I'm afraid of no man..but..

OP, trust me I feel you... I have traumatizing roach stories for days. I won't get started on them since this thread has enough nastiness in it already,but I will tell you, one of the best things that ever happened to me was when my sister moved back into the house with her two cats.

Cats > raid, boric acid, shoes, etc when it comes to killing roaches, spiders, mice or whatever

I'm telling you, go to your local pet store and get one of those super energetic, extra feisty cats that can spend their entire day attacking anything thatmoves. Spend about a week training it by having it chase a shoelace around or by throwing little wads of paper it can pounce on (be creative, its actually alot more entertaining than it sounds) and in no time you'll have a certified roach assassin patrolling your hallways.

I can't tell you how many times I've been chilling in a room thinking everything is peace when all of the sudden one of those cats will come runningfrom the other side of the house to instantly murk one of those massive/mutant/legs so long you can see under it's body when its standing on thefloor/antennas twice it's body length/flying/texas roaches that was hiding behind a corner like 5 feet away from me.

The slaughter can be gross to watch, and sometimes the cats try to play with the roach too much instead of just going directly for the kill, but after havingthem in the house for a few months you'll see a significant decrease in the amount of roach encounters
this is why i dont go camping
My worst encounter was when i was younger and i was eating a bowl of cereal and a dead roach floated to the top i was done with cereal for a couple years afterthat.
i laid mouse traps (sticky kind) when we thought we had a mouse and it ended up catching like 10 roaches before we finally got rid of it. exterminator got anearful for that one.
not that bad.
some mother %@##+$ bugs in Mexico be bright green
and make a loud zzzz when theyfly, a little shiny thing floatin' around
Originally Posted by heatpinoyboy

Ya'll ever spot one while dropping a deuce?
It was probably the scariest thing that ever happened to me
I felt so helpless

Kinda!! me and some friends went on a trip to corpus and stayed at his parents house which had roaches.

I was taking a shower, when i was done i opened the curtain and saw a roach just chillin near my phone. I took me 15 mins to work up the courage to wipe offand clothe up to get out.

I was just stuck in the tub, if he would of moved toward me i dont know what i would of done.

Damn you mofos i just got a big assss roach in my room a flying one, hadnt had one of these since we moved into this brand new house
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]%%*% everyone of yall who posted those pics, and for those who posted those vids, %%*% yall for everymin....being curious FTMFL[/color]
I've been working in a place called the "Dungeon" at Nordstrom where all the old visual stuff is stored.... but the thing is that it'shot/muggy in there are nasty %@# bugs that I have never seen before in there... yesterday I saw like a small cockroach looking thing but it was yellow, thentoday this hobo spider looking thing was chilling in the clothes...
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