If You Are Looking for/Interested In Working With The Federal Government...Come In. Positions Availa

Yeah figured it would be inside, McLean/Tysons is typically super safe and papered up. I've still seen comfortably 6 figure folks swipe like they're starving though.

You ain't lying.....Rich people stay rich by being cheap and stealing because nobody will dare accuse them at the Galleria of stealing a $5,000 purse.
Yeah figured it would be inside, McLean/Tysons is typically super safe and papered up. I've still seen comfortably 6 figure folks swipe like they're starving though.

Many thanks...not a fan of dealing with the police and receiving a lecture from some white washed Uncle Tom *** toy cop who is younger than me or some old fat white bald dude who thinks busting jay walkers is fighting crime.
:lol: Pretty much just described NoVA police.

Yeah...too scared/comfortable to venture down to SouthSide Richmond or up North to NE/SE DC. I'll just patrol Potomac Mills Mall and ride a Segway. I just cursed one out for following me in the parking lot a few weeks ago for trying to stop me because I was yelling into my phone.



No might apply, APPLY! FAMS hiring is rare.

Be advised they hire mostly"excepted service" and prior military vet preference. The majority that I know are either former TSA officers with military service or Marines.
I will for lunch today.....

a guy I went to ALC with got hired while he was at training..... he sounded pretty excited about it...
No might apply, APPLY! FAMS hiring is rare.

Be advised they hire mostly"excepted service" and prior military vet preference. The majority that I know are either former TSA officers with military service or Marines.


A lot of you guys are approaching this with the wrong attitude. "Might Apply" WTF does that mean? Might apply means you shouldn't waste your time half assing an application that is super tough to even get it looked at.

A truly dedicated person applies to 10-20 USAJOBS Requisitions a day, hits industry events, browses/networks on LinkedIn and wills themselves to a better opportunity. Some people just sit around complaining, waiting for their life to change for the better....."God Bless."

God don't bless lazy and don't like pity either.

I've had offers from CSOSA, FEMA, USAID, Library of Congress, DHS, HHS, DLA, etc. This isn't luck...or people looking out for me. I did it my way and on my own through hard work, dedication, perseverance.

And I did it with having to explain 7 felony charges and 6 misdemeanors on my record.

I'm GIVING away free knowledge that people usually charge a lot of money via "consulting" for.

Just an FYI.....

Also, you get further in life by giving...it always comes back 10 fold.
very motivating yall make me feel like I'm slacking.....

I'll apply the job I have right now is pretty cake, but its not promised more than a year so I gotta look out for me in the future....
No might apply, APPLY! FAMS hiring is rare.

Be advised they hire mostly"excepted service" and prior military vet preference. The majority that I know are either former TSA officers with military service or Marines.
I will for lunch today.....

a guy I went to ALC with got hired while he was at training..... he sounded pretty excited about it...

If your single and wants to see the country, and in some instances the world it's a cool job. Eventually it will take it's toll, but there are other options the longer you're a fam like vipr, nsse planning and support, etc
very motivating yall make me feel like I'm slacking.....

I'll apply the job I have right now is pretty cake, but its not promised more than a year so I gotta look out for me in the future....

There you go. A lot of people content with "job security" and "that next contract option year."

You want to be the guy on the contract getting half the money he should be getting.....or the guy that owns the contracting company/1099s himself for a much higher bill rate.

Once you know how Federal Procurement works you won't want to get pimped out for $50/hr.
No might apply, APPLY! FAMS hiring is rare.

Be advised they hire mostly"excepted service" and prior military vet preference. The majority that I know are either former TSA officers with military service or Marines.


A lot of you guys are approaching this with the wrong attitude. "Might Apply" WTF does that mean? Might apply means you shouldn't waste your time half assing an application that is super tough to even get it looked at.

A truly dedicated person applies to 10-20 USAJOBS Requisitions a day, hits industry events, browses/networks on LinkedIn and wills themselves to a better opportunity. Some people just sit around complaining, waiting for their life to change for the better....."God Bless."

God don't bless lazy and don't like pity either.

I've had offers from CSOSA, FEMA, USAID, Library of Congress, DHS, HHS, DLA, etc. This isn't luck...or people looking out for me. I did it my way and on my own through hard work, dedication, perseverance.

And I did it with having to explain 7 felony charges and 6 misdemeanors on my record.

I'm GIVING away free knowledge that people usually charge a lot of money via "consulting" for.

Just an FYI.....

Also, you get further in life by giving...it always comes back 10 fold.

A lot of people just do not have the will or motivation.

I have a buddy that wanted to be a leo ever since I knew him, he applied for so many agencies went through so many processes and backgrounds and fitness exams and polys just to be told he didn't make the cut. 10 years! This guy applies for so many agencies, federal, state, and local I lost track. 10 YEARS! this guy got married, had 2 kids and still never gave up that dream of becoming a leo. Finally in July he gets that call that he was accepted to an academy and my buddies dream of becoming a leo came true, despite all the rejection letters and phone calls he made his dream come true.

Damn that made me get teary eyed.
A lot of people just do not have the will or motivation.

I have a buddy that wanted to be a leo ever since I knew him, he applied for so many agencies went through so many processes and backgrounds and fitness exams and polys just to be told he didn't make the cut. 10 years! This guy applies for so many agencies, federal, state, and local I lost track. 10 YEARS! this guy got married, had 2 kids and still never gave up that dream of becoming a leo. Finally in July he gets that call that he was accepted to an academy and my buddies dream of becoming a leo came true, despite all the rejection letters and phone calls he made his dream come true.

Damn that made me get teary eyed.

See those are the stories I like to hear...hopefully I've been able to help someone like that. A lot of the selfish, fake *** people on here will get to where they think they want to go and flame out. Make no impact. Buy shoes/cars/clothes....ball out. Give nothing back.

But a real dude will pay it forward or take the opportunity and make an impact.

very motivating yall make me feel like I'm slacking.....

I'll apply the job I have right now is pretty cake, but its not promised more than a year so I gotta look out for me in the future....
For the job at camp did you have a phone interview before your face to face?
For the job at camp did you have a phone interview before your face to face?
no, I didnt have a interview because the unit I'm working for is the unit I drill with so it was pretty much "yea we do what he is capable of why not hire him situation"

I'm at work right now though, I browse on nt and do my excel spreadsheets at the same time...hit the gym for lunch.... I dont drive home I just stay here to far from lafayette 

basically work tues-fri 
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