I never knew that......

According to the U.S. military, “D-Day” was an Army designation used to indicate the start date for specific field operations. In this case, the “D” in D-Day doesn’t actually stand for anything—it’s merely an alliterative placeholder used to designate a particular day on the calendar.

The military also employed the term “H-Hour” to refer to the time on D-Day when the action would begin. This shorthand helped prevent actual mission dates from falling into enemy hands, but it also proved handy when the start date for an attack was still undecided. Military planners also used a system of pluses and minuses to designate any time or day occurring before or after D-Day or H-Hour.

For example, D+2 meant two days after D-Day, while H-1 referred to one hour before H-Hour. These terms allowed units to effectively coordinate their operations ahead of time even when they didn’t know their actual start date, and they also provided flexibility in the event that the launch day shifted.

The famous poem Dante's Inferno. Inferno is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno tells the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil.

As it is a satirical comedy on travelling thru Hell. There are circles or levels to Hell, each one worse than the previous. and this is where the sinners would be located and their punishments


-1 thru 6 is the upper level. River styx is in Circle 6 at the City of Dis
-#7 is essentially Violence against; Others, Yourself(suicides), and God
- That Suicides can also including disrespecting yourself
-As you can see hypocrites are declared worse than murderers(violent).
- flattery is just as bad
-#9 has Judas and Satan as residents
-Falsifiers which is 10th level of the 8th circle would refer to people making counterfeit money, liers
I did a book report on Dante's Inferno in high school. Realized how much he hated disloyalty and traitors since brutus and judas seemed to be punished the most.
The U.S. isnt the only country that uses the imperial system. Liberia and Myanmar also use it.

Working overseas, I noticed that many countries use calenders that start with Monday rather than Sunday. Monday being the first day of the week makes a lot of sense.
People who don't know that cougar, mountain lion and puma are different names for one single cat species. And no, they are not subspecies either.

never knew puma part but alwaysknew mountainlion and cougar were different names for same cat
love that post Mr. Pants

this YT channel gives you a lot of math stuff from professors and people who like numbers. according to that chart this video goes under serious math :pimp:
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