I never knew that......

I could see traveling backwards on time being possible if it creates a new timeline... But I think the whole "changing the future from the past" isn't possible...
Break it down brolic.


"the distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion"

--Albert Einstein


Not to get too metaphysical and ****, but it's my belief that we can all manipulate time. You may not control every detail of your life, but if you can connect with your "future" self, you can guide life in the direction you'd like to take it. Your future is now.
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Im just saying if a person was able to go back in time there are too many things that could be done that would make it unbelievable to me.

Like how far back???

The beginning? What beginning?

I was just using that example because it raises questions.

I dunno man...going backwards just doesn't seem plausible.

But wat do i know.

No I feel you :lol But if it does happen then.. it's happening already. Thaaaat or humans of the 50,000s die out tryin'. RIP.
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Im just saying if a person was able to go back in time there are too many things that could be done that would make it unbelievable to me.

Like how far back???

The beginning? What beginning?

I was just using that example because it raises questions.

I dunno man...going backwards just doesn't seem plausible.

But wat do i know.
But Going FORWARD is somehow Plausible to you?

sckid's gotta surge into the future 7 billion years from now and tell us what happens:

1. The Earth & moon have a common center of gravity

2. The Earth, moon & the sun have a common center of gravity

3. The Earth orbits the sun and center of galaxy


4. The galaxy, is technically in orbit with the Andromeda galaxy together - except our orbits are really elongated.

They're not circular. They're so elongated - in fact - that we're on a collision course. Yes, we will collide with Andromeda in about 7 billion years. It will be a train wreck. A Titanic collision. Put it in your smartphone, you'll have it.

- Neil deGrasse Tyson
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My thought is that "time" as in dates/years/minutes/seconds is a human construct.

But the idea of a linear progression of whatever "time" really is exists. I cant comprehend it totally though :lol
Yall noe about qualia tho

Mary is a brilliant scientist who is, for whatever reason, forced to investigate the world from a black and white room via a black and white television monitor. She specializes in theneurophysiology of vision and acquires, let us suppose, all the physical information there is to obtain about what goes on when we see the color red. EVERTHING.

Will she "learn" something new when she goes outside and sees red.

What is it?
Time travel to the future would imply that everything has already happened and none of this day to day matter's. :x
travel backward's doesn't seem plausible either but for different reasons.
The video I posted breaks it all down.

Everything I'm saying back up with physics. You can bend time because it's the fabric of the universe. But the idea of past, present and future don't apply to reality. It's our simple way of grasping the distance we've traveled through space. Right now, if you are sitting and doing nothing, time is not passing, space is and you're flying through it. But your perspective is that you're still.

Your growth while traveling has nothing to do with "time". It has to do with movement. You're more like a worm from a higher dimensional perspective. Or a ray of light traveling a distance. Your "future" and "past" are connected on that long winding path. And your brain and soul are constant in that travel. Speak things into existence by speaking with the same brain that occupies your "future" self.
The video I posted breaks it all down.

Everything I'm saying back up with physics. You can bend time because it's the fabric of the universe. But the idea of past, present and future don't apply to reality. It's our simple way of grasping the distance we've traveled through space. Right now, if you are sitting and doing nothing, time is not passing, space is and you're flying through it. But your perspective is that you're still.

Your growth while traveling has nothing to do with "time". It has to do with movement. You're more like a worm from a higher dimensional perspective. Or a ray of light traveling a distance. Your "future" and "past" are connected on that long winding path. And your brain and soul are constant in that travel. Speak things into existence by speaking with the same brain that occupies your "future" self.

Love what you've been posting.

But I have a question, what if two people are trying to speak two conflicting things into existence?
You live in your own universe. You may face obstacles along the way and you will have to overcome them, but ultimately the decision is yours to allow yourself to fail or succeed.

It's like that old cliche of whether you believe you can or can't, you're right either way.
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To me they do, but so do movies. It's all in how you interpret them. Surface value or deeper meanings?
That time stuff is interesting

Do dreams mean anything?

U know how stephen hawking believes there are multiple universes...the many worlds theory i think...wat if youre seeing different universes in your dreams....where u are this or this or doing that and that etc.

I had a recurring dream where I kept seeing this chick I hadn't seen in years, like 3 or 4 dreams about her. Then one day I'm riding with my boy and he wants to stop and get something to eat and bam there she is just chilling at the in n out. So random how it happened and I had to pay more attention to my dreams. I have predictive dreams like that on a regular basis. Type of stuff that completely changes how you look at the world.
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