If You Died and Were Married

Dec 20, 2000
Lets say you were married, with kids happy as can be and then lets say you died, would you want your wife to remarry ???

It's a tough question, is it good for the kids? "You're not my real dad"

I would want her to do whatever made her happy unless that B was the one who killed me then she can go to hell
I'd do some P.S. I Love you-type stuff and have her running around having adventures for the rest of her life. I wouldn't want her to remarry, but ifI loved her enough to marry her and IF i dies, I'd at least want her to be happy. But best believe I'ma teach my kids to give the give the new guy theBebe's kids treatment

it's a toss up. i'm a real jealous person.

as long as she's thinkin about me when she's making love to her new husband.
No, I don't need someone bangin out my wife while my kids are trying to watch El Chavo del Ocho in their room
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Lets say you were married, with kids happy as can be and then lets say you died, would you want your wife to remarry ???

It's a tough question, is it good for the kids? "You're not my real dad"


I wouldn't mind as long as she is happy. Is it good for the kids? If the kids are old enough to understand, they wouldn't be so selfish to keeptheir mother from being happy. Not to say that the dad will be ever forgotten or the new dad is trying to fill the shoe or anything...the new dad is justtrying to be happy with the mother.

Sadly life will go on, with or without you.
A lot of times. The person doesn't want to remarry. my mom just passed away, and my dad said he will never remarry. But he also said you cant controlanything from happening. So time will tell.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

looks like a young Reggie Miller

PS a pair of hands around the neck and it will officially be official.
Lol @ the life insurance, but to the point, I'd want her to be happy in life so yes I wouldn't mind her getting remarried.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

A lot of times. The person doesn't want to remarry. my mom just passed away, and my dad said he will never remarry. But he also said you cant control anything from happening. So time will tell.
Damn rip to her son, and I'd be like your pops I couldn't get re married.
if i was happily married and i died, i would want my wife to murder suicide so i can be with my kids and wife again
My wife and I have talked about this before, and we both want our son (4 months old) to be raised by two parents, even if the second parent isn't his own.

If I knew right now today that I would die tomorrow, then I would wish right now today that my son could be raised by my wife and some other awesomefather-figure. I wouldn't want her to be robbed by having to raise him alone, and I wouldn't want him to be robbed by only having a mother figure.Ideally, the mother figure raising him would be his real mother and the father figure raising him would be me (his real father), but if I were to die, then Iwould still want him to be raised by a mother figure and a father figure.

P.S. I seriously laughed forever at the screen shot of that ad.
Dude is so angry that you don't have life insurance!
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