I think I'm having a panic attack vol: trypophobia... fear of clusters of holes... don't google it

Originally Posted by Freeze

that just disgusting to me too. it doesnt scare me, but it made me itch loll. i just wanna step on all of that *@@@ with my timbs on

same here lol. its a weird feeling
Yall dead wrong lol......but I feel u I get creeped out looking at patterns like that as well not on your level tho
I turned off images in my browser so I could come into the thread

It's the grossest thing in the world. I'm only scared when I actually see it, and then it goes away once the image is out of my brain. I don't randomly think about hole clusters and get scared
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

There are a million and one other things to be rationally afraid of, and you have a fear of holes?
Btw, your pupils are actually holes. In b4 OP gouges her eyes out.

That was really clever
doesn't scare me but it grossses me out

hair not on people's head makes me want to cry...

like when i long hair is on something that i have to touch i freak out and get chills and someone else has to get it...

was never like this till i got to college and saw the hair that was all over the seats in lecture halls and that my roommate would have around the room
Originally Posted by Freeze

that just disgusting to me too. it doesnt scare me, but it made me itch loll. i just wanna step on all of that *@@@ with my timbs on

this. makes me super itchy. all started with the fingers pic.

to whoever post that pic.
Are you trying to get help to get over it? Try talking to a doctor or psychiatrist about ways to get over your fear.
For some reason the fingers don't really bother me

The level of lame/desperation for lulz that you guys are exhibiting actually helped in a weird way. It's less gross looking at the stuff now than it was an hour ago. But still pretty gross.
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