i think the batman movies are pretty much done....

Jul 1, 2004
i'd say with the recent awesome portrayal of the joker... that the batman series cant really continue...
i mean... we've seen just about all the good villains portrayed... and beaten,and it seems like they just ran outta bad guys...
i mean,who's left? better yet, who's left thats GOOD? i heard johnny deppp might do the next riddler,but eh...
i dont think even with HIS acting ability that he could be as good of a riddler as heth was a joker...

anywho,comments questions...
The Riddler
werd..fam they only did about 4 villians I think?
there's a lot left..id say they could pump out a good 2 3 more movies and be done
So you're saying they can't re-use villains from past Batman franchises? Guess the Joker never happened

+1 for the Riddler
To be honest, I didn't like any Batman movie besides TDK so they could use the same villians as before and as long as the movie is good then it doesn'tmatter to me.

Mr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
The Riddler
I want to see a Penguin Batman film done right....seems like it would be a hard villain to nail down if you wanted to pump out a good movie.

I didn't like Devito's rendition.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

To be honest, I didn't like any Batman movie besides TDK so they could use the same villians as before and as long as the movie is good then it doesn't matter to me.

Mr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
The Riddler

I think if Johnny Depp did some real heavy research on the Riddler like Heath Ledger did for Joker than he could do just as good, probably even better, a jobconsidering his character. Riddler ain't no Joker but in films and shows it's about the actors and their performances so I believe in the Batman seriesRiddler played by Depp isn't anything to sneeze at.

Originally Posted by JPZx

I want to see a Penguin Batman film done right....seems like it would be a hard villain to nail down if you wanted to pump out a good movie.

I didn't like Devito's rendition.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman?
christian bale still is obligated to do another batman movie, but the director probably wouldnt be ready to film until like 2011

the joker girl or mr. penguin would be sick
I feel that the role of the riddler would have the most big screen appeal if done properly. They can also outsell the previous movie if done right
@ OPthinking they should stop.
Originally Posted by ThaPeoplesChamp

ya but eh.. ^
to me shes not a main charecter,more like filler...
and they've done just about every top 10 batman enemy at least once...
other than killer croc,but eh...

not a well known charecter ( at least to ne but...hmm kinda cool )
Harley Quinn would be cool but I can't see her being in without the Joker. And I highly doubt Batman (or any comic book movie franchise) woulduse a lesser known villian solely for the fact that they won't bring in the casual moviegoer's, teenyboppers, etc. as well as an iconic or familiarfigure.
on a side note....

ryan reynolds is the new green lantern...

edward norton not sure if he'll be in the avengers or the hulk 3...

and iron man 3 pics out... whiplash...
whole slew of characters left seeing as this is a different franchise. who's been used? scarecrow and joker? yeah, I hear Depp might play the riddler butnobody will beat Carey's.
Originally Posted by ThaPeoplesChamp

on a side note....

ryan reynolds is the new green lantern...

edward norton not sure if he'll be in the avengers or the hulk 3...

and iron man 3 pics out... whiplash...
I'm pretty sure The Incredible Hulk wants no part to do with The Hulk. It will most likely be The Incredible Hulk 2 or The Incredible Hulk :Insert Subtitle.

Word, I thought Whiplash was in Iron Man 2
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