If you could switch lives with a celebrity, who would it be?

Originally Posted by Amun Andre

Every single person in this thread that gave a response to the actual question lost at life for wanting to be any one else besides themselves. Step your self esteem game up, I actual feel bad for you dudes.

Relax.. It's an imagination thread. Nobody said they "want" to be anyone. Nor will ever happen
Originally Posted by Amun Andre

Every single person in this thread that gave a response to the actual question lost at life for wanting to be any one else besides themselves. Step your self esteem game up, I actual feel bad for you dudes.

this dude....its not even that of serious question
People are actually taking this thread that seriously?

Anywho, if I can switch lives with someone over their lifetime, including their past, I would pick Hugh Heffner. Unlimited supply of you know what.

If it's to switch lives with someone in the present, probably LeBron. He pretty much has everything going for him, especially at his age.
Amun Andre wrote:
Every single person in this thread that gave a response to the actual question lost at life for wanting to be any one else besides themselves. Step your self esteem game up, I actual feel bad for you dudes.

Originally Posted by mynameaintG

Originally Posted by Amun Andre

Every single person in this thread that gave a response to the actual question lost at life for wanting to be any one else besides themselves. Step your self esteem game up, I actual feel bad for you dudes.
my self esteem is in good check man. maybe you should check yours for trying to call us out to boost your own.

�I hurt you emotionally, move on its ok.

Originally Posted by mynameaintG

Zac Efron....no man crush.

While I agree with your post, the point of this thread it to post a celebrity you wuold switch lives with, stop trying to be Mr. Psychologist and keepit moving

But I can't find anyone who has a life I WOULD want more than mine, but for the hell of it, Lebron James
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