If Trump found a way to guarantee reparations to every black citizen in the US...

Would he get your vote?

  • I'm making America great again.

  • No.

  • Not just no. Hell no.

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Saying some more affluent black people should spend their money differently, and saying better policies should be put in place to shrink the racial wealth gap are not mutually exclusive ideas.

Part of what set these discussions back is the obvious has to be stated for those coming in here on some insulting tip or on some we just have to do better.

Y'all dudes not having the same discussion.

Talk about spending money differently after more of us have money. Don't switch your stance after being confronted with being wrong about one thing just to harp on one point
Let me know who else we gotta gut/cut, I'll consider it save a few.
You literally can't cut enough :lol:

You would have to cut they entire federal budget (Social Security, Medicare, food-stamps, everything), for a couple years at least, and don't make interest payments on creditors. Also kept in mind we already run near trillion dollar deficits already. Even if we did this, the economy will go boom and enter a DEEP recession.

At this point if reparations happen, we would need to stretch the payout period out and look to raise new tax revenue to fund it, not just making cuts.
You literally can't cut enough :lol:

You would have to cut they entire federal budget (Social Security, Medicare, food-stamps, everything), for a couple years at least, and don't make interest payments on creditors. Also kept in mind we already run near trillion dollar deficits already. Even if we did this, the economy will go boom and enter a DEEP recession.
Ok, what if holding off on cutting SS and Medicare and instead we tax all white ppl even more? Like a 98% increase in taxing and a 125% increase in taxing the 1%?

Work with me now :lol:
I personally hate Trump too much for him to buy my vote, I’m also as proud as they come :lol:
Ok, what if holding off on cutting SS and Medicare and instead we tax all white ppl even more? Like a 98% increase in taxing and a 125% increase in taxing the 1%?

Work with me now :lol:
I'm trying to run these number but they ain't working famb. Got me outchea like....


Because I'm scared you come through Shackleford Accounting LLC like.....

Yep, this sounds asinine...

cool, i can post videos too:


no one was going to get him out of that hole in the graveyard.

heres the thing:

white america MUST SEE that no other ethnic group has been a slave on anerican soil

they wont.

THAT is one thing other ethnic groups havent had to face

they dont care.

the color BECAME a stigma

they STILL dont care

they freed us but gave us no land to get started on


when white americans tell blacks to lift by their bootstraps THEY DONT LOOK OVER the legacy of slavery and segragation

they wont.


this is what makes the argument asinine.

how many DECADES are we going to waste, waiting on them to show compassion and understanding?

how long are we willing to stand in that grave looking for them to help us up out of it when they couldnt care less?
cool, i can post videos too:


no one was going to get him out of that hole in the graveyard.

heres the thing:

they wont.

they dont care.

they STILL dont care


they wont.


this is what makes the argument asinine.

how many DECADES are we going to waste, waiting on them to show compassion and understanding?

how long are we willing to stand in that grave looking for them to help us up out of it when they couldnt care less?

All this post lets me know is that you either do not understand or don't care to understand the points others are making.

Literally no one is arguing wait for white people to be compassionate. The bootstraps argument people are talking against is the one that hand waves away systemic racism to argue that poor black people have no achieved economic prosperity simply because they refuse to work hard enough.

I don't know why dudes like you seem to think preaching self reliance and advocating for better public policy, especially on economics, are somehow mutually exclusive.

It seems you want to debate the strawman in your head, not what people actually post. If that is the case, no point in keep going back and forth.
No. No reparations, including interest, could ever match the amount my ancestors sacrificed for the financial flourishing of white men in this country. Moreover, financial reparations are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the reparations this country owes to black people.
You give me 200k, I'll definitely tell you I'm voting for you. I be lying tho. **** Trump to infinity
who sets this policy?
us or them?
So every legislator is a white person, and all of them are against any anti-poverty and measure focus on the middle class that would help black people?

And btw, you talk about "economics this and economics that" but there are tons of economic policy that tons of white legislators support that would help with racial wealth inequality. Let me ask, if I say the FED should raise their inflation target, try to get to full employment, that we expand the EITC, raising the minimum wage, passing an infrastructure bill, pass affordable universal healthcare, or wealth funds in place, I could go on and on, that means I am just waiting for white people to save me? Because all those things would help the black community, and have support across racial lines.

And if you are focused on who sets policy, I hope the practice of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and campaign finance reform are significant issues with you, because that strips away power from black America.

Again, I don't get this one or the other framing; people can multitask
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pretty much, yep.

thinking this way is whole hell of a lot better than the alternative.
So being uninformed about the positions of our legislators, is better than being informed about the coalitions that can be formed to pass policy that would help black folk.

Your saying that ignorance is bliss there famb. Furthermore you are presenting things as a false dilemma, like someone can't believe in both self reliance and policy interventions, it is 100% either-or.

Sorry, but I am not going to see the appeal of this position, nor do I see things as a binary choice.
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So being uninformed about the positions of our legislators, is better than being informed about the coalitions that can be formed to pass policy that would help black folk.

You are telling me here that ignorance is bliss here, famb.

Sorry, but I am not going to see the appeal of this position.

:rofl: @ pass policy

its negros like you impeding our progress because you’re too busy playing a game thats clearly rigged by the rules

too arrogant to give up on the process....a process has NEVER worked in our favor

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