If You Are Looking for/Interested In Working With The Federal Government...Come In. Positions Availa


I am sharing the latest information we have so far for the implementation of the President's Hiring Freeze Executive Order.

This hiring freeze will remain in effect until implementation of a long-term plan to reduce the size of the Federal Government's workforce through attrition; this plan is required to be submitted within 90 days by the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with the Office of Personnel Management. The civilian hiring freeze impacts all DoD positions, regardless of funding source. No vacant civilian positions may be filled and no new positions may be created, except as set forth in DoD guidance and without prior approval from the Secretary of the Army.

DoD guidance provides exemption guidance for certain positions that have been determined necessary to execute the Department's national security mission and public safety responsibilities. Overall, there are 16 exemptions to the hiring freeze authorized by the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Army has been delegated the authority to grant some additional exemptions that meet the criteria as outlined by DoD. Exemptions approved by the Secretary of the Army must be certified in writing and this authority may not be further delegated.

Department of the Army is proactively working with Army Materiel Command, TACOM and Civilian Personnel Offices to extend temporary and term employees that we would like to extend within the constraints of the laws governing their employment. The current focus is employees whose term of employment or appointment expires between the date of the President's memorandum on the hiring freeze through the end of February 2017. We must be prudent and use professional judgment when requesting exemptions.

TACOM has received 76 Term/Temp SEC Army approved extensions including some for all depots/arsenals, the ILSC and FMX sites. Approximately 900 Term/Temp TACOM teammates are impacted over the next 90 days with the majority of the impact at ANAD, RRAD and SIAD. Exemptions are being worked weekly as CHRA identifies expiring Term/Temp appointments and will continue to do so.

Implementation guidance from the Department of Army is forthcoming to address a host of other hiring freeze concerns relative to exemptions, delegations, temporary promotions, reassignments and the waiver process.

Please route your questions through your chain of command so that your Business Group HR representatives and the TACOM G1 Office can provide an appropriate response to your leadership.

Below are the references concerning the hiring freeze:

a. Presidential Memorandum dated January 23, 2017, subject: Hiring Freeze, ordered a freeze on the hiring of Federal civilian employees, and applies to all executive departments and agencies, including DoD.

b. Memorandum, U.S. Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Office of Personnel Management, M-17-18, subject: Federal Civilian Hiring Freeze Guidance, January 31, 2017.

c. Memorandum, Deputy Secretary of Defense, subject: Implementation of Civilian Workforce Hiring Freeze, February 1, 2017.

I am sharing the latest information we have so far for the implementation of the President's Hiring Freeze Executive Order.

This hiring freeze will remain in effect until implementation of a long-term plan to reduce the size of the Federal Government's workforce through attrition; this plan is required to be submitted within 90 days by the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with the Office of Personnel Management. The civilian hiring freeze impacts all DoD positions, regardless of funding source. No vacant civilian positions may be filled and no new positions may be created, except as set forth in DoD guidance and without prior approval from the Secretary of the Army.

DoD guidance provides exemption guidance for certain positions that have been determined necessary to execute the Department's national security mission and public safety responsibilities. Overall, there are 16 exemptions to the hiring freeze authorized by the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Army has been delegated the authority to grant some additional exemptions that meet the criteria as outlined by DoD. Exemptions approved by the Secretary of the Army must be certified in writing and this authority may not be further delegated.

Department of the Army is proactively working with Army Materiel Command, TACOM and Civilian Personnel Offices to extend temporary and term employees that we would like to extend within the constraints of the laws governing their employment. The current focus is employees whose term of employment or appointment expires between the date of the President's memorandum on the hiring freeze through the end of February 2017. We must be prudent and use professional judgment when requesting exemptions.

TACOM has received 76 Term/Temp SEC Army approved extensions including some for all depots/arsenals, the ILSC and FMX sites. Approximately 900 Term/Temp TACOM teammates are impacted over the next 90 days with the majority of the impact at ANAD, RRAD and SIAD. Exemptions are being worked weekly as CHRA identifies expiring Term/Temp appointments and will continue to do so.

Implementation guidance from the Department of Army is forthcoming to address a host of other hiring freeze concerns relative to exemptions, delegations, temporary promotions, reassignments and the waiver process.

Please route your questions through your chain of command so that your Business Group HR representatives and the TACOM G1 Office can provide an appropriate response to your leadership.

Below are the references concerning the hiring freeze:

a. Presidential Memorandum dated January 23, 2017, subject: Hiring Freeze, ordered a freeze on the hiring of Federal civilian employees, and applies to all executive departments and agencies, including DoD.

b. Memorandum, U.S. Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Office of Personnel Management, M-17-18, subject: Federal Civilian Hiring Freeze Guidance, January 31, 2017.

c. Memorandum, Deputy Secretary of Defense, subject: Implementation of Civilian Workforce Hiring Freeze, February 1, 2017.

Thanks for sharing. Don't miss these emails!
To those GS employees (DOD, Federal, etc.) if you are on a temp or term promotions (generally up to 5 years) check your promotion dates and your HR folks. Just got out of a meeting where organizations are having to send mass exemptions for their employees (none have been denied yet) to exempt temp/term promotions for their employees to their lower grade. They say they will receive back pay, but....:x
Got offered a couple of positions back in the DMV area and may end up taking one due to the current climate and some ongoing professional/personal matters in NY.

I'll keep those that care posted as to if/when I do...I'll have more pull in one of those roles for sure. Definitely will try to put anyone on if/when I can. :smokin
What's good fellas. I applied for a federal job a little over a month ago. I found it a little odd that the vacancy opened on a Friday and closed the following Monday; only up for a few days. Friday, Jan. 13th I get an email from the main office and it says I was highly qualified and my application would be referred to the local office. Tuesday, Jan. 17th I get a call at 3pm from the local office asking if I could come in for an interview the following day at 10am. I said sure. Went to the interview and it went well. They told me they were trying to get people in before Trump was inaugurated on Jan. 20. Also, they told me they were going to try to get offers out by Fri. Jan 20.

I have not heard back from them. Yesterday I see Trump signed an executive order freezing federal hiring, except military and a couple of other things. The job I applied to does not fall within the exemptions. I am cooked? Hiring process over? I know that yesterday morning the interviewer spoke to a reference they were unable to reach last week. I am trying to hold on to hope and wish to receive an offer this week. But it feels like that might not happen. Any thoughts?

02/16/2017 Update: Got the offer this Monday and accepted on Tuesday. Background check for "Secret" Clearance will soon start. Anyone go through this? I have no criminal record. I heard they visit your neighbors and ask about you. Also visit your current employer. Do they visit ex-employers? Exes from Texas?
What's good fellas. I applied for a federal job a little over a month ago. I found it a little odd that the vacancy opened on a Friday and closed the following Monday; only up for a few days. Friday, Jan. 13th I get an email from the main office and it says I was highly qualified and my application would be referred to the local office. Tuesday, Jan. 17th I get a call at 3pm from the local office asking if I could come in for an interview the following day at 10am. I said sure. Went to the interview and it went well. They told me they were trying to get people in before Trump was inaugurated on Jan. 20. Also, they told me they were going to try to get offers out by Fri. Jan 20.

I have not heard back from them. Yesterday I see Trump signed an executive order freezing federal hiring, except military and a couple of other things. The job I applied to does not fall within the exemptions. I am cooked? Hiring process over? I know that yesterday morning the interviewer spoke to a reference they were unable to reach last week. I am trying to hold on to hope and wish to receive an offer this week. But it feels like that might not happen. Any thoughts?

02/16/2017 Update: Got the offer this Monday and accepted on Tuesday. Background check for "Secret" Clearance will soon start. Anyone go through this? I have no criminal record. I heard they visit your neighbors and ask about you. Also visit your current employer. Do they visit ex-employers? Exes from Texas?
For a secret they will send your people a questionnaire to fill out. They normally don't visit your people on a secret. They normallly look at folks that's you give them. It's a minmum of a 3month wait.
Yeah secrets are taking much longer now, all clearances in general.

Definitely don't quit your job until the clearance goes through probably will be 4 months from now.

02/16/2017 Update: Got the offer this Monday and accepted on Tuesday. Background check for "Secret" Clearance will soon start. Anyone go through this? I have no criminal record. I heard they visit your neighbors and ask about you. Also visit your current employer. Do they visit ex-employers? Exes from Texas?

Congrats and it's not as bad as some make it out to be...just depends based on your ethnicity, origin, name, criminal record, number of addresses, etc.

If you need help or have questions fire away....if you need help swerving the system, hit me, I've probably seen and done it all with OPM/HSPD-12/Congress to get my paperwork pushed through.
Learned the importance of a well written resume today. The lady from the job I didn't get but know the guy who did finally called and told me. She said she is going to eep me in mind for some IA positions but she sees me as more that realm which is in her opinion like their entry level and the one they just filled is higher tier classification. She was nice and maybe didnt mean it to sound some type of way, but in my mind I'm like I guess she doesn't realize he and I literally got hired at the same time and have been on the exact same contract doing the exact same thing together for the entirety of our careers minus about a year when I jettisoned to ad adjacent position that is higher in both pay and responsibility. And even their current 1 guy who he is going to be added to was too. :smh: She was very nice though and I hope they do get some more contracts so I can get on if they're going to pay the same
filled out an app for the us capitol police..

I been on USAJOBS.gov all day just filling out apps..
My friend is in the US Capitol Police process now, she's just waiting for the background check to finish and panel interview then she's off to GA for training.
26 months? That's ridiculous.
My clearance finally went through after 2 years and 2 weeks. Still not done yet smh but progress is finally being made.

Secrets are easy to get, I wouldn't sweat it.

There's a huge backlog at OPM right now. Nothing to sweat per se regarding approval but I could see any new investigation taking longer than normal.

Certain reviews that are usually done every 5 years are currently being pushed back an entire year.
Started a new position at a new company back in the DMV area. Once I get up to speed with our Contracts/Subcontracts/Contacts I'll see what's up.

Busy week!

Court next monday for a pending felony case. This is proof you too can get a job with a record (old, new, current, pending). I don't recommend and it's best to stay off the legal radar (expensive and time consuming).

I'll see how it all shakes out.
Started a new position at a new company back in the DMV area. Once I get up to speed with our Contracts/Subcontracts/Contacts I'll see what's up.

Busy week!

Court next monday for a pending felony case. This is proof you too can get a job with a record (old, new, current, pending). I don't recommend and it's best to stay off the legal radar (expensive and time consuming).

I'll see how it all shakes out.

Congrats! And hope everything works out for the best next Monday!
What's up everyone, just wanted to see if any of you had any tips or advice on getting a federal government job without a degree. I served for about 6 years in the US Coast Guard as a Yeoman. I'm currenly in school using my GI bill to finish up my degree in Finance. I only have class once a week and would like to get a much better full time job as I currently work full time for Nike. I've applied for some positions on USAjobs.gov the past few months but have yet to hear anything back. I am located in the Boston area.

Thanks in advance
Bout to go bed so i'll keep it short for now but keep a standard copy of your resume then tailor one for each announcement you are applying to. The first sorts are done by computer before a human even sees them so you want to rewrite everything to make it seem more relevant to the position, even copying and pasting, but mostly paying attention to the power verbs and things under experience/quals ie names of systems you'd be using, etc

good luck!
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Started a new position at a new company back in the DMV area. Once I get up to speed with our Contracts/Subcontracts/Contacts I'll see what's up.

Busy week!

Court next monday for a pending felony case. This is proof you too can get a job with a record (old, new, current, pending). I don't recommend and it's best to stay off the legal radar (expensive and time consuming).

I'll see how it all shakes out.

Good luck b.
26 months? That's ridiculous.
There's a huge backlog at OPM right now. Nothing to sweat per se regarding approval but I could see any new investigation taking longer than normal.

Certain reviews that are usually done every 5 years are currently being pushed back an entire year.
I was more so worried about my investigator he was really bad and taking really long. I also had a friend who's process was ended because her investigator claimed he couldn't get in contact with her.

I just got an overseas position, so I have 5-6 years to get on a program that requires my highest clearance.
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