I never knew that......

Mike Tirico from ESPN isn't Black? 

According to a 1990 profile of Tirico in the Syracuse Post-Standard, “because of his dark skin and ethnic features, Tirico says, most people assume he’s black. But he’s seen pictures of his father, his father’s mother, and his father’s sister, all of whom are white.”

“The only contact I had growing up was with my mom’s side of the family,” Tirico told the paper. “And they are all as white as the refrigerator I’m standing in front of right now.” He further explained, “I know the story sounds like a lot of bull, but it’s the truth. Does it matter to me? Yeah. I’d like to find out the truth at some point, so I can answer questions for my kids. But me? I’m living, I’m working, I’m leading an upstanding life. I don’t worry about it.”

He may be Mulatto, but he is not White only.

I call somebody lied to him
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Dude i came through basic training with looked Arab or something, but he says he's white. He says he thinks his mom cheated on his dad.
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i never knew that you can get a ticket for having your car doors unlocked.

cops can go around trying opening doors at a parking lot.

if i saw that id be like wow that dude on something.
i never knew that you can get a ticket for having your car doors unlocked.

That doesn't seem right - someone's going to have to provide a source for that.

EDIT: turns out it's the case in some parts of Canada and Australia. Can't see anything for the US though.
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AMERICA folks....(probably thread worthy)
[h2]#1. New York[/h2]
Average Annual Cost Per Inmate: $60,076

Average Daily Inmate Population: 59,237
Following a lawsuit by prisoners, New York began reforming the use of solitary confinement  in 2016. The reforms include caps on time spent in solitary and alternative disciplinary programs.
Thats's 3x the annual minimum wage for New Yorkers.

Arresting folk and throwing away the key is big business.
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Thats's 3x the annual minimum wage for New Yorkers.

Arresting folk and throwing away the key is big business.

Didn't know thats how much it costs, but the Prison system is a huge business. Thats why you see people getting football numbers for feeding their families and not dropping a body. :smh:
Before HBO was a 24-hour network, they had sign-offs.

I remember when network stations would sign off for the night, wasn't aware cable stations did the same at some point.

As far as I remember, that was a selling point for paid cable channels that they were always on the air when networks weren't.
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