I will NEVER use a fast food restaurant bathroom again.

Just went through this at school today 

A kid with autism ran into the bathroom.. He didnt go to the stall he went to the urinal. Straight dropped his pants to the floor.. No Ayo but his butt cheeks were hella ashy.. Had me like 

Dipped with the quickness as well as the others that were in there 

Just went through this at school today 

A kid with autism ran into the bathroom.. He didnt go to the stall he went to the urinal. Straight dropped his pants to the floor.. No Ayo but his butt cheeks were hella ashy.. Had me like 

Dipped with the quickness as well as the others that were in there 

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

I'm so distraught right now and this incident happened hours ago. I was out running errands today and had to take a leak so I stopped off at a KFC and as I was walking toward the bathroom there were a group of special ed teenagers just hanging out in the back. But they weren't the kind of special ed kids that need a chaperon because they were by themselves. They were like the BAD special ed kids.

Anyway, I'm walking to the back and the floor is really slick from the grease so I'm tip-toeing bowlegged and I could hear them all get quiet because I guess they thought I had !%%# my pants. I finally make it down to the restroom and I push the door open and staring blankly at me was a Black kid with Down Syndrome sitting on the bowl. I was paralyzed. This was a single-occupant bathroom! I walked away and just stared at the ground mumbling to myself like Rain Man trying to make some sense of what had just transpired. One of the kids said, "What?" and I just sputtered, "There was... there was no lock." As I made my way up to the front of the restaurant, a kid with a glass eye and wearing a cowboy hat walked past me and I just wanted to cry at that point. I tried to gather myself at the front doors like I was actually gonna wait for him to finish, but I had get out of there. I didn't even notice anyone working in the kitchen.

That was actually the first time I've ever seen a Black kid rockin' the Down Syndrome, that's why I had to mention that he was Black. For it to World Premiere to me under these circumstances was just too much.

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

I'm so distraught right now and this incident happened hours ago. I was out running errands today and had to take a leak so I stopped off at a KFC and as I was walking toward the bathroom there were a group of special ed teenagers just hanging out in the back. But they weren't the kind of special ed kids that need a chaperon because they were by themselves. They were like the BAD special ed kids.

Anyway, I'm walking to the back and the floor is really slick from the grease so I'm tip-toeing bowlegged and I could hear them all get quiet because I guess they thought I had !%%# my pants. I finally make it down to the restroom and I push the door open and staring blankly at me was a Black kid with Down Syndrome sitting on the bowl. I was paralyzed. This was a single-occupant bathroom! I walked away and just stared at the ground mumbling to myself like Rain Man trying to make some sense of what had just transpired. One of the kids said, "What?" and I just sputtered, "There was... there was no lock." As I made my way up to the front of the restaurant, a kid with a glass eye and wearing a cowboy hat walked past me and I just wanted to cry at that point. I tried to gather myself at the front doors like I was actually gonna wait for him to finish, but I had get out of there. I didn't even notice anyone working in the kitchen.

That was actually the first time I've ever seen a Black kid rockin' the Down Syndrome, that's why I had to mention that he was Black. For it to World Premiere to me under these circumstances was just too much.

i walked in to this bathroom at a mcdonalds to go wash my hands an employee came in and walked near the stall...he was yelling at some homeless dude trying to wash up or something. i didnt even notice the dude when i walked in until the employee started telling him to get out. i think the dude was drunk or something...

but OP your story is wack..thats a dumb reason to not want to use a fast food restaurant bathroom
i walked in to this bathroom at a mcdonalds to go wash my hands an employee came in and walked near the stall...he was yelling at some homeless dude trying to wash up or something. i didnt even notice the dude when i walked in until the employee started telling him to get out. i think the dude was drunk or something...

but OP your story is wack..thats a dumb reason to not want to use a fast food restaurant bathroom
The whole kid with the glass eye and cowboy hat threw me off. I'm sorry.
The whole kid with the glass eye and cowboy hat threw me off. I'm sorry.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Wait, so because a special needs kid didn't lock the door that's somehow a knock on fast food bathrooms?
My thoughts exactly 
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