i think the batman movies are pretty much done....

to be honest, all batmans sucked except for TDK, and yes joker is the best villian, and the fact that heath set the bar so high, Im not really interested inthe next batman movie
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

to be honest, all batmans sucked except for TDK, and yes joker is the best villian, and the fact that heath set the bar so high, Im not really interested in the next batman movie

Batman Begins sucked?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

to be honest, all batmans sucked except for TDK, and yes joker is the best villian, and the fact that heath set the bar so high, Im not really interested in the next batman movie
I agree

Thing is, I will see the next Batman movie and take it for what it is, a completely different & new Batman movie.

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Batman Begins sucked?
I didn't think it sucked but I'd rather watch George Clooney Batman (Forever?) instead.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

To be honest, I didn't like any Batman movie besides TDK so they could use the same villians as before and as long as the movie is good then it doesn't matter to me.

Mr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
The Riddler
I would pay go to see that movie on IMAX, hopefully the graphics would be better than Transformers 2
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

to be honest, all batmans sucked except for TDK, and yes joker is the best villian, and the fact that heath set the bar so high, Im not really interested in the next batman movie

Batman Begins sucked?
Ill put it this way, it isnt worth watching a second time
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

to be honest, all batmans sucked except for TDK, and yes joker is the best villian, and the fact that heath set the bar so high, Im not really interested in the next batman movie
I agree

Thing is, I will see the next Batman movie and take it for what it is, a completely different & new Batman movie.

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Batman Begins sucked?
I didn't think it sucked but I'd rather watch George Clooney Batman (Forever?) instead.

They could def continue with Two Face (I really liked his role and would like to see more of his dark side)

...and they can either add:


It would also be cool to introduce Batwoman
I don't know why but just cuz his story was so good in Batman: The Animated Series I'd like to see him


Spoiler [+]

Don't know why but clock King was cool to me in that high maintenance, anal, time constraints way. Don't gotta be the major villain at all
The way Nolan's world is setup it wouldn't be practical to have half the villains mentioned in this thread. The only real possibilities are Riddler,Penguin (if done right), catwoman, deadshot, hugo strange, Zsasz, and maybe the ventriliquist (his character would take a whole lot of psych analysis).

Freeze really wouldn't work right now. Could you imagine a dude with a freeze ray in TDK. To dude that said he liked Batman and Robin with George Clooney
. That was by far the worst one ever made and its not even up for discussion, but to each his own.
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