I swear sometimes I Think Slavery Wasnt Real

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
Riight, so the American History textbook and the American Educational system teach nothing but the truth

Native Americans also died off from diseases caused by the Americans.  Native Americans weren't used as slaves because they knew the land, fled easier, and fought back much more resilient than the blacks because it was their natural home.  It was easier to make someone a slave if the slave was taken outside of their home and comfort.
Lol. Come on guy. If a teacher is teaching whats on a standardized test then clearly there is some truth. This isnt Japan were they deny the gRape of Nanjing. I find it so funny that you guys feel as if the American Educational system is incorrect, because if primary sources occurred in the US, why wouldnt you believe it? Primary sources arent good enough? Oh I forgot. A professor born 200 years later is more credible then primary sources. If you dont believe something that is on an AP then there is something wrong.
Half truths bro, edited and watered down
whoa you guys are treating this like dude is talking about the standard state exam. The AP exams should get a little bit more credit than what a lot of you guys are giving credit for.
Originally Posted by G14

being high yellow people wouldn't think im black

so i hear the worst racist rants ever! from other people

i just sit back & don't say a word think to myself .....well damn i knew it!
I had an old JROTC teacher the army classified his race as white, even at church people come up to him with racist jokes and he stands em to the side to explain to them hes black.
Originally Posted by G14

being high yellow people wouldn't think im black

so i hear the worst racist rants ever! from other people

i just sit back & don't say a word think to myself .....well damn i knew it!
I had an old JROTC teacher the army classified his race as white, even at church people come up to him with racist jokes and he stands em to the side to explain to them hes black.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
Riight, so the American History textbook and the American Educational system teach nothing but the truth

Native Americans also died off from diseases caused by the Americans.  Native Americans weren't used as slaves because they knew the land, fled easier, and fought back much more resilient than the blacks because it was their natural home.  It was easier to make someone a slave if the slave was taken outside of their home and comfort.
Lol. Come on guy. If a teacher is teaching whats on a standardized test then clearly there is some truth. This isnt Japan were they deny the gRape of Nanjing. I find it so funny that you guys feel as if the American Educational system is incorrect, because if primary sources occurred in the US, why wouldnt you believe it? Primary sources arent good enough? Oh I forgot. A professor born 200 years later is more credible then primary sources. If you dont believe something that is on an AP then there is something wrong.
Half truths bro, edited and watered down
whoa you guys are treating this like dude is talking about the standard state exam. The AP exams should get a little bit more credit than what a lot of you guys are giving credit for.

Not at all.

History is history is history, and it's written by the people in charge at any given time. Since we're going to attach prerequisite credit to this class, we should add more truth to it? Get outta here.  Like dude said before, history is written by the winners. You NEVER hear about how half of Europe was ruled by Black people during the Dark Ages. You NEVER hear about slavery bringing the U.S. 2.9 BILLION dollars a year in profits in 1860. 2.9 BILLION! IN 1860 DOLLARS! That's crazy, and if you're one of the people making hundreds of millions in the 19th century, you best believe you have the power to control what will eventually go into school books among other things.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
Riight, so the American History textbook and the American Educational system teach nothing but the truth

Native Americans also died off from diseases caused by the Americans.  Native Americans weren't used as slaves because they knew the land, fled easier, and fought back much more resilient than the blacks because it was their natural home.  It was easier to make someone a slave if the slave was taken outside of their home and comfort.
Lol. Come on guy. If a teacher is teaching whats on a standardized test then clearly there is some truth. This isnt Japan were they deny the gRape of Nanjing. I find it so funny that you guys feel as if the American Educational system is incorrect, because if primary sources occurred in the US, why wouldnt you believe it? Primary sources arent good enough? Oh I forgot. A professor born 200 years later is more credible then primary sources. If you dont believe something that is on an AP then there is something wrong.
Half truths bro, edited and watered down
whoa you guys are treating this like dude is talking about the standard state exam. The AP exams should get a little bit more credit than what a lot of you guys are giving credit for.

Not at all.

History is history is history, and it's written by the people in charge at any given time. Since we're going to attach prerequisite credit to this class, we should add more truth to it? Get outta here.  Like dude said before, history is written by the winners. You NEVER hear about how half of Europe was ruled by Black people during the Dark Ages. You NEVER hear about slavery bringing the U.S. 2.9 BILLION dollars a year in profits in 1860. 2.9 BILLION! IN 1860 DOLLARS! That's crazy, and if you're one of the people making hundreds of millions in the 19th century, you best believe you have the power to control what will eventually go into school books among other things.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
Riight, so the American History textbook and the American Educational system teach nothing but the truth

Native Americans also died off from diseases caused by the Americans.  Native Americans weren't used as slaves because they knew the land, fled easier, and fought back much more resilient than the blacks because it was their natural home.  It was easier to make someone a slave if the slave was taken outside of their home and comfort.
Lol. Come on guy. If a teacher is teaching whats on a standardized test then clearly there is some truth. This isnt Japan were they deny the gRape of Nanjing. I find it so funny that you guys feel as if the American Educational system is incorrect, because if primary sources occurred in the US, why wouldnt you believe it? Primary sources arent good enough? Oh I forgot. A professor born 200 years later is more credible then primary sources. If you dont believe something that is on an AP then there is something wrong.
Half truths bro, edited and watered down
whoa you guys are treating this like dude is talking about the standard state exam. The AP exams should get a little bit more credit than what a lot of you guys are giving credit for.

Not at all.

History is history is history, and it's written by the people in charge at any given time. Since we're going to attach prerequisite credit to this class, we should add more truth to it? Get outta here.  Like dude said before, history is written by the winners. You NEVER hear about how half of Europe was ruled by Black people during the Dark Ages. You NEVER hear about slavery bringing the U.S. 2.9 BILLION dollars a year in profits in 1860. 2.9 BILLION! IN 1860 DOLLARS! That's crazy, and if you're one of the people making hundreds of millions in the 19th century, you best believe you have the power to control what will eventually go into school books among other things.

Exactly, I remember in APUSH we learned about the Good Neighbor Policy that the US put into place after Wilson. They just manage to conveniently not mention how this policy change was just a reversal from Wilsons's armed invasions of multiple countries in S. America and the Carribean. Everything is made to sound better than it is. Even the slight negative things taught in US schools are seen through rose-tinted glasses. You should be worried that the US did something bad if nothing is mentioned and if a US history textbook acknowledges the US committed some action that might be regarded as harmful in the least by a few people, you better believe they did something truly horrific.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
Riight, so the American History textbook and the American Educational system teach nothing but the truth

Native Americans also died off from diseases caused by the Americans.  Native Americans weren't used as slaves because they knew the land, fled easier, and fought back much more resilient than the blacks because it was their natural home.  It was easier to make someone a slave if the slave was taken outside of their home and comfort.
Lol. Come on guy. If a teacher is teaching whats on a standardized test then clearly there is some truth. This isnt Japan were they deny the gRape of Nanjing. I find it so funny that you guys feel as if the American Educational system is incorrect, because if primary sources occurred in the US, why wouldnt you believe it? Primary sources arent good enough? Oh I forgot. A professor born 200 years later is more credible then primary sources. If you dont believe something that is on an AP then there is something wrong.
Half truths bro, edited and watered down
whoa you guys are treating this like dude is talking about the standard state exam. The AP exams should get a little bit more credit than what a lot of you guys are giving credit for.

Not at all.

History is history is history, and it's written by the people in charge at any given time. Since we're going to attach prerequisite credit to this class, we should add more truth to it? Get outta here.  Like dude said before, history is written by the winners. You NEVER hear about how half of Europe was ruled by Black people during the Dark Ages. You NEVER hear about slavery bringing the U.S. 2.9 BILLION dollars a year in profits in 1860. 2.9 BILLION! IN 1860 DOLLARS! That's crazy, and if you're one of the people making hundreds of millions in the 19th century, you best believe you have the power to control what will eventually go into school books among other things.

Exactly, I remember in APUSH we learned about the Good Neighbor Policy that the US put into place after Wilson. They just manage to conveniently not mention how this policy change was just a reversal from Wilsons's armed invasions of multiple countries in S. America and the Carribean. Everything is made to sound better than it is. Even the slight negative things taught in US schools are seen through rose-tinted glasses. You should be worried that the US did something bad if nothing is mentioned and if a US history textbook acknowledges the US committed some action that might be regarded as harmful in the least by a few people, you better believe they did something truly horrific.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by Defontes

whats hard to believe? you know blacks werent the only slaves in history

What other groups were treated like cattle and cross bred through rape ?
Native Americans, Jews, Chinese, the list goes on im sure

World History needs to be more emphasized in American schools.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by Defontes

whats hard to believe? you know blacks werent the only slaves in history

What other groups were treated like cattle and cross bred through rape ?
Native Americans, Jews, Chinese, the list goes on im sure

World History needs to be more emphasized in American schools.
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