I need a most twisted off the wall movie list: ie. Srpski & Caligula (**LIST UPDATED**)

Sep 9, 2004
i'm lookin for a healthy list of twisted off the wall movies.
like the kind they don't show in theatre's.
like the kind that are outlawed in the US.

ie. Srpski, Caligula.... Ken Park......that kind of ilk.

not a list of movies consisting of Momento, House of 1,000 corpses......and The Perfect Getaway.

i'm not looking for movies that make you think.
i'm not looking for movies that have a twist at the end.

i'm looking for films with shock value.
and i don't mean the Faces of Death series.


movies on the list:

Caligula (uncut)
Srpski (A Serbian Film.....its on BluRay now if you didn't already know)
Ken Park
Human Centipede
The Strange Thing About The Johnson's
Mysterious Skin (definitely high on the list. just as twisted as Ken Park if not more.)
August Underground Mordum (i didn't care for it but its still pretty twisted. i don't like fake real film)
Visitor Q

possible: (haven't watched yet)

Pink Flamingos
Julian Donkey Boy
Mister Lonely
Men Behind The Sun (looks very interesting)
Someone's Knocking At The Door (looks brutal)
Cannibal Holocaust (i don't like fake real film....)
Enter The Void
Pinocchio 964
Rubber's Lover
Bad Boy Bubby
Santa Sangre
Holy Mountain
El Topo
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
Sweet Movie
The War Zone
The Girl Next Door
The Death King

Sleepaway Camp

You didn't say it had to be a good movie
Go watch the human centipede, all saws, and all hostels.

If those r weak, return to thread and we will progress to level 2.
already have it....

and Kids isn't quite on that level, but its up there. for shock value. movies have gotten much more shocking these past 10 years.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Go watch the human centipede, all saws, and all hostels.

If those r weak, return to thread and we will progress to level 2.

i knew this would happen. i almost listed Hostel on the "don't name these movies" examples.

Human Centipede can be considered suitable for the list but not Saw or Hostel, or any other weak *+% horror movie.
you should probably progress straight to level 5. if your scale goes that high

i'm not necessarily looking for blood and guts.

if you haven't seen Caligula (uncut), Srpski, or Ken Park then you guys have no idea what i'm talking about.
i have Gummo.

its kinda on that level. more of a "what the hell is going on here?" the whole movie as apposed to a shock factor. but it still fits in.
The Strange Thing About the Johnsons = good call.

so my list is:

Caligula - i own
Srpski - i own
Ken Park - i own
Mysterious Skin - i own (i have some other Gregg Araki movies that i haven't seen yet)
Kids - i own
Gummo - i own
Bully - i own
The Strange Thing About The Johnsons - will watch
i should add Anitchrist. i have it but haven't watched it yet.

maybe i should Irreversable too, but i haven't watched it.

and Salo. i have it and i've skimmed through it.
Originally Posted by proper english

I was going to list this also.

There was a thread similar to this around Halloween and I made a note of ones that sounded interesting.  Yet I still haven't gotten around to watching any of them.  I'll PM it to you if you'd like and you can look into them and decide for yourself.
gummo is tame compared to ken park

try pink flamingos

real talk girl with the dragon tat is kinda sick

anything harmony korraine has done,

he has a movie called "julian donkey boy"

pi is pretty ill

NTwitter was talking about a serbian film the other day thats wild

thats all i got for you off top.

hit me with a PM or something

im pretty well versed in crazy movies.
Forgot the kiddie movies listed above, these 5 are ones that you really need....
Men Behind the Sun - Horrific Japanese torture of the Chinese, flesh ripping, action animal torture on camera, real dead bodies used

Salo - Italian bourgeois fascists rape, torture & humiliate captives (for example, they are made to eat their own sh*t). Then they kill them

August Underground Mordum - barely simulated snuff movie which will haunt you forever, I dont recommend you watch this as it the worst

Nekromantic - extremely graphic sex....with dead people

Guinea Pig Series - supremely graphic torture series of movies involving extreme close ups, twisted flesh and act of gross agony

Good luck 
Irreversible isnt that great. Monica Belluci is stunning but the movie kind of sucked imo.

Try August Underground Mordum or something like that. Ive never seen it but ive heard its the worst kind of movie. lol

I didnt think AntiChrist was that good either.
You already mentioned it. ken park. Dont even know why I watched the whole thing

Dude rubbing one out then killing his grandparents, then the other lil dudes pops

The lil dude with his gf's mom though
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