a few months to let things cool down.
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I say around late jan or feb get a friend to sucker punch him and when he's about to do something have another friend come out of nowhere and sucker punch him again..then one robs him.

The key is don't get him back right away because he will know it's you. Wait a few months to let things cool down.


I have to say, thanks.
Originally Posted by rocman23

why did you have your ipod out, and why the hell where you not paying attention
read the little update...
and thats my fault that I had it out
first, since you dont seem to rep no block or move any weight file the report its not "snitchin", since your probably not old enuff you cant file foryour license to carry, BUT you do have the element of surprise on your hands (if they dnt get bagged) they dont think youll come back at em since it was jus adamn ipod you can plot an do all of what erbody else is sayin, really tho you gotta ask yourself if an ipod is really worth it kuz one on one its a 50/50chance of him bussin that %$%. IMMA JUS LET YOU KNO IF THEY SEE YOU AGAIN THO THEY MIGHT FEEL BRAVE SINCE THEY ALREADY GOT THE JUXXS ON YOU THE FIRST TIME...cop a nice %$% blade or a flea market taser young lad.
Originally Posted by filly413

first, since you dont seem to rep no block or move any weight file the report its not "snitchin", since your probably not old enuff you cant file for your license to carry, BUT you do have the element of surprise on your hands (if they dnt get bagged) they dont think youll come back at em since it was jus a damn ipod you can plot an do all of what erbody else is sayin, really tho you gotta ask yourself if an ipod is really worth it kuz one on one its a 50/50 chance of him bussin that %$%. IMMA JUS LET YOU KNO IF THEY SEE YOU AGAIN THO THEY MIGHT FEEL BRAVE SINCE THEY ALREADY GOT THE JUXXS ON YOU THE FIRST TIME... cop a nice %$% blade or a flea market taser young lad.
yeah I'm looking for a blade to keep around whenever I go out, and at 18 ill get a license
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