I Thought President Obama Would Start April On A Good Note...

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

it's the thought that counts. what did you get her?
But he's the leader of the free world! I mean come on, that iPod probably had an MSRP of like $200 tops, right?

If I knew I was going to exchange gifts with a foreign dignitary I would almost clean out my bank account, if nothing else because of the respect factor.

True. But what the f do you give a queen? On top of that, any gift that can be deemed extravagant probably isn't a good look during these tough economictimes. Seriously, much ado about nothing.
Think about it though...the queen didn't give him anything different than she gives everybody else. A signed picture. Our president put thought and effortinto a gift that he thought would show he really cared.

And everyone keeps bringing up the dvd's...Bush gave him a bomber jacket!! This is just dudes salty that Obama won still.
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

She gave him a signed picture...if it were the other way around yall would get on the Presidents case HARD for that one

thats what im sayin
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

This is just dudes salty that Obama won still.
No one is salty, the gift just sucks, period. You give ipods to your friends, family and etc. You dont give ipods to QUEEN of a WHOLE COUNTRY.
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

She gave him a signed picture...if it were the other way around yall would get on the Presidents case HARD for that one

thats what im sayin

Typical flawed logic. Receiving one bad gift doesn't make the gift you give, any worse than what it is. He is 0-2 when it comes to gifts. He gave an iPodto the Queen of England, when she already owns one. He gave a stack of incompatible DVDs to the Prime Minister.
Our president put thought and effort into a gift that he thought would show he really cared.

Exactly. Does anyone even know that already in the iPod Obama gave the Queen were pictures of her last visit here to the United States when she was inWilliamsburg, VA?? I think in all fairness he gave a thoughtful gift.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Our president put thought and effort into a gift that he thought would show he really cared.

Exactly. Does anyone even know that already in the iPod Obama gave the Queen were pictures of her last visit here to the United States when she was in Williamsburg, VA?? I think in all fairness he gave a thoughtful gift.

She was here in 2007 and it was under Bush, the idea all in all was god awful, to his credit, its not like Obama thought up the gift idea...thatis the staffers job....not his. Bad staffers = Bad results.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

This is just dudes salty that Obama won still.
No one is salty, the gift just sucks, period. You give ipods to your friends, family and etc. You dont give ipods to QUEEN of a WHOLE COUNTRY.
Athletes, actors, musicians, etc. give signed pictures. NOT Queens of a whole country, and NOT to the President of a whole country
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

She gave him a signed picture...if it were the other way around yall would get on the Presidents case HARD for that one

thats what im sayin

Typical flawed logic. Receiving one bad gift doesn't make the gift you give, any worse than what it is. He is 0-2 when it comes to gifts. He gave an iPod to the Queen of England, when she already owns one. He gave a stack of incompatible DVDs to the Prime Minister.
But it's something different that I'm sure nobody has ever given her. It's like the digital picture frame I gave my Grandma forChristmas a while back. Did she want it? Hell no. Does she have other picture frames all over the house? Absolutely. But I put pictures of her grandchildrenand family in it and she LOVED it because of the special moments it held and the thought of the gift.

I see what you guys mean tho...he coulda just brought her a private jet
Wow, why the hell are you guys making it out to be a big deal anyways, who the !#@+ cares?
eh im not too worried about this. its crumbs in a bag of chips. He's just doing the we're friends thing, all be it kinda in a weird way, in order tosmooth things over. Im just waiting for more news in Iraq, Iran, Korea, Economy...
[h1]Politico cited criticism of Obama's iPod gift by "etiquette expert," but WH says queen requested it[/h1]
[h4]Summary: The Politico reported that President Obama presented Queen Elizabeth II with "a personalized iPod," and noted criticism of the gift by an "etiquette expert," but did not mention that the White House reportedly said Queen Elizabeth asked for the iPod.[/h4]

In an April 1 article, the Politico reported that President Obama presented Queen Elizabeth II with "a personalized iPod," and added, "The bestowing of the Royal iPod brought a cringe from one top etiquette expert, who said it confirmed that Obama hasn't figured out presidential gift giving." But while Politico staff writer Nia-Malika Henderson noted criticism of the gift by "etiquette expert" Anna Post of the Emily Post Institute, Henderson did not mention that the White House reportedly said Queen Elizabeth asked for the iPod that Obama gave her.

Indeed, while the Politico article reported that "perhaps surprisingly for folks in the U.S. the queen is no stranger to the iPod, because she already has one," it did not point out, as was reported earlier that night on Fox News' Special Report, that according to the White House, the queen requested a video iPod because she did not yet have one of that type.

according to the white house huh dirty ... LOLOLOLOLOLOL ...

Did he not win the election??
was the staff in place when he won the election? maybe i missed something
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

according to the white house huh dirty ... LOLOLOLOLOLOL ...

Did he not win the election??
was the staff in place when he won the election? maybe i missed something
I mean really Dirty, the WH could have very well received that memo. But I've become increasingly leery of their media people.

I probably am nitpicking. Who knows? But I just can't figure out for the life of me why anyone would try to rationalize the leader of the free worldgiving gifts to dignitaries and royalty that that you could find at your local Brookstone.
Well, what do yall think he shouldve gave her? I mean shes the queen of England. What cant she get?
lol, i mean what do you really give the Queen?

talk about a gift for someone who has everything.

besides, she gave him a picture of herself, though standard protocol, is just
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