I Saw the Most Terrible Thing Yesterday... (Pics)

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

^ Shut up. A kid is going to walk up and slap a pit???? GTFOHWTBS

I knew a kid in HS that walked up to somebody's pit and was playing with it and it bit his entire face..He has a huge scar running down the side of his face from when they had to sew the chunk of his cheek back to his face..I've seen a lot of kids that are rough with animals because they picture them as play things and not living beings..So

once again - the kids fault

parents need to teach their kids how to approach any dog PERIOD.

i myself own a pit, which has been socialized to the max.

but i know, when i approach a dog, ANY kind, i let it sniff me first, then proceed to pet.

people are to blame - one both ends - not training right, and not educated.

do you know how many tiny dogs i know, that attack the +@!+ out of people, but nothing is said cause its not fatal .
They're just dogs though. I'm sure someone already made a dog eat dog world joke.
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