I'm 21 and never had a girlfriend.

A woman will come in due time. Just be patient and look out for yourself while waiting to come across one that is "relationship worthy".

I've met most of my friend's friends, and a lot of the time, I'm just not interested; And when I do, I get friendzowned real fast. As well, I think a big problem is that I don't drink. I always get a lot of ridicule for it :\
Bruh thats most likely what it is I dont drink either and still got that monkey on my back
There's a lot of trash and fake boasting here as always. Some people here give cut downs but they're just reflections of themselves.

What you want is to achieve for yourself. If you want a girl, go on dating sites, and be pro-active about it. You don't need one, just to say you have one. If you approach it that way, nothing will genuinely last for you.

At 21, you should focus on doing what you wanna do.

Things will happen naturally and when they do, you'll come to appreciate it.
You're not ugly. Should be able to pull. Drinking is a factor for sure, but not the only one. Can you drink wine? smoke weed? If not, take a girl out for dinner, movies, hang out since that seems more like your type since you don't drink. Drinking makes it easier and more comfortable, but you can build that comfort in other ways if need be
Im starting to think that this happens more often than not. I have a freind who I have known for years and I have never known him to be associated with a female in any way. We talk about women all of the time and look at them while we are out and about but I wouldn't be surprised if he is a virgin. Not a bad looking guy either...
Saying that the girls you want to be with are taken is a cop out, imo. That's how I used to think when I was young as well. Then I remembered that the 5 girls who I knew that fit into that category were 5 girls in my little atom of a grain of sand on a beach covering a freakin' planet.
Reading some of these comments from SAP and "forever alone" types makes me frustrated with this community. I apologize for taking it out on you, Kroopz, but let me give some advice on this huge subject of relationships, love, and sex:
Relationships are hard. You work at them. Whether it's with a family member, friend, coworker, or a gf/bf, you have to put in your time and your dues before you reap the real rewards. Forget all that Disney "love at first sight" BS. When you meet someone you are attracted to, it's 100% based on looks and first impressions from the initial conversation. You wouldn't eat a piece of candy if the wrapper had a picture of a donkey defecating on a dung beetle. If you need confidence, then work on the aesthetics. If you need higher self-esteem, then find friends who like you for you and make you feel good.
Not having enough courage to ask a girl out is immature (and you should categorize that feeling like that from now on) unless you have been officially diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder (and no, self-diagnosing yourself with assburgers doesn't count). This feeling is only acceptable if this girl is way out of your league (as in, she's a celebrity or something) or if you're under the age of 17 (going through puberty). Otherwise, get over yourself and just ask. Don't pussyfoot around the question. The hardest part about swimming in a cold lake is the initial contact of skin to freezing water. After that, you're in, you're wet, you're ready to go.
A lot of these comments in this thread are focused on where you all think you should be. I'm at least a decade older than most of you and let me say that "where you think you will be" is rarely ever "where you will be" in the future. So don't buy into this notion that you had to lose your virginity in high school, that you have to bang 4 chicks before you meet your future wife, or that if you don't find love in the next week, you'll never find it for the rest of your life. Things change. People change. You change. You might spend a year doing absolutely nothing with your life and then the next 2 years climbing mountains in Peru. Stop thinking about sex and love as a race, because it's not.
The above advice is all applicable if you're someone actively looking for a relationship. There are those who have posted here that they are not and to them I say: good for you. You've figured out, for now, that a relationship is not something you want. But don't stop dreaming about it. Don't close yourself off to good people or pass up good opportunities because you're trying to be "real". You still have to walk a fine line between available and unavailable, but not actively looking for a relationship should not mean that you are shooting everyone down who wants to get to know you. If you continue acting like a hermit, you might end up changing your mind completely about relationships. While it might be cool to be single, free, and 20-something, the 40/50 year old you might be vindictive enough to build a time machine, come back in time, and kick you in the head for being the selfish jerk that you are.
TL;DR - Don't piss off the 50 year old version of you to the point where they invent a time machine just to come back and beat your *** for being a cynical ****.

Fam you gotta just work on you to keep urself busy. Investing in yourself will always lead you to the right path, investing in a woman (esp if your thirsty for the yambs) will only lead to frustration cuz when you hit a cold streak it's all you'll think about. Also while your doing that, in the times that you do go out, you gotta get rid of that fear to talk to women. Go to work :pimp: :pimp:

The only way to improve is keep shooting like the homie Westbrook
Be honest, do you actually try to get at chicks, or do you just admire from afar?

You've had to have at least one decent chick eye **** you
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don't listen to anybody...because once you get active with women you WILL be trapped and paying for it :lol:

let the game come to you...and you'll attract girls who actually WANT you...opposed to being thirsty like most dudes....I make a girl value me...and not the other way around...

flip the game on em...only some of us have that ability but preserve yourself and use that energy to attract girls and make them prove themselves to you.

I'm not incapable of casual socializing with women..I just hate playing games...I don't like doing it so I don't do it...any chick I get with is on a mutual level of interest. NO CHASING.

you would think being on the outside looking in is missing out...but make it a vantage point...

Im talking out of my *** honestly but I feel like I'm right on some of this regarding women...like 99 problems and a ***** aint 1...:rofl:
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don't listen to anybody...because once you get active with women you WILL be paying for it :lol:
let the game come to you...and you'll attract girls who actually WANT you...opposed to being a thirsty beast like most dudes....I make a girl value me...and not the other way around...
flip the game on em...only some of us have that ability but preserve yourself and use that energy to attract girls and make them prove themselves to you.
I'm not incapable of casual socializing with women..I just hate playing games...I don't like doing it so I don't do it...any chick I get with is on a mutual level of interest. NO CHASING.

You don't have to play games to smash and you don't have to chase.

But you do have to put yourself out there socially as a potential mate and not as a friend.
It's all about confidence. :nthat:

That's all I'll say since I think this is a troll thread. :lol:
I usually go with the flow of things. I've heard most of it before, just focus on yourself, and don't try so hard, etc. And that's exactly what I've been doing. I don't know, I'm sometimes surprised at myself when I think about it. I don't smoke, nor drink. Not sure why people think this is a troll thread
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