I miss the old YouTube

Oct 6, 2004
As some of you may know they have been disabling audio on videos that have copyright infringed music. Some of my favorite videos got caught and are now muted

They have a new software that detects "watermarks" in songs so they automatically get disabled if you dont get permission(which is almostimpossible)

YT is getting so strict as of late.
word..as soon as they started deleting the best booty shaking vids, i moved on
didnt know about the software that detects watermarks....... its just so sad to me. Im out here representing this song and or tv show to a vast audience.giving YOU guys free publicity, and the thanks I get is what??? you send me a copyright infringement notice.. Without me and My content, you'd haveNOTHING.... artists and companies need to realize that
like what? post an example of one of the vdieos that got muted.

because i listen to noncopyrighted music on youtube all the time, and i've never encountered that.
I didn't know that. That's really going too far. Kills a lot of creativity that can be harnessed by some people. What they should do is fix he commentssystem. Way too many idiots cloggin up the comments with nothing but the lowest of the low
What makes me mad is I had some videos up and they sent me an email saying that they took it down because it violated music rules or something like that.YouTube is waaaaay too strict these days. All the good stuff used to be on YT...now, I gotta look elsewhere for a lot of it.
i just laugh at how they pick and choose when and where to enforce this stuff. i had one video get shut down because during the span of the 8 minute video,there was a copyrighted song in the middle... just one of their songs. My video had barely any views and youd have to watch atleast 4 minutes of it, to catchthe song. yet the MUSIC video of that same song is still up there to this day. so because there one song was in there for 2 minutes gives them the right toforce me to audio swap my video?
I think about this almost every time I log on. It really sucks. There will be another site that will come and take it's place, and the cycle will continueas soon as that site gets big. YouTubes old days are definately appreciated though.
my gripe is , without my content and the 100 or so views I may get, youre artist would be irrelevant. im getting messages daily asking who so and so is.. i hadmy favorite artist, GZA, come out and do me harshly on a basketball mix i put together.. these companies are too big and too off base to reality to realizewhat they're missing out on. I REINTRODUCE thousands to songs that otherwise would be lost in the mix. and the thanks I get is by getting shut down?
faseriously....half my favourites are useless broken links now,

friggin wmg

and whats the point of muting the audio...

goes to imeem
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

my gripe is , without my content and the 100 or so views I may get, youre artist would be irrelevant. im getting messages daily asking who so and so is.. i had my favorite artist, GZA, come out and do me harshly on a basketball mix i put together.. these companies are too big and too off base to reality to realize what they're missing out on. I REINTRODUCE thousands to songs that otherwise would be lost in the mix. and the thanks I get is by getting shut down?

youtube needs to pay their partners more money, given the fact that they bring in so much traffic to their site. warner wants more or youtube will have toremove all their property.

didnt viacom sue for $1B awhile back.

and who actually watches "user generated content" personally, i think google overpaid for youtube
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