I'm afraid of no man..but..

Originally Posted by Fly or Die

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I hate frogs..........

When i use to live in hawaii and see gecko's everywhere,

Sup with them legs?
Originally Posted by AJMasta

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A

that aint nothin. come to houston and youll see som MONSTERS. YOU HEAR ME? MONSTERS. AND THEY FLY.

QFT. I just moved into this older house this year, and I knew we had a roach problem on day one. The lady I live with told me that whatever I do, DO NOT open the pantry. It was a little pantry near the dining room and from what I heard it hadn't been open in years. So one day I was doing a deep clean of the whole house, and for some reason I just decided to go ahead and open it. I opened it and I swear to god there were at least 50 roaches, it was the headquarters. BIG HUGE roaches all chillin in there. These effers where HUGE I'm talking godzilla roaches on steroids. It was a horrible sight I shut it immediatly. So later that day I built up the strength to buy 2 cans of raid and just go to work. So I opened it up and used both hands to spray both cans at once. I sprayed and sprayed for at least 5 mins until both cans were empty. After I swept all of them up I counted over 70 of them in the dust pan no joke.

I would went in with a raid can and a lighter
I dont think ya'll understand them damn flying roaches im talkin bout are all over the South! My sister in law is from Chicago and said she never seen thembefore. Like..why do they have to fly tho? You wanna leave the room but you know if you do you may never find it
Frogs and geckos don't bother me atall...actually I welcome geckos. They sometimes get into the house and I usually leave them alone long as they're not in my room..they chase down and eatroaches and they generally stay on the roof of the hallway(no more than 1 usually). Fortunately the apartment im currently in we keep it really clean so itsvery rare to see a roach.

heatpinoyboy wrote: Ya'll ever spot one while dropping a deuce?
It was probably the scariest thing that ever happened to me image I felt so helpless image

Dawg..yes. That damn things was on the INSIDE of the bowl
I almost sat down.

I remember one day wayy day I was still a jit I just woke up walked to the kitchen and saw one flying around my Dad
he was trying to kill it with a pot

Originally Posted by dirty d 0903

OP, trust me I feel you... I have traumatizing roach stories for days. I won't get started on them since this thread has enough nastiness in it already, but I will tell you, one of the best things that ever happened to me was when my sister moved back into the house with her two cats.

Cats > raid, boric acid, shoes, etc when it comes to killing roaches, spiders, mice or whatever

I'm telling you, go to your local pet store and get one of those super energetic, extra feisty cats that can spend their entire day attacking anything that moves. Spend about a week training it by having it chase a shoelace around or by throwing little wads of paper it can pounce on (be creative, its actually a lot more entertaining than it sounds) and in no time you'll have a certified roach assassin patrolling your hallways.

I can't tell you how many times I've been chilling in a room thinking everything is peace when all of the sudden one of those cats will come running from the other side of the house to instantly murk one of those massive/mutant/legs so long you can see under it's body when its standing on the floor/antennas twice it's body length/flying/texas roaches that was hiding behind a corner like 5 feet away from me.

The slaughter can be gross to watch, and sometimes the cats try to play with the roach too much instead of just going directly for the kill, but after having them in the house for a few months you'll see a significant decrease in the amount of roach encounters

What a coincidence, just got two kitten a week ago
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

. There's nothing more disgusting than a big $$# cockroach. And when they fly
, I'm done.

In a couple months my brother will be 22 and ill be 21 and we both were runnin like @*#$*@% the other day when we saw one

Originally Posted by Gmills23


walking in alleys FTL.
sometimes i just take the long way

rodents>>>>everything else
I hate...

- Roaches
- Rats

the most. When I used to live at my old apartment, these nasty creatures were everywhere, especially them damn roaches.

The only way to get rid of them is to have absolutely no food in the house.
man...this thread is gross...yet insightful...didnt know i was the only one running like a &$*%$ when a roach is spotted..
For some reason the smaller creatures being posted are worse (more nasty/creepy) than the larger things being posted.
My father killed a cockroach a few days ago by stomping on it but was to lazy to throw it away so it was sitting out for the night. I woke up only to find saidroach but it wasn't dead yet. It had its guts hanging out and was crawling in a circle.

Oh and I've never seen a potato bug/Jerusalem cricket until I moved out here to the west coast.

These things are disgusting but roaches are still my number one enemy.
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

My father killed a cockroach a few days ago by stomping on it but was to lazy to throw it away so it was sitting out for the night. I woke up only to find said roach but it wasn't dead yet. It had its guts hanging out and was crawling in a circle.

The exact same thing happened to me a few years ago.
Yo, I remember I saw one onetime and just froze for like 30 min. I was shook to death. I HATE insects...

@ going over people's house and you see a roach and they say it's a waterbug. Nah son, that's a roach!
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