I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

You can believe in a higher power and not have it be connected to any past experiences with any religion or any current dogmas. It's called deism.

As for the thread,
I didn't believe OP was advocating that vid.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

SillyPutty- I tried to be respectful, and I even tried to be open to your opinions. 
Ok. And? No one told you to start OR stop doing that. 
But your lack of willingness to at least have respect for what I believe is wrong.

I don't HAVE to respect your beliefs.

Respect is earned.

I will however protect your right to believe what you want to believe. 

I dont have to respect your belief in santa or spiderman either. But I want to make it ok for you to believe whatever you want. 

I respect all religious back rounds, I dont care who they are.

Good for you. 

I don't and I dont see why I should have to automatically.

Again. I protect the rights of those to believe WHATEVER they want...but respect is not automatically given to them.


You have a right to believe in what you want.

As do you. 
But dont sit there and act all high and mighty because your an atheist,

So take your god out of these areas: 
I want you to keep god off my money

Keep god out of our pledge

Keep god out of our military training

Keep god out our politics

keep god out of our laws

Make churches pay taxes

Prosecute catholic sex offenders

keep creationism out of schools

Stop pressuring people to take oaths on religious texts

stop being anti-gay

But no, christians dont impose anything on anyone, right?

I believe in god not "Wonder Women" or the "boogey man", so deal with it.

They're all one in the same to me. 

Deal with it. 


And also, America since it was founded has always been predominately Christian, thus a lot of things you would like to see change cant be.

First of all this is NOT a christian country.

It never was.

The USA constitutionally does NOT grant preference to any religion.



When this country was founded it was full of predominately white people with slaves that killed native americans for fun. 

Good thing we didn't change that. 

This is what the country has been and is currently,

You're right. Things were much better off when men who didn't own land and women couldn't vote and we locked japanese people up in camps. 
and sorry to say you personally arent going to change a thing nor can you change history.

Like when they added "god" to the pledge in 1954? Thats pretty damn recent isn't it?

Its not like we can change anything in this country. 

Good thing we decided not to build ramps for those stupid cripples in wheelchairs. Disability laws are for $+$!! liberals right?
So I guess you are dealing with this reality in your own way by ranting to a bunch of strangers on the internet about how we are forcing Christianity on. If you dont like it, find another place to live!  

Here is a few countries religion has ruined.




...anything you notice besides being mostly muslim?

They're ALL constitutionally SECULAR COUNTRIES. 

And besides your little pot-shot, that would explain why you keep replying, right? 
Originally Posted by jhobson5

SillyPutty- I tried to be respectful, and I even tried to be open to your opinions. But your lack of willingness to at least have respect for what I believe is wrong. I respect all religious back rounds, I dont care who they are. You have a right to believe in what you want. But dont sit there and act all high and mighty because your an atheist, I believe in god not "Wonder Women" or the "boogey man", so deal with it. And also, America since it was founded has always been predominately Christian, thus a lot of things you would like to see change cant be. This is what the country has been and is currently, and sorry to say you personally arent going to change a thing nor can you change history.  If you dont like it, find another place to live!  


So I guess you are dealing with this reality in your own way by ranting to a bunch of strangers on the internet about how we are forcing Christianity on. 


I just don't understand why he continues to post the crap over and over again.  It's so damn redundant.

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce

wow. you guys suck at recognizing sarcasm. and can't y'all see my sig?

So with the sig, what angle you hitting? If there is a God, why doesn't he look out for you?
Well this is a rhetorical question because there isn't a god.

Proof? Oh wait. ANOTHER opinion.
I know you don't act like this in real life.

Funny how tough people act on the internet.

There's no way you can go around in every day life acting like you do on this forum.

You need some humbling.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

You can believe in a higher power and not have it be connected to any past experiences with any religion or any current dogmas. It's called deism.

As for the thread,
I didn't believe OP was advocating that vid.

I usually agree with you but...

I disagree...most deists from what ive seen of course are formerly religious people.

Is it possible? Well sure but I think its highly unlikely.     

Its rare that deists are completely original in their ideology. 

Most "spiritual" people are jaded with religious dogma and try to distance themselves by saying they believe in god but not the religion...but theres the problem.

Their belief in god is sculpted by their religious experiences. 

Some gods lived on Mt. Olympus. Other claim to speak to us mentally and other gods have their own stories. If people accept those tenets THEY ARE RELIGIOUS...they just dont want to follow the rules of that religion or be associated with it. 

They're picking and choosing. 

These "i dont believe in religion but I believe in god" former christians are annoying because they believe in the god of the bible acting in the way the god of the bible acts but refuse to call themselves what they are. They want the benefits of association by believing in god without having to really explain what they're defending. 

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I know you don't act like this in real life.

Funny how tough people act on the internet. 

There's no way you can go around in every day life acting like you do on this forum.

You need some humbling.

And this matters why? 
This is my stance.

You either address it, or address the topic or bounce

Making threats to or about me doesn't establish your position on the topic. 

It merely asserts that you think you can pressure me into making a statement you agree with. 

If you agreed with me you wouldn't give a damn what I thought. But since i've ruffled some feathers you're upset. 

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Silly putty is just as bad as those right wing biblethumpers. He just said he doesn't respect anybody's religion except his own beliefs.Dude go sit in a corner please you are exactly what you hate and vilify.What you demonize in every post.
I don't HAVE to respect your religion.


I don't respect the KKK, Westboro Baptist, or black nationalists...but I WILL protect their right to speak freely. 

I don't HAVE to respect your faith in spiderman but I will make sure that you can freely express yourself. 

Trust me an atheist majority in power would be worse or equal to any country that has a religious group as it's political,moral and social backbone. It's not the religions that are evil and corrupt it's the individuals .Cmon now let's not play this stupid game of yours.

Oh really. Show me evidence of this innate statement.

Dont post Stalin or Mao or Kim Jong-il either. Those people were deified. Their leaders were made to be gods on earth and worshiped by people. They didn't believe in supernatural gods but their leaders were turned into gods of their own kind. 

Since you support and prefer religious morality so much how about you address this too:

Silly putty is just as bad as those right wing biblethumpers. He just said he doesn't respect anybody's religion except his own beliefs.Dude go sit in a corner please you are exactly what you hate and vilify.What you demonize in every post.Trust me an atheist majority in power would be worse or equal to any country that has a religious group as it's political,moral and social backbone. It's not the religions that are evil and corrupt it's the individuals .Cmon now let's not play this stupid game of yours.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

Exactly the person I'm fed up with.

Its your fault Rick Perry made this message.

The "i'm spiritual, i'm not religious" crowd annoy the hell out of me in the context of this Rick Perry ad. 

Stop being a moderate because at some basic level, you share the same amount of beliefs as this guy but you dont want to be seen as crazy too so you flip your own beliefs to make sure you fly under the radar. 

You want the benefits of social status by admitting you belief in a god but don't want to align yourself with the stigma attached to following certain dogma like christianity

On top of that, your entire position is flawed. 

If you believe in some higher power, the only way you can do that is with the context and framework given to you by your prior religious experience. You might not be a christian, but your context of god or that higher power exists in a christian context. 

Everything god does, how god acts, how god intercedes, what god is/is not responsible for is in the context of your experience with the christian god. 

You believe god is coming back? You're a christian. You believe in what jesus said? You're a christian. You believe in any bible stories over other religious traditions? You're a christian

You can't run and hide when opinion of you all isn't too hot. Stand up and admit that you're in the SAME boat as Rick Perry. 

You dont think god lives in trees do you? Of course not so you're NOT a pantheist.  

You don't believe in zeus, thor, or odin do you? You're not a polytheist are you?  No. So those are other gods you don't believe in. 

You follow a god figure that is sculpted by your experience with christianity. You take what you want and leave the rest.

Cafeteria Christian.

Its religious moderates (LIKE YOU) that make it OK for Rick Perry to spew this crap. 

Religious moderates (LIKE YOU) ALWAYS fuel extremists and fundamentalists because they can operate with impunity by pointing to people like you as supporters. 

Stop sitting on the fence and pick a side.

You're smart enough to know that this is the most flagrant video a candidate has made but are scared enough to call it what it is. Its complete and utter insanity. 

Its time for ya'll to grow up. Its not fair that non-believers have to hold their breath around everyone else because we're scared of hurting your feelings. And when we do, THIS is what happens. 

man shutup. who are you to tell someone how they believe. why the hell do you think there are so many denominations of christianity. Religion and faith will adapt with the times regardless of what you're trying to say.
Man yall need to stop letting Optimus rile yall up

I know somebody still got his pic on they hard drive because the persona dont match
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I think it's safe to say sillyputty is mad at religious/spiritual people

He wants to force people into a box and tell them what they believe is a lie stupid,savage, and unfit for the modern world.Many folks have said that in the past to destroy people and wipe them out.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

sillyputty wrote:
omgitswes wrote:
I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

Exactly the person I'm fed up with.

Its your fault Rick Perry made this message.

The "i'm spiritual, i'm not religious" crowd annoy the hell out of me in the context of this Rick Perry ad. 

Stop being a moderate because at some basic level, you share the same amount of beliefs as this guy but you dont want to be seen as crazy too so you flip your own beliefs to make sure you fly under the radar. 

You want the benefits of social status by admitting you belief in a god but don't want to align yourself with the stigma attached to following certain dogma like christianity

On top of that, your entire position is flawed. 

If you believe in some higher power, the only way you can do that is with the context and framework given to you by your prior religious experience. You might not be a christian, but your context of god or that higher power exists in a christian context. 

Everything god does, how god acts, how god intercedes, what god is/is not responsible for is in the context of your experience with the christian god. 

You believe god is coming back? You're a christian. You believe in what jesus said? You're a christian. You believe in any bible stories over other religious traditions? You're a christian

You can't run and hide when opinion of you all isn't too hot. Stand up and admit that you're in the SAME boat as Rick Perry. 

You dont think god lives in trees do you? Of course not so you're NOT a pantheist.  

You don't believe in zeus, thor, or odin do you? You're not a polytheist are you?  No. So those are other gods you don't believe in. 

You follow a god figure that is sculpted by your experience with christianity. You take what you want and leave the rest.

Cafeteria Christian.

Its religious moderates (LIKE YOU) that make it OK for Rick Perry to spew this crap. 

Religious moderates (LIKE YOU) ALWAYS fuel extremists and fundamentalists because they can operate with impunity by pointing to people like you as supporters. 

Stop sitting on the fence and pick a side.

You're smart enough to know that this is the most flagrant video a candidate has made but are scared enough to call it what it is. Its complete and utter insanity. 

Its time for ya'll to grow up. Its not fair that non-believers have to hold their breath around everyone else because we're scared of hurting your feelings. And when we do, THIS is what happens. 

man shutup. who are you to tell someone how they believe. why the hell do you think there are so many denominations of christianity.

Why are there so many different forms of christianity? That proves christianity?

Does the different forms of Islam and Hinduism or Shinto prove those religions?

Religion and faith will adapt with the times regardless of what you're trying to say.


If religion was true in the first place, why would it adapt?

Does no one understand this? 

If something is true or real or valid it will exist AS STATED.

You all don't follow nearly half of anything your religions or faiths instruct you to do... 

First religion was cool with saying the earth revolved around the sun...then that wasnt true.

Then religion said we had to pray away sickness and disease...then that wasn't true.

Then religion said we had to limit the rights of women...that wasn't true.

Then religion showed us how to tend to our slaves...then that wasn't good

then religion told us to stone our women and adulterers...then that wasn't good

then religion told us about punishing gays and lesbians...then this isn't good.

Then religion told us not to eat seafood, get tattoos, or wear plaid, or cross plant crops...yet we do all of this.

How many of you worked on a saturday or sunday?

What else does religion have left to adapt to?

Well I don't know how my cell phone gets a signal, therefore = God.

Everytime society realizes how something works or a better way to go about something religion is LEFT IN THE DUST. 

The world keeps leaving you all behind yet you are ALWAYS playing keep-up

How did religion "ruin" Egypt, Turkey or Pakistan ?

It's actually the exact opposite. All those countries were ruined by corrupting Western influence and a lack of adherence to Islam. Which is ironic because it was also Islam that played a major role in taking the West out of the dark ages.

For example, when Egypt was under control of the Caliphates during the Islamic golden age it was one of the biggest centers of learning and science on Earth. Things started to go down hill when religion starting playing a lesser role thanks to colonialist Westerners coming in and setting up puppet 'secular' regimes. The 'secular' dictator gets overthrown and free elections are held.... and Islamists win overwhelmingly.

@ thinking everyone in the world wants democracy and secularism.
SillyPutty-Religion will always adapt to the times. In my heart thats what I believe god wants us to do. The biggest thing I have always taken from Christianity is to accept God, and accept the people around you. Now some people interpret that differently. But I believe that is the basis of why God created us all to be different. We all interpret things differently, we all have our own relationships with God. Whether God calls you to be the guy to knock on doors or be the guy on the internet sticking up for him. We all have our callings and our relationships. I dont care if you dont respect me or my views. I know what I believe. And as I said I respect what you believe and others and I would not dare call you wrong for it. I will call you wrong for mocking my religion or anybody elses religion. Just because you dont have that relationship with a high power doesnt mean that people that do are wrong simply put. 

**Waiting for the "boo who" gif and pictures calling God a myth** 
Originally Posted by jhobson5

SillyPutty-Religion will always adapt to the times. 
Good thing we don't kill non-believers anymore.
or stone women who aren't virgins.

even though its written in the bible 

In my heart thats what I believe god wants us to do.

what a contradictory statement
YOU BELIEVE...what god wants you to do...

You don't even have the fortitude to say god told you...

you're speaking on god's behalf but you can't even use the words to say god actually spoke to you...cause NO ONE spoke to you. 

The biggest thing I have always taken from Christianity is to accept God, and accept the people around you.

I have no problem with christians, muslims, or sorcerors....

Just stay out of my economy and government. 

Now some people interpret that differently.


But I believe that is the basis of why God created us all to be different.
Again, this "B" word. Belief.
You are GUESSING. You can't support anything your saying. 

Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID. 

when you say god did something all you're saying is...I THINK god did it this way. You really dont know 

We all interpret things differently, we all have our own relationships with God.

Again. Incorrectly asserting that we all have "relationships" with this god figure.
I do not. 

Your view of the world does not incorporate that of others who don't have the same religion as you. 

Whether God calls you to be the guy to knock on doors or be the guy on the internet sticking up for him.

Why did god make me not believe in him?
We all have our callings and our relationships. I dont care if you dont respect me or my views.

I will protect your right to believe whatever you want though. I don't care if you start worshipping barbie dolls tomorrow. Just dont push it on the rest of the world.

I know what I believe.

Again with the B word.
Can you prove what you believe or do you just believe it?

And as I said I respect what you believe and others and I would not dare call you wrong for it.

Your religion calls for the subjugation of women and ways to control slaves.
I'm not saying YOU are wrong...but your religion?...

I will call you wrong for mocking my religion or anybody elses religion.

Scumbag NTer.
Wont call me wrong because he respect me, but calls me wrong because I don't respect him.

Being a christian doesn't mean you're free from criticism or inquiry. You're not sheilded from people challenging you. Stop acting like it. 

Just because you dont have that relationship with a high power doesnt mean that people that do are wrong simply put. 

i didn't say you were wrong. 

I said your religion is wrong.

Separate yourself from your religion or whatever ideology.

Its like me hating the Eagles but you take it to mean that I hate you...No not at all...

**Waiting for the "boo who" gif and pictures calling God a myth** 

If you weren't so emotional you'd know that I can address your beliefs without addressing you.

Its a shame you dont know the difference between who YOU are and what your beliefs are. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

How did religion "ruin" Egypt, Turkey or Pakistan ?

Not sure if serious...

In pakistan you can be killed for apostasy. 

In egypt, coptic christians are facing more persecution DAILY with the rise of the muslim brotherhood.

Thats secular, isn't it?
It's actually the exact opposite. All those countries were ruined by corrupting Western influence and a lack of adherence to Islam. Which is ironic because it was also Islam that played a major role in taking the West out of the dark ages.

I'm not going to say the west is better or worse than anywhere else...because you also have to define the time period. The modern US has set up puppet governments over the course of world history, but none of that substantiates what you're saying.

Countries like Iran and Afghanistan were largely SECULAR...pictures of these countries in the 50s look synonymous with how we looked in the 50s. 

On top of that Islam is STILL in the dark ages. Before the Huns came through and ransacked the place they had a great amount of information and knowledge that was wiped out...

Islam has not experienced the enlightenment like most of europe did and has not curbed the influence of religious leaders over time like most of europe and the the west has. 

This is Afghanistan in the 50s:






Again, a SECULAR country at the time.
For example, when Egypt was under control of the Caliphates during the Islamic golden age it was one of the biggest centers of learning and science on Earth.

Issac Newton was a christian.

Does that make physics a christian invention? Or calculus? 

ISLAM doesn't make people smart or creative. Christianity doesn't make people smart or creative.

These were the ruling religions of the time...but that does not inherently influence the productivity of a society. 

Leaders under the BANNER of christianity or islam have that influence however. 
Things started to go down hill when religion starting playing a lesser role thanks to colonialist Westerners coming in and setting up puppet 'secular' regimes. The 'secular' dictator gets overthrown and free elections are held.... and Islamists win overwhelmingly.

Then their countries go to the crapper.

Tell me where all the countries that are ruled by openly islamic or other religious governments are now.

Turkey is going down the dumb.




Saudi Arabia?

Egypt is about to get there

 thinking everyone in the world wants democracy and secularism.

Ataturk? Jinnah? Mosaddegh?

Yeah those names aren't important are they? 

These were LEADERS and FOUNDERS of predominately muslim countries that wanted SECULAR islamic countries that did not give preference to islam.

But keep thinking its sweet with your revisionist history. 

Keep making up stuff up like no one will call you out. 

oidreez wrote:
you keep trying to take these sneaky shots by comparing the guy who believes in God to someone who might believe in spider-man/barbie dolls all the while saying "i respect your right to believe in what you want". Sir you are doing too much to try to force someone to see why your view is the "right" one

If thats how I perceive your precious little god i'm well within my right to do so. Its no more important to me than a ken doll or the loch ness monster.  But hey, if thats what you want to believe and do rituals symbolizing drinking god's blood and eating his body thats on you. 


I think mary personally got knocked up and didn't wanna take the blame for it and started the story...or they just adapted it from the legend of Mithra. Whatever. 

I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything as the "right" option...but don't get butt hurt when I call it like I see it. 

But hey, if god exists, he (since its never a woman) should be proud that i'm living exact the way he made me. A non-believer. 
I hope you get paid to don this because you put the work into your arguments.
you keep trying to take these sneaky shots by comparing the guy who believes in God to someone who might believe in spider-man/barbie dolls all the while saying "i respect your right to believe in what you want". Sir you are doing too much to try to force someone to see why your view is the "right" one
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