If time travel was a thing wwyd?

Nov 17, 2000
So you can only travel once, to the past or future. Cannot bring knowledge from the future, there will be no two "yous". Meant to start with this, but it's also a one way trip, no going backn'forth. When, where and why would you choose that destination?Or would you stay in the present? Just basically move to a different time.

All rules or stipulations have changed, anything realistic is now an option to appease everyone involved in the discussion. Hope this makes things more fun and easier for everyone.

Any input on rules will be edited by popular demand.

I'll start, I've always been fascinated by medieval times, to live a life so simple where mostly all you have to worry about is your family, food, and keeping a roof over your head, The best part would be no social media (no offense NT, that would hurt losing you).
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You’ve prevented all the fun things for time travel

Ya I know, it just seemed to easy to be able to change history etc. Plus everyone would go back and change history it's almost a given. Just trying to put a different perspective on time travel I guess. Its just basically moving to a different time and place. Suggestions are welcome I can always edit the post.
Ya I know, it just seemed to easy to be able to change history etc. Plus everyone would go back and change history it's almost a given. Just trying to put a different perspective on time travel I guess. Its just basically moving to a different time and place. Suggestions are welcome I can always edit the post.

I guess I would move back to somewhere around ‘94-‘95. I think those were the best times of my life and maybe it was just my outlook but I feel like people were there happiest at that time. Everything felt right during then. Entertainment and style were at a point that’s still trying to be emulated today.
If I travel to 10 years ago are there now two me’s? Or if I travel to yesterday are there now two of me i living in the same home? That would confuse a lot of people
#3 is a tall order or even impossible. Honestly, you could travel to the past, buy some bread from a bakery, and that act alone could have unforeseen ramifications for the present and future.


Good point, suggestions on how I should edit that?
So you go back from an observable bubble? what's the point of that?

Or forward it's basically just a chance to live in another time. If that makes sense. You just basically cant alter or change anything that's already happened.
2 questions.

Will I retain all my memories if I go back or forward.

And can I bring anything with me.
Or forward it's basically just a chance to live in another time. If that makes sense. You just basically cant alter or change anything that's already happened.
That's likely not possible though, hence the "butterfly effect". Just my presence out of my time creates the tiniest of ripples for that timeline.
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