I never knew that......

In Scotland, for instance, April Fool's Day is devoted to spoofs involving the buttocks and as such is called Taily Day. The butts of these jokes are known as April 'Gowk', another name for ****oo bird. The origins of the "Kick Me" sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.

Wait, what? That's all new to me.
There is an enzyme called tellemorose than can basically make cells immortal. It is turned off at birth but its one of the first things reactivated by cancer Cells to make them immortal.

There are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way.
There is an enzyme called tellemorose than can basically make cells immortal. It is turned off at birth but its one of the first things reactivated by cancer Cells to make them immortal.

There are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way.

Weird. I thought there were more stars in the Milky Way than grains of sand on earth or something like that
In the milky way...our galaxy...theres about a billion stars.

Theres around a trillion trees on earth.
He played against dell and steph curry

View media item 1992044

Thought this was common knowledge... but hey, maybe it's an age thing.

Did you know:

That in this gif, Heath Ledger is threatening Senater Patrick Leahy of Vermont... Leahy is/was a huge Batman fan since he was a kid and had the right connections to get a prime extra role...

In the milky way...our galaxy...theres about a billion stars.

Theres around a trillion trees on earth.

I wanted to call BS on this... But according to Google, there's 3 trillion trees on earth :wow:...
Weird. I thought there were more stars in the Milky Way than grains of sand on earth or something like that
I'm pretty sure that's more accurate. The Milky Way is huge compared to earth
Edit: I guess not, according to Google
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Did you know:

That in this gif, Heath Ledger is threatening Senater Patrick Leahy of Vermont... Leahy is/was a huge Batman fan since he was a kid and had the right connections to get a prime extra role...
Guess that explains his poor acting. 
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didnt know this was bruh from steve harvey show
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i just found out this!!

i think all the secrets, codes, cheat already revealed back then and i was wrong !
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