If they both had the correct genitals....

im dyin...
Wait, so you'd date the guy that looks like a hot girl, but has a penis? Like a lady boy?
It's a lose-lose situation man. There is no "straight" answer.

Hot girl, but she has a penis. Are you gonna suck her penis?

Hot guy, but he has a vagina. Do you really want to make out with this dude, even though he has a vagina? Look him in the man face while you're doing himmissionary? Or stare at his muscular back while you're hitting it from the back?

You're dealing with a hot man and a vagina, or a hot girl and a penis. It could be the best vagina in the world, but it would be on mans body. It could bethe hottest chick on the planet, but she has a penis.

The only "straight" answer is to plead ignorance, get with the hot girl, but NEVER EVER GO NEAR THE PENIS. She's a super hot girl, so she candome you up. But if you plead ignorance to the fact that she has a penis, well, ignorance is bliss? That's the only realistic scenario I can think of.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I am in shock and awe. I need to drink more coffee before I can even begin to comprehend what I just read.

youre in "awe" lol
Originally Posted by hotshots24

would you rather date a guy who looked like a hot girl, or a girl that looked like a hot guy.... vice versa to girls. id date the guy whos a hot girl...i think

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