If time travel was a thing wwyd?

That's likely not possible though, hence the "butterfly effect". Just my presence out of my time creates the tiniest of ripples for that timeline.

Fair point it is all hypothetical though, dont thinknto much into it.:wink: Just bored and dont make thread too often thought this would keep me occupied until GOT tonight. :lol:
if there are no 2 mes, when I go to the future will people know who I am.
:lol: You should have written these ideas out first.

THis could have been an excellent question if presented better. :lol:

Essentially, you ARE basically saying we are WATCHING ourselves from another time, since we can't partake in the actual life
I would:
Clear all the samples that werent cleared for Camrons discography

Somehow keep Andrew Garfield as SpidaMan

Prevent the OP from sayin we couldnt kill Hitler

Kill Hitler

Stop Slavery

Stopping Nine a Lleum

Stop Batman vs Superman

Tell HBO to step their stream game up

Record/DL some of those old Max Dollas instrumental tapes

Stop a couple of murders

Switch majors in college

Workout more from an earlier age

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I would:
Clear all the samples that werent cleared for Camrons discography

Somehow keep Andrew Garfield as SpidaMan

Prevent the OP from sayin we couldnt kill Hitler

Kill Hitler

Stop Slavery

Stop Batman vs Superman

Tell HBO to step their stream game up

Stop a couple of murders

Switch majors in college

Workout more from an earlier age


Nah you didn't read the rules.
:lol: Sorry man you created rules so we're beyond that point.

I'll admit it was halfway thought out (been lit all morning) that's why I'm counting on you guys to help establish some guidelines I will update them once we get some ideas. Help me with this NT with some guidelines, rules. I'll remove the ones i have for now as best as I can. I'll put up a poll once we get some ideas for this.
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So you can only travel once, to the past or future. Cannot bring knowledge from the future, there will be no two "yous". Meant to start with this, but it's also a one way trip, no going backn'forth. When, where and why would you choose that destination?Or would you stay in the present? Just basically move to a different time.

Any input on rules will be edited by popular demand.

I'll start, I've always been fascinated by medieval times, to live a life so simple where mostly all you have to worry about is your family, food, and keeping a roof over your head, The best part would be no social media (no offense NT, that would hurt losing you).

Of all the times you choose Medieval?

Cant go to a time where there's no toilet paper.
But is it regular fun or time fun?

Just something to pass the time man. Been here going on 20 years it shouldn't be so serious especially with alot of threads just plain boring. If your just trolling move to another thread, or report me and have it locked. If your just being funny keep it up love the scheptisizm. :D BTW no offense meant I'm to old to internet squabble.
:lol: squabble? report? what? I thought it was obvious we were all having fun with it. I'll pass on the sensitivity.
:lol: squabble? report? what? I thought it was obvious we were all having fun with it. I'll pass on the sensitivity.

No squabble from me just got the feeling you were trolling. My bad just a misunderstanding let's keep it moving and have some fun.
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